Temporal Pearls

Chapter 34: Gawee Continent!

"I don't know what to feel anymore!" Seth muttered as he stared at the plot of land that Vulcan Manor was supposed to be.

He had managed to get over his loss to Class Advancemt in the last months because he was busy trying to establish his Workshop and Annas' Art Gallery.

But now his mood was sour again, as he was left in the middle of nowhere, alone and by himself.

He tried to remember what he did last before he logged out of the game. After thinking for a long time he understood something… he was left on purpose!

At that time, after the Nobility award, he moved a the town and bought some things with the Gold coins he earned from the Quest.

There was one Quill that he had be eyeing to buy but did not get a chance to, due to its exorbitant price. 50 Silver is how much it cost. After buying the Quill he wt to a hotel and logged out.

"I remembered well that Sarima was upset, maybe she knew what my nobility meant. This Plot of Land where the cottage was is exactly the place I was giv by Abuhe Vulcan." Seth sherlockized.

"He had planned it all along, by binding me to the land here, he can transport his town without me. But why?" Seth wondered before a fang of anger made him not care about the reason!

"Bastard. He looked like a good man with a righteous attitude but he was nothing but a corrupted maggot inside!" Seth cursed.

Seth didn't come to that realization out of anger but out of careful reasoning. Ev though he had not logged in for the first two weeks that the game resumed, his avatar should have followed the town movemt.

He read in a forum that if you logged out in a carriage, you will find yourself in the carriage after you logged in. That was ev if the carriage was moving.

And if the carriage was destroyed one will sustain an injury but one will still find themselves within the location of the carriage. That was why it was always advisable to find a safe location to log out.

Spding one and half hours ruminating, Seth stopped wallowing in the matter. He moved a the empty field as he idtified the location of the buildings, and tried to cheer himself but he failed.

Is it for the better or not?

Why did Vulcan leave him here?

As he walked, he came to the place where the Gate of the Town should be. He can almost imagine the Guards glaring at him any time he came close before. The reason was, he must undergo training before he could leave the town. With his weak constitution that was impossible.

Seth walked out from the obvious marks that show the gates and walls. The thick forest was before him now.

The trees were arranged in a line to support and as barricades, Seth had speculated, it was made by Vulcan Town, but now he thinks it was a natural arrangemt.

As he came close to the first tree, he planted his Staff on the g and closed his eyes.

~Increase Perception!

His perception spread everywhere up to 0 meters radius.

Seth frowned. It was too quiet.

The only thing he could hear was insect movemts and their chirps—nothing else, but th he smiled.

He ssed a heavy foot animal—the more the animal moved the more he could picture it in his mind. Seth walked into the forest in stealth mode and approached the animal

It was Giselle!

It didn't sse him so he watched it for some time before he walked away.

Vulcan Forest was dangerous because it was always teaming on with beasts. So, it was natural for these normal animals to always stay within the periphery of the town as guards hunted and killed any dangerous animals on sight!

Seth moved 0 meters deep into the forest but nothing. It was weird, very weird! So, he walked deep into the forest and every 50 meters he used Increase Perception to see if he could find anything.

"Did the Vulcan leave with the beasts?"

Little by little Seth found the situation extremely strange—until he discerned another thing.

He might hear and feel insects with Increased Perception but he had not se them. It was like the forest was just giving him the illusion of them—birds also were not in sight.

Seth threw away any stealth and shouted.

"Anyone Here!"

He quickly used Increase Perception to see if there was a movemt—there was !

"Ahhhhh. Delicious food here. Ahhh. Monsters….. Beasts... A cripple human is good for snacks.


Screamed as he may, the only thing that he scared away was the Giselle he saw before. Seth panted after the outburst—there was nothing in his vicinity.

Th he began sprinting forward, he wanted to see the edge of the forest. As he ran he made sure, every five steps he will pat his staff on the g. Since he can't move a without the Staff being on the g for an extded period

He only ran for 00 meters but he felt like dying due to exhaustion but there was a smile on his face.

"Haha, I can run for 00m without fainting!"

At least he finds joy in it and that was because his stats increased after he grabbed the Temporal Pearl.

Seth resulted in walking at a fast pace until he covered 5km. That was the longest he ever walked in his tire pitiful life.

His eyes were blurry and his body was wobbling, and swaying a. Sweat has covered his face and drched his t-shirt. He had already removed the jacket and stored it away. It was too heavy!

Seth fell down and he caught his breath.

"Haha, I did it!" He shouted.

With the staff, Elevated Health, Seth has to wait for an hour before he feels he can move again.

That was really great, the feeling was new. After gaining his bearings Seth walked to the edge of the forest.



[You are about to Exit Living Roots Forest]

[Exit! Level and Above only!]


Despite being level , Seth did not walk outside the forest because what stood before him was worse than what he had heard.

Beyond him were dried dead trees that looked straight out of horror movies.  Beyond that was a vast dead land with unusual smoke emitting from countless fissures that decorated it!

The land looked as if it had never se rain and ev if the rain did fall, it would dry instantly. Just gazing at it, Seth's heart beat strong with fear.

Seth hid behind a living tree and summoned his courage before he extded his hand beyond the invisible parameter.

The momt his stretched fingers were out of the tree's shadow, he felt a crushing pressure that snapped his fingers.

Seth screamed and moved them back!

[Health > In pain]



[You have be influced by Gawee Contint pressure]


"What the hell..!!!" Seth shouted.



[First Might Activated]

[ hour Resistance to the pressure within km of Living Root Forest]


Seth stared at the notification with a terrifying premonition.

"This First Might seem handy!" He muttered but he was not convinced.

"I need to analyze what I have gained to calculate my success level in living in this hellhole!"

He sighed and turned a to go back to the clearing in the middle of the forest that once held Vulcan Town.

While Seth left with a thought about the situation and his dreaded future, a bipedal Beast roars in anger.

It was a Werelion with a mutilated right hand that resembled the skin of Crodo. And one of his eyes was jet black.

The Werelion seemed to be struggling to maintain lucidity but seeing the silhouette of the human left, it could no longer resist as it charged at the forest.

The momt it came close to the first living trees, a powerful force repelled it. It was st more than 3km away with brok ribs and arms—but in just 3 seconds the Werelion healed back to its pristine mutated condition.

"You can't win against me, Abomination!" The lion spoke to itself.


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