Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 163 - One Hundred And Sixty-three: Apologize, Isabelle.

Chapter 163 - One Hundred And Sixty-three: Apologize, Isabelle.

The third point of view

Maya was mad at him, that was for sure - and expected. He would be too if he was in her shoe: they slept two days ago and now, he's announcing his engagement -Tina broke the engagement news to her technically.

Well, she would have heard it sooner or later anyway.

F*ck, this was a mess up. Things were getting complicated, the more he tried to make things clear, the more he kept getting tangled in the web of misunderstanding.

"You're here" Tina smiled up at him.

She left her seat and walked over to him, looping her arms around his and led him to Maya's bedside.

There wasn't another seat closer to the bed, the couches were at the far end of the room so Tina sat on the only available seat while he stood beside her.

Their eyes met and he gulped, memories of the passionate night they shared swarmed his head.

He wished there was a way they could talk about what happened between them nights ago.

Sex to him had always been to satisfy his bodily urges. But that night with her? It wasn't just sex they had, he made love to her and he had bared his soul.

He was sure she felt it too - that connection that night - he could see it in her eyes - her eyes never tell lies.

It would be paradise if he could relive that night or better, spend more nights with her, and show her just how much he loved her.

But it was impossible, she even said it herself "it was a mistake" they were vulnerable at that moment and had given in to their desires without thinking it through.

Also, he couldn't put her life in danger anymore - at least until he has become the new family head and held unquestionable power.

Sakuzi might have saved her life but next time, he might be the one putting a bullet through her head.

Tina felt uneasy with the air in the room, Niklaus and Maya were gazing at each other but she knew there was more to that stare like they were communicating secretly or something.

"Is something the matter?" She purposely asked, breaking their cryptic communication.

"How are you doing?" He asked Maya, ignoring the disruptor by his side.

"I'm fine" Maya replied in a polite yet distant tone. She added briskly, " congratulations on your engagement"

Niklaus frowned, he could sense the ice in her tone and she had put up her walls.

"By the way, I invited Maya to our engagement and she's very happy to join us on such a glorious day. Isn't that right, Maya?" Tina threw at her.

Niklaus' jaw ticked, he turned towards her awaiting her answer.

"Of course" Maya smiled," I can't wait for such a day to come, you both are a wonderful couple - a match made in heaven "

More like 'hell', Maya contradicted her statement mentally.

Niklaus had a passive expression on the surface but inwardly, he was boiling with anger. He knew he had no claim to Maya but why was she sounding like she'd given up on him?

The thought of her getting over him aggravated him to the core, he just needed a bit of time. Why couldn't she give him that?

"Thank you" Niklaus managed to say.

With Tina scrutinizing his every move like a mother hen, he couldn't say a word carelessly. Who knew what that witch would rouse with it?

"Do you know the best part?" Tina started again, "Maya's considering being one of my bridesmaids at our wedding, isn't that amazing?"

His hardened gaze met Tina who was grinning from ear to ear, she was intentionally doing this.

It was obvious Maya wouldn't agree to such a ridiculous request.

Both of them dislike each other, Tina was the major factor resulting in their break-up.

Why then would she agree to be her bridesmaids in a wedding to her ex? Only a crazy person would do that.

"Is that true?" He asked.

"Yes," she answered with no care.

His jaw clenched together," Why would you do such a thing?"

Maya cocked a brow, "Excuse me? I'm afraid I don't understand your question"

"Maya!" He called her name through gritted teeth.

She chuckled, "I'm afraid that there has been some sort of misunderstanding here, Niklaus."

He stared at her with blazing intensity, why was she behaving like this?

Maya went on, "I believe that we were a couple, but that was in the past, we are not together anymore.." There was momentary haste, her voice was clogged from emotions.

Under the sheet, she dug and clasped the bedspread tight as if drawing strength from it while fighting against the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes but she didn't let her emotions show as she continued.

"Now, you have a lovely lady by your side and I'm not a petty person to keep on hanging onto an owned man" she emphasized that word, "owned"

Niklaus didn't say anything nor take her eyes off her; his glance was so nerve-racking that she was close to buckling under the pressure.

It was as if his eyes compelled her to tell the truth and she almost did, had not the door to her room burst open and two recognizable troublemakers burst in with a shriek.

"Maya, save us! "

"He's gonna kill us!"

What the hell.

They ran towards her and almost slammed into her if Niklaus did not hold them back on time.

With that speed and momentum, both kids would have ruptured her sutures if they had successfully bumped against her.

As if the surprise was not enough, an angry Judy leaped into her open room.

His hair was disheveled, his weight was unevenly supported as if he hurt his leg or something and angry veins were sprouting from his forehead.

What in the world have these two devils done this time?

Judy was fuming, those kids almost destroyed the source of his future bloodline. God, it hurt like hell!

Once he got his hands on them, he would spank them hard on the bottom so that they wouldn't be able to sit properly for days.

Niklaus watched the two kids take cover behind him and guessed what happened from the way Judy walked one-sidedly.

His anger reached its limit but before he could take out his wrath on them, he heard,

"Drop to the ground and give me a ten !"

"No, Maya, hear us out - " Isabella tried to explain but she was interrupted.

"Do it now! No excuses! "

Tina watched in surprise as those kids who hardly gave ear to her instruction got down on all fours and began to do the push-up as commanded.

Envy filled her heart, why were they always listening to Maya? What was so special about that woman?! This wasn't normal anymore, black magic must be at work now - perhaps Maya was a witch.

How else could the kid's firm loyalty be explained? How could Niklaus and Eden be so dedicated to her? Why was everyone so damn attracted to her? Why was it always Maya! Maya! Maya?!

If one had stared at Tina's eyes that moment, they'd been scared of the murderous intent in there.

"Lower your body until your chest? touches the floor!" She boomed at Anabelle.

The girl in question looked up with a sympathetic look; she batted her eyelashes, her blue eyes enthralling anyone who stared at it just as a tear dropped down her cheek.

But Maya didn't pay her any attention, "Slacken again and I'll increase your punishment " came her threat.

Anabelle felt chills climb down her spine and had no choice than to do as said - that trick would have worked on her father, Eden.

Aish, Maya was so mean today!

The push-up was no big deal to Isabella who performed it with ease and in no time was done.

"What now?" She asked Maya smugly.

Maya narrowed her eyes at this little haughty brat who clearly didn't understand the implication of what she did.


"No way" she refused.

"Is not a request but an order, Isabella" Maya growled at her which caused the girl to frown.

It was just a kick, nothing else, why was everyone so hung up on it?

"I did it because he stopped me from coming here" Isabella excused herself.

"Your argument does not change nor cover up the fact that you almost destroyed a grown man's genital. If personal reasons solved all problems, then there would have been no need for the court of law. We would have excused our way out of every crime ever committed!

How would you feel if I purposely broke your late mother's pictures and claimed I did it because I couldn't stand the sight?"

Isabella growled a warning.

"See? It was just talks but you're affected" Maya pointed out.

She continued, "Just because you're rich and can get away easily with a crime doesn't give you the right to treat others as toys and garbage.

"That money was given to you by the heavens as a gift to help the less fortunate while living your life to the fullest.

"Being rich is a privilege, a rare blessing that others are willing to kill just to possess it, so don't abuse it. Moreover, karma is a bitch; what goes around, comes around.

"People you treat as trash today might be the ones to help you at your lowest point tomorrow. Never look down on people because tomorrow is unpredictable."

The room was dead silent, no one made a single comment nor noise, her heartfelt words touched them greatly-Maya had spoken from the bottom of her heart.

She caught her breath, "Now apologize, Isabella "

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