The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 14 - Something Is Coming


Delicate mellow music plays softly in the background as I hum merrily accompanying the tune, it calms me from the inside out adding to my thrill of getting set for the night.

My striking blue globes study my flesh from head to toe as I twirl around wearing the skimpy red dress Zina thoughtfully gifted me a few days ago just for the occasion. I truly fancied it for the colour and fabric illumined my facial features presenting me as more experienced and sophisticated than I actually am.

Mother did not approve of it of course, but she never did appreciate anything when it came to what I preferred. Yet she did not forbid me from donning it for I am older now, and I do what I please. She understands this so she does not venture to cross over my firm boundaries.

Locking the straps of my high heels around my ankles, I seize my clutch deserting the cosy confines of my room. Whilst I graciously descend the stairs to meet with my friends, my eyes find Cronus entangled in a solemn conversation with another male whilst he furiously points at some reports. The male must have committed a blunder in his line of work.

Cronus's life has undeniably become severely arduous over the past years, he scarcely possesses any time for himself often swallowed whole by the four walls of his hostile secretive office. Our pack expands in numbers with each passing month and he strives to have it all under control. Somehow it has shifted to a breeding season for us, more of our females have been progressing into rapid heat.

Cronus had to carry the commitments of his Luna as well for he has still not discovered her. Devising and equipping the birth houses, barring the unmated females and males when the mated females go into heat. Their scents are quite luscious and enticing that summons males with savagery and shoves them into a crazed delusion so it is his obligation to safeguard the rest who would end up being vulnerable to the males' overpowering lust.

I do my best to aid him a little with his duties, but he does not wish for me to bear that burden often telling me to leave home for a few hours and savour life. As I eventually plant my feet upon the last step, amber greens rise to meet mine as they casually sink downward analyzing my outfit for the night with uneasiness.

"Is that the attire you finally selected to wear after three hours of being bolted in your room?" He questions with a tease setting the entirety of his attention upon me.

"Do not question a female as to what she is doing in her room, Cronus. There are numerous answers for that." I chuckle with a shake of my head to his query.

"Well, you look lovely as always yet it is quite tiny and... tight on you. I am not going to advise you to go back inside and change for it is not moral of me to tell you what to wear and what not to. But-"

"But I must be cautious, yes?" I ask with an affectionate smile whilst I comfortably observe him.

"Yes." He nods his eyes austere and earnest whilst I clear my throat and glance away with shyness as the male who stands still by my brother's side gawks at me with his mouth open wide in awe of my appearance. Cronus sees this and swiftly swats the back of the juvenile's head with a deep aggressive growl that resounds through his chest. "Do not look at my sister like that."

"Sorry, Alpha." The male's cheeks burn for a mild red hue floods his flesh as he directs his vision to the ground.

"I will be careful, Cronus. I promise." I beam at him as he briskly coils his arm around my shoulders accompanying me to the living room where my companions await.

"If anything happens, even the most trivial of things. You call me and I will come running to you." He states as I giggle at his antics, I am quite used to his protection. I tend to get a lot of male attention unknowingly and it has surged to become Cronus's concern.

"I will." I nod paying heed to his words. He will always be the first I shall summon.

Whilst we head to the living room, I greet my friends who are perched lazily on the couch passing jokes and ridiculing each other. Cronus commands the room with his authority as soon as he enters, his domineering scent piercingly saturating the air as the wolves instantly rise to receive him.

"Alpha." They bow in unison with respect.

"Aegeus. Orien. At ease." He dictates as the two males swiftly get into position, their spine straight head high. With their hands clasped tightly behind their backs legs spread apart they pause for his direction. "What are your assignments for the night?"

"Guard, Theia. No alcohol and no males must be anywhere near her." They state in harmony the statements he made them memorise often, spelt out with precision.

"Good. Protect Ismena and Zina as well." Cronus orders engaging with the two smiling females offering both a quick glimpse of recognition.

"Yes, Alpha."

"All right, enjoy your night. Have fun, Theia." He swoops down to plant a tender kiss of farewell against my forehead departing to his office right away to appease the responsibilities that beckon him.

"Goddess, whenever Alpha dominates like that my bare flesh flares up with a wildness. He can control me as much as he desires." Zina feigns a seductive moan as though she were a female in heat wheezing after a male.

