Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 15: To the academy

After a prolonged silence, Charlize finally broke it by opening her mouth to speak. "This is the main city of wizards and witches, a gathering spot for them. It's called Sphepet Circle," she explained, her voice carrying a tone of authority. "Here, you can buy anything you want."

Jaegar, feeling a hint of curiosity, asked a question that had been nagging him. "But I don't have any money," he confessed. Charlize scoffed, dismissing his concern. "Don't worry about that. It has already been taken care of," she assured him cryptically.

Confusion filled Jaegar's eyes as he probed further. "What do you mean by that?" he inquired. Charlize turned to face him directly, her expression bearing a hint of disdain. "Her Majesty has graciously provided funds for your education at the academy," she said, her tone dripping with contempt. The revelation caught Jaegar off guard, leaving him deep in thought.

Observing Jaegar's contemplation, Charlize interjected impatiently, "You don't have to think about it for so long. It's merely an act of charity from her." Jaegar, still puzzled by Charlize's apparent dislike towards him, ventured to ask, "You seem to harbor so much resentment. May I inquire as to why?"

Charlize's face hardened, and with a stern expression, she replied, "I don't hate you. I just hate being the one sent here to escort you. That blasted headmaster should have chosen someone else."

Jaegar said, with half closed eyes, "Is that so?"

Charlize let out a weary sigh before retorting, "Just remain quiet now."

He was actually being patient with her behavior ever since the meeting at their house, he didn't want to say anything. But irritation began to bubble within Jaegar, and he couldn't help but utter, "Then why don't you stop being a bitch now, and we can finish this task quickly? Then you can go your way, and I can go mine."

Charlize's anger flared, and she demanded, "What did you say?"

Maintaining his composure, Jaegar calmly responded, "Oh, oh! Calm down now. This is precisely what I am talking about." Charlize sneered, seething with frustration, and retreated to her seat. She couldn't believe that a mere child's words had managed to agitate her so.

Meanwhile, Jaegar turned his attention back to the window, watching as the city drew nearer with each passing moment.

Upon reaching the bustling city, Jaegar's primary concern shifted to the practicality of the situation rather than the enigma of his benefactor. He couldn't help but feel a surge of relief, knowing that he wouldn't have to worry about financial matters. As they stepped out of the carriage, Charlize took the lead, guiding him towards the bank where he could access his newfound wealth.

Jaegar's eyes widened in astonishment as they entered the bank. The sight that greeted him was beyond his wildest imagination. Green goblins, impeccably dressed in suits, manned the counters just like regular bank employees.

The surreal nature of the scene left him in awe. Charlize confidently approached the front desk, handing over a piece of paper to one of the goblins.

The goblin unfolded the paper, revealing a check with a staggering amount of 10 million dalars.

The sight of the vast sum almost caused Charlize to faint, her hand trembling as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the wealth she had carried until now.

Jaegar couldn't help but be taken aback by the staggering amount written on the cheque. His mind raced with questions, trying to comprehend the reason behind such generosity. Nonetheless, a sense of gratitude swelled within him, appreciating the fact that his pockets were now filled with an unexpected fortune.

As Jaegar processed the situation, he observed Charlize regaining her composure.

As Charlize collected herself, she instructed the goblin to withdraw approximately 100,000 dalars in cash, creating an account for Jaegar to deposit the remaining funds.

The goblin nodded in acknowledgment and handed them the requested amount. Charlize deftly placed the cash into a sleek suitcase she had brought along for this purpose.

Leaving the bank, Charlize noticed Jaegar's composed demeanor. His lack of excitement over the significant sum surprised her.

Instead, he seemed intrigued by the peculiar appearance and behavior of the green-goblin employees.

Their next destination was a tailor's shop, where Charlize arranged for Jaegar to be fitted for a variety of clothes: trousers, linen shirts, and a few overcoats. The tailor took precise measurements, and Charlize promptly settled the payment, ensuring that the clothes would be delivered directly to the academy.

After concluding their visit to the tailor, they proceeded towards the station. Charlize instructed Jaegar to board the train, assuring him that there would be individuals waiting at the destination to guide him further.

She emphasized that he would encounter other young people like himself, urging him to join their company if he needed assistance. Handing him his train ticket, she explained that she had pressing matters to attend to, bidding him farewell as she left him at the station.

Jaegar watched Charlize fade into the distance, a sigh escaping his lips. He stood there, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before making his way onto the bustling platform. As he approached, he noticed a group of fellow teenagers, each with their own luggage, awaiting the arrival of the train.

Finding his place among them, Jaegar positioned himself at one end of the platform, eager to see the academy.

Jaegar observed his surroundings, taking in the bustling atmosphere of the train station. The air was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as students like him prepared to embark on their journey to the academy.

The platform was adorned with colorful banners and signs, indicating the various destinations.

He glanced at the other students, who were also waiting for the train. They seemed to be engaged in hushed conversations and exchanging glances, perhaps sharing similar thoughts and uncertainties.

Jaegar wasn't interested in talking to any of them, as he wanted to be alone.

Soon, the sound of an approaching train echoed through the station, drawing everyone's attention. As the train came to a stop, the doors opened, and the students began boarding. