Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 162 - One Hundred And Sixty-two : Thank God Eyes Werent Bullet

Chapter 162 - One Hundred And Sixty-two : Thank God Eyes Weren't Bullet

The third point of view

Nik knew there was no other person who could have stolen his phone without him noticing than Isabella - she was the only one he had been careless around.

That girl was going to be the death of him.

He contemplated sending Isabella abroad but that was probably a wrong decision, who knew what she would do over there? It was better she did all her mischief where he had his eyes on her.

Niklaus called the head guard in charge of his place but it didn't go through, he tried over and over and yet no response - Isabella, again.

His daughter was smart, she figured out the head guard would be the first person he would contact and must have done something to thwart their communication.

He was mad, this daughter of his was putting herself in danger and it enraged him greatly.

They were alive because Sakuzi rescued Maya, God knows what would have happened to them if Maya wasn't around.

"Thank God, you're here" Niklaus breathed a sigh of relief when he bumped into Judy in the passageway.

He was just about to contact another member of his guard to figure out the amount of damage his daughter has done this time when he met him.

"I need your help" He told Judy who wasn't surprised.

Each time he was summoned, it was either to rescue a Spencer or clean up their mess.

"What happened this time?" Judy asked

"It's Isabella, she probably left the house and on her way here. But I need to get my hands on her before she barges in on Maya" Niklaus requested.

"Alright" Judy agreed.

"Thanks, man"

Starting yesterday, Judy was no longer his subordinate or worked for the Spencers anymore. He was now a freelance mercenary he paid to guide Maya in secret.

So it was a favor, Judy did this for him.

"You're welcome," He told his former boss and turned to leave when he remembered something.

"By the way, your father came to see your ex-woman. I called but you didn't answer" He informed Niklaus.

Niklaus hated that word," ex-woman" when applied to Maya but he couldn't do anything. They weren't together anymore and that was reality!

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for telling me," he appreciated his ex-bodyguard who resumed his duty of protecting his ex-girlfriend immediately. With him watching over Maya, he'd be able to relax a bit.

Judy didn't say a word and left. He didn't leave for the lobby or entrance, rather hid and waited at the edge of the hallway leading to Maya's hospital room.

If the kids were here for Maya, then they would pass through this path undoubtedly.

Five minutes passed, yet nothing.

Ten and fifteen minutes afterward, and yet still no sign of them. He had thought of reconsidering his position and head downstairs when he heard, undoubtedly childish voices coming his way.

"Why did we have to run out of the car?" Anabelle asked her cousin whose eyes were darting around, searching for God knows what.

Before the guard who drove them to the hospital could lead them inside, they had already escaped while he parked the car.

"What are you looking for?" She continued to ask.

"Well, unlike you my dumb cousin who's chatting her time away, I'm doing something resourceful with my brain. Father knows I'm coming, he must have a surprise in store for me" Isabella told her sarcastically.

She instructed "keep your eyes and ears open, sense any trap and we make a run for it "

The girl walked down the corridor with caution but Anabelle was relaxed.

"What do you mean, trap? Relax, nothing is going to happen -"

Anabelle was still saying when Judy appeared from his hiding place, grabbed Isabella was the closest to him on her collar before capturing the other niece who attempted to escape.

"Gotcha!" Judy exclaimed triumphantly.

Isabella slapped her forehead, how could she have forgotten him?! Well, one wouldn't blame her, she'd tried her best here.

Judy pushed Anabelle towards her cousin and gripped both of their tiny wrists together in one hand while his free hand dug into the pocket of his denim for his phone.

Isabella eyed his move, he probably wanted to call her father and inform him of his captives but it seems he has no idea that she stole his phone.

She stared at his Iron grip used to restrict their movement, then eyed Anabelle and mouthed," Are you ready?"

Her cousin blanched with shock,

"You're not serious, right ?" She mouthed back.

"It's now or never"

Judy put the phone to his ear and was pretty surprised when he heard Niklaus' ringing tone. But where?

To his shock, It was here - the kid had it on her, no wonder he could not connect earlier.

The moment he glanced down, two of his fingers were twisted in a way that made him wince in pain.

His eyes hardened and he growled, "You devils!"

He charged at them but he never expected that those devils would lift their legs and kick him in the place where the sun never shines.

"Sweet Jesus," Judy groaned, his hand flying to his crotch that was on fire, he slid to the ground.

"Oh my God, did we damage him?" Anabelle asked, fear in her voice as she watched that huge man drop to the ground and moaning in pain.

"No, we decapitated him. Now, run! " Isabella commanded and both fled since it was obvious Judy would end their tiny life once he got to his feet.

Meanwhile, in Maya's room, the precarious Tina still refused to let her have peace of mind.

"Since you've given up on Niklaus, does that mean you'd come to our engagement party?" She inquired sincerely but Maya knew she was just rubbing her victory at her face.

"Of course, why wouldn't I come?" Maya agreed to her invitation, she refused to show she was hurt by the stunning news.

It wasn't even up to a month since they broke up and he was throwing an engagement party, already? Why were they in a hurry to get married? Was Tina carrying his child by chance?

Such atrocious thoughts ran through her head even though her expression was as calm as a stagnant lake.

"I'm so glad" Tina faked a relief with her hands pressed over her chest, "I thought with the breakup, you would loathe him but it seems you're an understanding person"

Oh, she loathes him, Maya thought. But she loathes his father more than him which was why she would sell her soul to the devil just to bring him down - enough of people messing with her!

Maya laughed, "Thank you for your compliment, Christina. It just seems childish cutting off all contacts with an ex-boyfriend, after all, Niklaus and I could still be very, very, good, friends "

Her words were innocent at least to some people, not to Tina who had read the hidden meaning.

Christina's face turned ugly, her nostrils flared, her eyes fierce and darkened with her nails digging into her fist.

But this was a game of pretense, she couldn't let her emotions show.

She gave Maya a sheepish grin, "That's very thoughtful of you, perhaps we could be friends and who knows, be my bridesmaids at my wedding too?"

Maya's face changed but she returned the honor, "Oh no" she pretended to be considerate," I don't think I'm worthy for that position"

Tina went on, "I wouldn't mind really" she waved it away, as it was nothing to her.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. I've slept with your fiance, so being your bridesmaid and being in close vicinity with him might cause us to fall into temptation" Maya said with phony worry while giving out too much information.

Tina's smug expression froze.

Maya saw that but she went on with her sympathetic act "I don't want to be the reason someone's marriage is broken up, alright ?"

She poured more fuel to the burning fire and truthfully, it pleased her - being a villain was amazing.

This was just the beginning, she would pay those who offended her back in their coins.

Maya had trusted and waited on karma for years yet those who mistreated her - and still mistreating her - were still living fine and her? Nothing.

Now she would change her destiny by herself!

Christina's mask cracked this time and it took her a lot of will not to rush at Maya, grab her by her hospital gown and slam her against the wall.

She and Niklaus slept together? Of course, that was expected, both had been together for months and she had sensed the attraction between them right from the day one she became a live-in nanny.

Moreover, Niklaus' sexual appetite has always been the stuff of legend but it still made her furious thinking about it. Ever since he broke up with Maya, he hardly even kept her company talk more touch her.

Just like the law of attraction, the man she was just thinking about made his entrance into the room.

The tension in the air told Niklaus that something intense went down and the way both women were staring at him made him uneasy.

"You're back," Maya said, "Tina here was just telling me about your engagement"

Maya smiled at him but Niklaus could feel an uncountable number of invisible knives projected his way.

Women's wrath was deadly, thank God eyes weren't bullets.

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