"That is offensive, Zina. He is my brother." I laugh cheerfully at her antics. Zina possesses no filter on her mouth she vocalises what she wants and she has the filthiest mind of all five of us. But she is also the most entertaining, her dirty banter is quite amusing to be a part of.

"Zina we would very much appreciate it if you could exert your horniness elsewhere. Theia, you look stunning as always. The dress suits you splendidly." Ismena shuffles forward to haul me into a warm hug welcoming my presence as she embraces me with her kind words.

"Thank you, and so do you."

"Goddess she is too modest and I need to get wasted. So let us go sexy beasts." Zina leaps ahead of us pointing towards the front door hopping on her feet eager to leave as she cannot restrain her fondness for alcohol.

"Sexy beasts? Where does she learn words as such?" Orien inquiries with confusion swiftly grasping a fleeing Ismena by her waist nuzzling into her neck displaying his affection for his female as she flushes to his openness of desire for her.

Orien tends to be quite extroverted in his ways and Ismena is the opposite. Yet they make a very bright and charming couple. I have never once seen them bicker or have difficulties. They both understand each other thoroughly and never overstep each other's limits. They have that charm within them.

"She watches a lot of television." Aegeus sighs with the weariness of his sister's personality. He often states that she tends to be quite wild back home. Despite his stature and muscle mass who often resembles a bear, he cannot triumph against his sister. She overpowers him in every way.

"I hope no wolf complains of my potential actions at the bar to Cronus," I murmur anxiously as the five of us leisurely stroll towards the petite bar at the corner of the street.

"You know no wolf dares to do that, Theia. It has never befallen for the preceding years and we shall assist you if it did occur. Do not be so troubled. Did Alpha Cronus not state for you to live your life?" Zina asks softly patting my back mildly attempting to ease my stress.

"Yes, Theia. There is nothing wrong in getting drunk." Ismena declares from the other side snuggled to Orien's chest as they walk as one together.

"D-Drunk?" Aegeus questions frantically peering at each one of us. "Alpha Cronus will slaughter me." He whines doe eyes pleading me as to not do it.

"Your dear Alpha Cronus will not know and we will make sure of it." Zina taunts her brother for the fear and respect he holds for Cronus.

A swift electrifying jolt darts forward to slither exotically down my spine as my orbs widen and I heave feverishly. My feet bound me firmly to the ground as I endure the incoming radiation powerless to make another move. My flesh quivers with an intensity to the rays of heat that immerse their fangs deep into the tissue of my back.

It is as though I am being caressed. But there are no fingertips but blazing thirsty eyes. I feel that relentless wicked flame stroking upward tortuously slow from my bared ankles to my naked thighs and concealed hips.

"Theia what is wrong?" Ismena asks with concern as the four of them turn back to regard me worriedly as I stand alike a statue holding myself striving to shield my inflamed flesh. I feel as though I were a lamb waiting to be devoured by the beast the prowls under the moonlight.

"I-I... S-Something is-"

"Do you feel as though you are being watched again? Orien, locate the source. Scout the place." Aegeus hastens to promptly proceed forward and shield my being, seizing my wrist and clutching me to his side eyes investigating the area with a fury that ignites him. He deems it is some perverted male from our pack who derives pleasure from stalking me. This has been happening since I turned sixteen. It truly terrifies me.

The smouldering blaze of those eyes abruptly inundates my body with rage as though it has been provoked or angered. It hurts. I do not understand this. I whimper audibly nestling deeper into his heat aching to burrow myself and disappear beneath his guarding arms.

Orien is agile to elevate his nose into the air racing around the area, seeking any variations in scent or tracks. He is an exceptional hunter, one of the best we possess. No wolf can escape that nose and sharp eyes of his.

I scream shrilly as a massive rock with a spiked tip is sent plummeting on a straight steady path towards us with a frightening speed as it impels deep into Aegeus's arm that is coiled around my shoulders as though his arm was the core aim. He instantly withdraws his hand off my body grunting with the unexpected injury that overcomes him. He bleeds critically as I open my purse drawing out a handkerchief pressing it firmly over his wound.

"Orien!" Aegeus roars with his surging wrath, his eyes scanning back and forth from the shadows of the trees to the empty roads.

