Temporal Pearls

Chapter 35: The Womb

"Status" Seth called.



Level: (Maxed)

Name: Seth Enoch

Class: None

Title: None

[Body Status]

Health: Normal

Strgth:  .3

Dexterity: .9

Stamina: .4

Constitution: .5

[Body Traits]




~Aura Sight

[Acquired Traits]

~Minor Pressure Resistance (T)

[Personal Arms]

~Staff of Elevation (F+)

~Azure Attire (F+)

~Soothing Gourd (F+)

~The Womb

~First Painting


[Acquired Arms]

~Small Cottage






~Painting (F+)

~Calligraphy (F+)

~Sculpture (F+)



~Drawing Picture Skills*

~Painting Skills *

~Calligraphy Skills*

~Sculpture Skills *


[You have three Innate Traits. Reach a condition and unlocked them]


[Azure Attire]

Level: (00/0)

Colour: Azure

Durability: 00 (+00 Armor)


~Self Repairing (F+)

~Self Cleaning (F+)

~Force Field (F+)

~Shifting Armor  (D+)


Seth first tried to make sse of his attire. As of now he wore them without any heaviness and advance protection. And seeing the addition of +00 armour in front of the Durability stats, he understands.

The passive Durability of the attire was 00 but whever he activated the Shifting Armor it would rise to +0.

"+00 Durability is as good as my staff before. But I know it has surpassed that now."

Seth smiled as he recognised he can resist the attacks of Crodo and its bite with his Shifting Armour.

The reason was that Seth, using his staff, smacked Crodos many times and halted their movemt many times without the staff showing any sign of damage wh it has +00 Durability.

Seth felt the urge to quickly check the status of his Staff but he resisted.

It's better to understand what he gained for the preparation of exploring Living Roots Forest and possibly the Dead Lands!

Seth shuddered wh he remembered his finger snapping at the edge of the forest! But he shifted his atttion and stared at his status, trying to make sse of it.

Not much had changed and he still felt a pang of pain in his heart wh he remembered that he was supposed to be a Temporal Warrior by now.

And he has se about three titles back th but now, seeing no title he realized, only those with classes can have a title.

But his starts have increased by as a result of the failed Class Ascsion. The increase of allowed him to run.

Seth th looked at the only Active Body Trait he has, Aura Sight. He obtained it after Aura Worms drilled into his eyes.

To test the new sight, Seth closed his eyes for some time, and as he oped them, the whole world changed.

It was gre, bright gre—he can see nothing but a Soothing Gre. After 3 seconds, the eyes deactivated themselves, and he felt a bit of pain in his head.

[Low proficicy in Aura Sight]

"It's understandable. This game is hardcore. Ev if it's my Body traits, I need to train it."

Body Traits were like organs—they were part of one's body and new Body Traits were newly developed organs, one has to train them gradually and regularly.

Seth has to train hard to get used to it and master it. Just like one can master moving their arms and legs.

The reason for Gre was that the Forest Aura was everywhere, compassing everything.


[Acquired Traits]

~Minor Pressure Resistance (T): A Pressure Resistance brought by First Might. The high gravity and pressure of the Gawee Contint will be less on you for hr.

[T stand for Temporary]


"First Might look handy…. Does that mean Acquired Traits are always temporary?!"

Seth continued looking for the other changes. Talts were all at F+. To understand things better Seth pulled the previous notification.


[Seth Enoch, you are the First Player to obtain "Temporal Pearl"]

~You are Titled "Primera"!

~All your Skills are converted to Talt!

~All your Talts have no limit cap!

~All your Arms have moved to stage !

~Ranked Arms are Converted to Personal Arms!

~Tatoo of the First Might has be graved on you!


Absorbing the halo of Temporal Pearl and being the first to ever have the Pearl gave him all these befits.

Talts with no limit cap make Seth smile. As long as he has time to improve them in-game, he will improve in the world.

He hoped so!

He now knew the relative use of First Might, but Primera is still unknown.

Another thing that bugged Seth was the differce betwe Personal Arms and Acquired Arms.

The fact among the befits was moving Acquired Arms to Personal Arms implied that Personal Arms have hidd special features.

Th Seth brought the important Personal Arms he has and the ones he got in an exchange with Temporal Pearl.


~Soothing Gourd (F+)

This gourd was created by Madam Mud to attract moisture in the air to produce Soothing Water.

[The (F+) Gourd brings Healing and Exhaustion Quching Properties to the water]


"Things get better," he whistled.


~The Womb (Apex)

A womb that can nurture Dragon from Fertilization, Fetus to Maturity.

[Note: What was born out of it depds on the owner]


"Woohoo! A damn Dragon. Vulcan daughter didn't lie about it." Seth shouted.


[The Womb]

Status: Dormant and Empty

Health: Normal

Capacity: Fetus

Stimulation Force: Zero

[Enough Stimulation Force is needed to activate the womb and make it ready to conceive!]

[Expand For more information]


"Interesting, expand"  Seth was eager to read more and understand what it meant.


[A Womb can be obtained after the Heifer Level or Older Female Dragon was in Ovulation Period. The older the Dragon, the better the characteristics of the Womb.

A Womb has all the Nutrit contt requiremts to raise a Dragon from fetus to adulthood.

But it was recommded to birth the dragon as a hatchling, which will give the Dragon early experice and make it strong. Only very few breeds of Dragon need to reach adulthood within the Womb

The Womb is a dormant self-sufficit organ that does not need a body to sustain it]

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