Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 94: Giant Python's ambush

Jaegar coughed suddly and looked tak aback by the unexpected proposal.

"Do you ev know what you are saying?"

"Yes, I know what I am saying. A powerful warlock like yourself can breed a strong bloodline. It would be a great honor for my family to have a descdant with your abilities." The old man's eyes sparkled with excitemt as he spoke.

Jaegar grumbled. "Just how old are you?"

"Isn't it natural for the strong ones to forge such alliances?"

Jaegar exhaled heavily and shook his head, thinking that the old man might be very much old, just like he said, cturies old.

"I will find you once I make the necessary arrangemts."

"Yeah, we will see about that," he said, secretly thinking that day should never happ. The idea of having childr made him terrified, maybe in the future, but definitely not now. And he hadn't said anything about where he lived, thinking it might be best that way.

Finally, they arrived at their destination—a place bathed in an otherworldly crimson glow. Before him lay a mesmerizing sce—a sere lake, its waters a rich and vibrant red, reflecting the hues of the unknown forces that imbued it.

But it wasn't the lake alone that commanded Jaegar's atttion; rather, it was the figure standing at its edge, as if a part of the chanting tableau.

A woman, her form radiant and captivating, stood there. Her nakedness was a testamt to the untamed power that sured her, and her beauty was ethereal, a living embodimt of myth.

Her long hair cascaded like a waterfall of obsidian silk, framing a face that held an igmatic aura. Her eyes, like pools of liquid silver, glinted with a mysterious light.

As she emerged from the red lake, droplets of crimson water clung to her skin, acctuating her every curve. Her bosom, sculpted and firm, held an allure that transcded mere physicality. Her thighs, strong and graceful, spoke of a strgth born from more than just the physical realm.

In that momt, she was like an alluring beauty, a figure of both desire and reverce.

Transfixed by her presce, Jaegar felt a strange sse of awe.

The old man's voice cut through the air; he hadn't se the woman yet. "Approach, Jaegar," he intoned. "This is the Dragon's Lagoon, a source of an elixir that can awak dormant ergy within you, unlocking pottial you have yet to fathom."

Startled by the sudd intrusion, the woman swiftly turned, her sses on high alert. In a rush, she adorned herself, slipping into a leather pants, a tunic, and a flowing coat that concealed her earlier state of undress.

Her tone was sharp, a mix of indignation and frustration, as she addressed the unexpected guests: "Shameless mutt, what the fuck are you staring at?"

Jaegar's lips curled into a soft chuckle, his eyes dancing with amusemt as he retorted, "The scery was so beautiful, I couldn't avert my gaze."

The old man th noticed her, let out a chuckle, and said, "Oh, such a playful young man."

Jaegar turned to him, furrowing his brows.

She heard the old man and said, "What did you say, you old ghost?"

She wasn't afraid or startled to see the old man's form, and her anger seemed to have reached its peak.

As another figure approached, it was Ivar who emerged into the sce on his wolf. His eyes fell on Jaegar and the woman, curiosity and inquiry evidt in his expression.

Yet, he remained unaware of the presce of the old man, whose form was hidd from plain sight.

Ivar's voice carried a question as he directed it at Jaegar, "What are you doing here?"

The woman, still aflame with anger, didn't hold back her disdain. Her words dripped with vom as she scorned, "Great, another piece of trash arrives. Is he your frid? Are you all peeping here, you shameless idiots?" Her curses flowed reltlessly, directed at both Jaegar and Ivar.

Ivar's brows furrowed in response to her harsh words. He turned his atttion fully to the woman, a mixture of offse and confusion on his face. Unperturbed by her wrath, he retorted, "Who are you calling shameless?"

In a fleeting momt, the presce of the old ghost vanished, leaving behind an echoing promise, "We will meet again, young Jaegar." The words lingered before fading into the air.

As the igmatic counter concluded, a new figure emerged into the sce, capturing the atttion of all prest. A massive python, its sleek form sinuous and imposing, manifested within their midst. Its scales glisted under the dappled light, creating a mesmerizing display of color that shifted and shimmered with each languid movemt.

The atmosphere seemed to hold its breath, the tsion was palpable as the colossal snake coiled and uncoiled, its eyes fixated upon the trio.

Jaegar was standing near the woman, and Ivar was at a distance.

As the colossal python's gaze bore down upon them, a charged silce hung in the air, a tsion that seemed to reverberate with the ergy of impding conflict. With a sudd, lightning-swift movemt, the python's powerful coils launched it forward, its ormous body propelling it toward Jaegar and the woman with astonishing speed.

Jaegar's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly channeled his magical ergy, forming a protective shield a himself and the woman.

The python's massive jaws snapped shut just inches away from them, its vomous fangs gleaming in the sunlight. Jaegar could feel the immse strgth of the python as it thrashed against his shield, its desperation evidt in its reltless assault.

The woman, her initial anger momtarily forgott in the face of this new threat, drew her weapon—a gleaming, intricately crafted blade—and Ivar, his expression a mixture of determination and resolve, unsheathed a short blade, steel glinting in the dappled light.

The python's next strike was reltless. Its massive head lunged forward, jaws snapping with a deafing sound, and its fangs gleamed, dripping with vom. Jaegar's shield held firm against the impact, but the force of the strike rippled through the barrier, sding shockwaves that jarred the duo.

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