"Nothing. I sense nothing." Orien yells back.

"Zina, take Theia inside. Ismena go with them. Wait for us, I will see to it that this wolf dies tonight." Aegeus commands as the three of us abide by his instruction in cooperation. He is a skilled warrior chosen to be trained directly by my brother. His abilities are remarkable yet no matter how many times these two males venture to locate this male, they always come empty-handed. This male always defeats them with ease. Always. As though he is competing with them.

"Let us take her inside. There is no point in standing here and baring her like this." Zina states whilst taking my hand and marching forward at a fleet pace as my petite legs try to keep up with her with Ismena following hot on our heels.

Once we enter the refuge of the warm cabin humming with chatter and booming music. Zina leads me to the corner of the room remote from the bodies. "Are you all right, Theia?" Ismena inquires clemently as my heart hammers with a rapidness whilst I contemplate the meaning of that persistent awareness that arrests me at times.

"Yes, do not worry." I smile benevolently at her grateful for the attention and care she provides me with.

"The males will arrive soon with answers."

"They never do, Ismena. You know this." Zina whispers with distress whilst calmly viewing all the wolves dancing at the centre of the bar.

"They might today. My male is our head hunter and Aegeus is a reliable warrior." Ismena persists with the faith and confidence she possesses in the two males.

"I never said they weren't. It is just they hold nothing against this male who pursues Theia from the shadows all the time."

"I-I do not certainly know if it is actually a male it could be-" I seek to meddle in trying to shred off the argument and water down the surging tension of the two females as they regard each other.

"Do not say that. You believing this just makes those two males out there risking their lives weaker." Ismena's eyes flash with an aggressiveness that simmers beneath, she is agitated with Zina's words.

"I wish to get drunk now." I shriek clenching my orbs shut my fingers clutching the material of my dress tightly hoping these two would cease their bickering. I do not want them to fight because of me.

"Really? Are you certain?" Ismena questions stroking my back soothingly her eyes obliquely assuring me not to force myself.

"Yes, we came here to have fun did we not? I am truly fine; the males are here with us and I feel safe. I do not wish for a good day to be plundered by this" I whisper meekly peeking up and engaging with the tranquil globes of the females seated on either of my sides.

"Well, little Theia has astonished me today." Zina wiggles her eyebrows playfully excited to get high for she finds pleasure in letting go and being wild. "I shall get us the drinks." She swiftly runs off without hesitation the problem we face speedily overlooked.

"Have you reported to Alpha Cronus about this thing you face?" Ismena asks shifting a little farther to grant me space for I was being mashed by two armoured females.

"No, I haven't. He would put me on chamber arrest, I do not wish to make him carry another burden. He barely has time to breathe, Ismena."

"You worry too much for others, I wonder when you shall begin to take care of yourself first. It is all right to be selfish." She mutters whilst setting a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, baring my face to the light.

"I-" Before I could react to her Aegeus and Orien garner our attention as they make an unfaltering path towards us. Hair dishevelled, flesh smeared with their sweat and chest heaving wildly they near us.

"We could not find any wolf. We scouted the entire area!" Orien speaks with a sense of defeat. I had expected this, I knew this would happen.

"Fuck! Whomever this male is, he enrages me with a damn passion."

"Do not curse, Aegeus. Theia is with us." Ismena covers my ears with the flesh of her palms whilst I lightly giggle at her actions.

The four of them are quite older than me, I am the youngest of all so they possess a habit of treating me as though I were a pup. I grappled to make friends with wolves my age yet I found it quite easy to do so with these four. They took me in as theirs immediately without hesitance.

For the first time, I was not valued as the Alpha's sister but as Theia. As me.

"Right, I apologize." Aegeus clears his throat whilst taking a seat opposite to me whilst Orien cuddles with his female nipping at her cheek with mischief.

"Are you all right, Theia?" Orien questions stirring his attention back to me.

"Yes, do not worry. I am quite used to it."

"My poor darling, she must have been so frightened during the years ere she met us." Ismena's lower lip quivers as she regards me with pity, her eyes welling up with tears. She unfolds her arms for me whilst I beam at her and nestle into her warmth. She possesses this friendly scent that never fails to bring me succour.

