Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 14: New journey

Two days had passed in the blink of an eye, and the fateful moment had arrived. Charlize stood stoically at the front door, her expression unreadable, as she rang the bell. Jaegar, filled with apprehension, made his way to the door and opened it. Charlize's voice carried a sense of detachment as she spoke, "Are you ready to leave?"

Raising an eyebrow, Jaegar sensed the indifference in her tone. He didn't bother with her right now. He hesitated for a moment, then turned to face Diana, who stood in the hall. With a mixture of excitement and sadness, he said, "Mom, take care of yourself."

Diana, wearing a gentle smile, hugged her son tightly and whispered, "Don't trust anyone blindly, and always be cautious." Jaegar nodded, his gaze turning soft with a hint of concern.

Turning his attention back to Charlize, he acknowledged her presence. With a nod, he said, "I'm ready."

Charlize's expression remained impassive as she led the way to the waiting carriage. Jaegar followed closely behind, his mind swirling with a myriad of emotions. As they approached the carriage, he hesitated for a moment, considering whether to bring his bag. Charlize's dismissive comment made up his mind, and he left the bag behind, bidding a final farewell to his aunt.

Stepping inside the carriage, Jaegar took a seat opposite Charlize. He gazed out of the window, watching as his home and the figure of his mother slowly faded into the distance. Diana stood there, her presence etched in his mind, as the carriage began its journey.

Inside the carriage, the atmosphere was quiet, punctuated only by the rhythmic sound of hooves as the horses pulled the carriage forward.

After the carriage had disappeared from sight, Diana made her way back inside the house. With a determined stride, she descended to the basement, guided by a sense of purpose. Arriving at a sturdy door, she grasped the handle and swung it open, revealing a hidden chamber beyond.

Inside the room, illuminated by a soft glow, stood a pristine white sphere at its center. As Diana approached, she extended her hand, placing it gently upon the sphere's smooth surface. In response, the sphere emitted a radiant white fog, swirling and enveloping her hand, creating a mystical connection.

A melodic voice emanated from within the sphere, resonating with a sense of wisdom and compassion. "Did he leave?" it inquired, its tone soothing and caring. Diana, her voice filled with worry, replied, "Yes, your majesty." She sought reassurance, knowing that the fate of her beloved Jaegar now lay in the hands of forces greater than her own.

The voice from the sphere spoke again, comforting and filled with empathy, "Don't worry, Diana. He will be protected and guided. I will watch over him." Diana's tense expression softened slightly, knowing that her son would not be alone on his journey and that a powerful presence would be there to safeguard him.

Expressing her gratitude, Diana whispered, "Thank you, your majesty." The sphere returned to its serene state, its glow diminishing as the connection between them faded. With a heavy heart, Diana turned away from the chamber and made her way back into the house, her expression etched with concern.

In the depths of her being, Diana knew that sending Jaegar to the academy was a necessary step, one that would unveil truths and shape his destiny. Though it pained her to let him go, she found solace in the knowledge that he would be under the watchful eye of a powerful guardian.

As Jaegar sat in the carriage, his gaze fixed upon the photograph of his mother, a bittersweet longing filled his heart. The image captured her essence, bearing a resemblance to Diana yet with wavy and flowing locks that cascaded down her shoulders. She was undeniably beautiful, and his own eyes reflected hers, mirroring the connection they shared.

Lost in thought, he pondered what life would have been like if she were still alive. In his previous existence, his mother had been distant, seemingly uninterested in his well-being. Their interactions had been minimal, their conversations scarce. Growing up, both his parents had been preoccupied with their own pursuits, leaving Jaegar to navigate the world mostly on his own.

But now, the woman who had given birth to him had been taken from this world, a victim of someone's malicious intent. The same forces that had snuffed out her life were now pursuing him. The anger within him simmered, yet he felt powerless to enact any immediate change. He knew he needed help, but he had never been one to ask for it.

The thought of relying on others made him feel vulnerable and exposed. But with his life in danger, Jaegar realized that he only had himself to rely on and no one else.

For now, his focus has shifted to the prospect of learning magic and discovering his own abilities. The desire burned within him, fueled by a curiosity that had been nurtured through years of reading and research. He yearned to explore the realms of enchantment and uncover the secrets hidden within the magical arts.

Through the carriage window, Jaegar watched as the cityscape gradually faded away, replaced by the ever-encroaching presence of the dense forest. The woods grew thicker, enveloping the path with their lush greenery. And then, as if passing through an ethereal barrier, the scenery shifted abruptly.

Before him lay a road leading to a bustling city, its skyline adorned with towering buildings and vibrant life. The sight stirred a mixture of anticipation and apprehension in Jaegar.

As the carriage continued its journey, Jaegar's gaze remained fixed on the ever-changing landscape, his thoughts consumed by the mysteries that lay ahead.

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