"Why must you cherish Theia more than me?" Orien feigns his upsetness with his mate as he mischievously winks at me whilst I wink back at him with a grin.

"Look at her Orien, look how adorable and tiny she is. She needs to be protected. Say, Theia would you like for us to adopt you? We would take such good care of you." Ismena murmurs nuzzling her nose into my locks, rocking me as though I truly were her pup.

"You are mad, my female." Orien laughs as I chortle with him.

"Where is my sister? Goddess, please do not tell me you allowed her to leave and obtain the drin-" Aegeus's eyes widen to the sudden circumstance that belatedly settles in his mind but his fear is ceased by the high pitched screech of his sister that startles all of us.

"Guess who has returned! I bought all the strongest of liquor on that goddamn table. Now, fill your bellies and let us dance until we females cannot repress our piss anymore."

"Do be so vulgar with your words, Zina," Aegeus warns with a low growl of disapproval that she blatantly neglects to anchor the tray consisting of a variety of spirits upon our table.

"How did you manage to get your hands on Spirytus Stawski?" Orien's eyes broaden as he hoists the bottle towards his face squinting his orbs, analyzing it to check its authenticity.

"I had bribed it into our lands confidentially last week for our night, traded with a wolf from another pack for it. I had to pay a large sum; it was quite expensive." Zina sighs recalling her personal loss as she seizes the bottle from his hands pouring some in small shot glasses.

"I do not think Theia can handle this, Zina. Spirytus Stawski is ninety-six per cent pure liquor. She will undoubtedly collapse." Ismena mutters as she shudders to the potent scent of the transparent drink that resembles water.

"You know it takes a while for wolves to get high, this just speeds up the process. Then we can sneak her back to her room. We possess two sturdy males to perform the task after all."

"I do not mind. I wish to try it." I whisper feebly as Zina's eyes light up to my words as though she were impressed and proud of me.

"There we go! This is what I am talking about. Here you go Theia, one-shot all right. You shall see stars soon." Zina snickers evilly as she drowns her drink in one go her face contorting to the vile bitter taste of it.

Four pairs of eyes wait patiently for me to gulp it down, providing them with a brief nod of determination I place the tip of the glass against my lower lip. With my eyes clenched shut I swallow the entirety of its contents at once.

"Yes! Go, Theia!" Zina shrieks cradling her belly as she laughs with her enthusiasm for me whilst the other three clap their hands with acknowledgement as I showed them that I could handle it.

That one drink I consumed was a mere commencement to the madness that would follow. For after a few more, intoxicating adrenaline pumped within my veins as it lit the fire of my flesh. With each shot, I downed shamelessly the room around me began to mould and whirl into a vibrant fusion of hues and patterns.

And just as Zina had claimed, I saw bright shimmering stars occupying the entirety of the bar's walls and ceiling. It was truly a magnificent sight. I had gotten drunk several times before yet it had never hit me as intensely as this. I felt as though I were hovering over a bed of white feathery clouds that gently hoisted me off the ground.

The endless variations of flickering neon lights added animations to the world my mind visualized for my eyes to witness. Laughter boomed from every corner of the cabin, but the most boisterous seemed to erupt from my open mouth. I was cackling with my heart full my mind drowning in warm waters.

The music binds around my flesh bewitching me coercing me to roll my hips to its rapid beats. It was a slow seductive song, one that made a female feel self-confident with herself. And just like that, I ached to be desired, to be kissed, to be touched.

Shoving my fingers into my locks, I slip it sensually downwards from the flesh of my neck to my ample lonely breasts whilst driving my hips erotically. My cunt drips with my wetness for my mind sets forth ardent and lewd scenarios consisting of my male and me.

Amidst my blurry wondrous mist, I discern three prominent situations.

One. Orien and Ismena devour each other's lips with a searing lust as he hauls her by her waist to his naked chest that is exhibited by the open shirt he wears whilst she strives to endure his firm hot kisses. The passion of mates.

Two. Zina disputes with the bartender to supply her with more drinks whilst Aegeus destroys further shots powerless to stand still clinging onto the counter for dear life for he has succumbed to the haze of his mind.

Three. Familiar ocean blues stare at me from amid the dancing crowd. My dance promptly ceases as I gape back at him. The music fades to a muffled hum and the wolves blur to nothingness, all my eyes reveal with clarity is him and I. He stands still startlingly vivid blues glued to mine with an enormity, his face shadowed beneath his hood yet I know it is him.

"Phobos," I whisper breathlessly. If this is something my mind has made up to my intoxication then I shall gladly welcome it for this...this is a blessing.

Eye to eye we embrace each other, the pricking tingles that erupt underneath my fragile skin proves to me whom I behold. I had yearned for this day for tortuously long unmerciful years. This is what I had wanted yet also feared with misery.

Drawing down his hood further lower, with one final lingering glance at me he turns to leave the cabin disappearing as quickly as he appeared within the dense crowd. It is as though he had vanished into thin air.

"No. No. W-Wait. Please wait." I whisper as my weak legs steer me to him whilst I rush forward ramming through wolves striving to hold onto my moon blessed who once more chose to depart leaving me in the cold. Just one word. Just one touch. Just one kiss. Give them to me and then leave. It will keep me alive for the next years.

Stumbling out the main door with my nausea that cages me my searching anxious eyes comb through the silent and dark empty road. "Phobos!" I scream as my voice echoes coldly back to me unanswered. My heart ripping with torture my soul cannot endure.

He must be here somewhere near, the thought of it has me unfasten my high heels my bare feet steering me to his scent that seems to a mere hallucination of my mind. I cannot behold him; I cannot feel him. No! No! No!

"Phobos!" I beckon him again; my voice is gut-wrenchingly desperate as I travel up and down the path like a crazed female believing that he would step out of the umbrae and yield to my cry.

Tears gush down my face viciously as I pant tediously clutching onto my beating heart that wishes to cease for it has truly had enough. Squatting down upon the unfriendly earth, my eyes fighting to stay open I lament oppressively to the unbearable torment of my soul. How much more of this can I endure? How much more must I undergo to feel wanted by him? He has omitted me again.

"Are you lost?" A male's abrupt voice yanks me out of my self-pity as I peep up at him beneath my blurriness. I do not recognize his scent; he is not from my pack.

"N-No. I am quite all right, thank you." I whisper hastily arising to rub my tears away and face this strange foreign male.

"Would you like to come with me? I can help you." He smiles yet I recognise the distasteful lust he holds beneath his eyes. I must leave, I must not encourage this conversation.

"I am all right. I must go now."

"Come now, no need to be so bashful. I have been observing you the entire evening. I just want to speak with you, that is all." He urges exerting a curt step forward towards me as I take a faltering one backwards. Everything I hold within me screams for me to run, my wolf pacing snarling lowly baring her teeth to him. She does not like this male.

"M-My friends must be expecting me. Excuse me." I whisper meekly as I attempt to evade his heinous flesh and hurry towards the security of the cabin. It is merely a few seconds away yet my suspicion of this male bounds me. I do not like the way he is studying me.

"Your dress looks beautiful on you. I must say red is your colour, it suits your pale creamy skin. What is your name? I have never witnessed such beauty before."

I disregard his offensive words disguised as compliments as I speedily dodge his presence and run towards the cabin as agile as my legs take me, my heart hammering with extreme dread. Yet I am so tipsy and drowsy I cannot perceive acutely and this he holds as an advantage.

He grasps my wrist from behind with crudity as I scream with terror at the sudden awareness of being touched. "Stop it. Let me go." I yell scratching at his ruthless hands as he drags me pitilessly to the sinister odorous alley behind the cabin. He is larger, stronger I am weak against his cruelty.

"Now now, all I require is a quick taste. You give it to me and I shall let you go." He oozes evil that drips down his vile mouth as he shoves me sternly towards the craggy wall, my back meeting with it painfully.

"Unhand me this instant, my brother is Alpha Cronus. You will encounter death if you touch me this way." I state as I try to obtain some time hoping my friends shall notice I am gone and will seek for me. They will be able to locate me as soon as they appear outside for I am being detained in the rear alley.

"That makes it even better, all this Alpha blood in your veins. Shall surely be succulent." He laughs as his eyes flash with his arousal. His hardened cock full of his desire for me which strains against his jeans adds to my nausea.

He is agile to seize my wrists and cage them above my head leaving me immobile as a panic attack triggers to overwhelm me. Goddess, please no. I do not wish to be filthied this way, I do not wish to be violated. I am too vulnerable; I can never overcome it.

Loathsome fingers dive brazenly into the dip of my dress, as he skims my bare flesh that his repulsive eyes feast on moaning with his need. "You are so soft. A true muse. I wonder how it would be to hear your moans, would it be soft as well?"

"Please do not do this. Please." I beg pathetically as I turn my head away from his panting mouth with my tear-stained cheeks and blurry eyes. He grips his cock in his hand as his despicable eyes glide down my flesh. This is stomach-churning to be the reason behind his hunger.

"Unmarked? I did not expect this. This is excellent, it simply means you are free to use." He utters as his revolting tongue sails upward against the side of my neck whilst I whimper in the horror of what he is doing to me. I never let another male touch me this way for I wished to hold onto Phobos's kisses he left me with when I was eighteen, this dishonourable male is ripping it all away from me.

The male's words provoke the knife in my heart to plunge in deeper. What he said is the truth, I have no mate who would go after him for his wrongdoing or sense my anxiety to appear and liberate me.

As I commence to mourn harder to the anguish of my heart the male perceives it to be more alluring. He follows the way I cry and begins to rub his cock harder, inhaling my scent as he pants near my ear whilst I am caged beneath his massive weight. I am helpless to fight back. I think of my brother, I wish he were here to rescue me.

"Now, how about a kiss while I cum yes?"

"No. No!" I scream shifting my face side to side with a rapidness attempting to preserve my lips from his odious mouth.

"I do not hit my females, but if you do keep moving you will know how the rear of my hand feels." He gnarls grasping my jaw abusively forcing me to remain still. I weep uncontrollably distress overtaking my senses. This is it; this is where I shall lose my purity to another male and now Phobos shall never truly want me.

Whilst my flesh slowly surrenders to my mind and I bend to his will with lifeless orbs, razor-sharp claws dart forward with an indescribable speed to immerse deep into the male's throat. I scream with a colossal horror as I watch those very claws rip open the tender flesh of the male's throat to plunge in and uproot his esophagus in one firm pull.

Red thick blood spatters all over my face and neck as the deceased male slumps to the ground with a gaping void hole upon his neck, his soul delivered to the pits of hell. I choke on my breath whilst my flesh trembles with the shock of the unforeseen incident as I meekly peer up at the barbarian who slaughtered savagely without hesitance.

He tosses the esophagus to the ground as though he found it to be a mere piece of worthless meat whilst he wipes his blood-soaked hands upon his cape naturally. I catch my breath as the beastly male ultimately raises his eyes to meet mine.

Celestial golden globes regard me with affection.

Everything behind him is engulfed in darkness, his face sheltered by the hood he wears. Every second he shifts the dim alley light illumines his features. His sharp nose, plump lips and the striking scar that runs down his right eye.

He takes a curt step forward globes taking in my appearance from head to toe as though he were examining if I was all right. I do not utter a sole word my body swaying with hysteria and dread of the prior events that occurred.

His scent is a luxury I was unable to afford for the past years, it wraps sensually around my flesh weakening my knees as I fight to stay awake and not yield to the eclipse that calls me.

My quivering palm raises deliberately to settle upon the side of his cheek as his eyes widen to my unexpected action. Golden irises seem to radiate with a further lustre as I stroke his cheekbone delicately whilst his eyes flutter close as he nuzzles into my palm as though he had gravely yearned me.

"Phobos." The beats of his heart cease to the way I beckon him. He frowns as though he cannot believe that I recognize him. No matter how much he matures bodily I will always recognize him for his soul is mine.

My flesh sways further and I belatedly lose my battle, sinking to the ground for my body is drugged my mind exhausted and unstable. Yet before I could feel the brutality of the ground, muscled arms are swift to seize me and draw me to his chest.

He kneels with me as I am laid comfortably upon his lap, whilst I stare up at him engraving his rugged features. Golden globes depart to give way to stunning ocean blues as I chuckle stinging tears leaking down my eyes. I know this would be the last time I shall see him for I know he will disappear again.

I was immature when I was eighteen, I told him to leave without even saying goodbye. I had always regretted it for I thought he would not neglect me or would fight for me. I did not think he would forsake me. So this time I do not wish to have any regrets.

"Goodbye, Phobos," I whisper smiling up at him despite my silent weeping. Drawing his face closer to mine with every drop of energy I possess within me I drift up to mildly place my lips on his. He remains still as a statue eyes broadly open regarding me whilst I tenderly beam up at him.

The alcohol coursing through my blood calms me propelling me to give in and dream. My eyes flutter close to its call, my heart at peace and I assuredly submit to darkness. Goddess, thank you. This is more than enough for me, please grant me a favour. Make sure he is always smiling; this is all I ask of you.

Yes, I yearn for him sometimes but it has evolved to be less depressing these years for I have friends now, I have comfort. I laugh and truly enjoy the goodness of life. I am able to survive without him and I feel my home is here with Cronus, mama, papa and my four closest wolves. Just like Phobos does not want me, I do not want to be his female either.

I had made peace with it a few years back, we are not meant to be Phobos and me. I shall cherish my memories with him but that is where 'we' end. Now that I am content being on my own, his heat is unneeded by me. I am happy. Truly.

The faint hum of droplets of rain kissing the glass windows awakens me from my deep slumber as I quickly arise intently scanning my environment only to come face to face with an infuriated Cronus who sits by my bed, his arms folded across his chest eyes narrowed he regards me.

Teeth sink into my lower lip as I use my hair as my shield peering down at my lap. I am in trouble.

"Did you have a good rest?" He questions calmly.

"Y-Yes," I respond meekly unable to meet his angered greens.

"How was your night?"

"Good. Not bad. I-I had fun and I danced and-" As I speak with excitement his furious eyes stir me to halt as I duck and glue my eyes to the ground as though I find it to possess something rare like diamonds.

"Can you tell me why I was hauled out of bed late at night to carry my drunk to death sister up the stairs to her room?"

"B-Because you love me?" I timidly peek up at him only to wince and glance away once more.

"I asked you, for one thing, Theia. One thing and you still chose to disobey me."

"I am sorry," I whine whilst playing with my fingers. My wolf nowhere to be found, she has run frightened to face her brother's wrath dropping me to deal with it. "I have a question."

"What?" He growls lowly as I startle and set my dishevelled hair behind my ear.

"Who brought me home?"

"Why do you ask? Where you with a male, Theia?" His eyes turn suspicious his irritation surging with a fierceness.

"No, of course not. I just not remember."

"Why do you think that is?" He taunts me, I have truly bothered him. I did not mean to.

"I said I was sorry, Cronus. I just wanted to have fun."

He sighs lowly driving his fingers through his hair portraying his frustration. "Aegeus brought you, said you were passed out drunk in a secluded booth at the bar."

"And how did I look?" Did he not notice the blood coating my flesh? Had Phobos waited with me? Or did he merely leave me there to carry on with his life? Why was he here in the first place for by the looks of it Cronus is unaware of his presence?

"I do not understand your question."

"Never mind. Can we converse about this tomorrow, I am very tired?"

"The audacity you have to-"

"Please, Cronus."

He ponders over my wish seriously for a few seconds only to groan with defeat and quickly arise to give me a curt nod of acknowledgement. He understands.

"I have kept some water by your side, keep hydrating yourself." He states softly pointing towards the bottle of freshwater placed upon my bed table.

"Why is my room covered with candles?" I ask frowning with confusion for there are lit candles in every corner of my chamber.

"You mustn't sleep in the dark tonight. There is a storm emerging."

"What?" There have been plenty of storms before and I have slept through them just fine.

"There should have been a full moon worn by the dark skies for the past few nights yet the nights have been rather moonless. This foreboding situation has never occurred for many years, this is why I was a little apprehensive to let you leave."

"I do not understand," I murmur with confusion at his terms.

"The night the moon sleeps and the stars hide whilst the sky thunders with a wrath is the chosen day the beast shall emerge to claim what is his."

"What are you saying, Cronus?"

"It is quite simple, Theia. It means something is coming."



Hello, my little wolves,

Hope you enjoyed this chappy! Here are the meanings of Theia's friends' greek names that I researched to match with their outlined status and personality,

Aegeus - Protector

Zina - Bold/Heroic

Ismena - Wise

Orien - Hunter

Next chappy the beast shall come to claim his moon blessed.

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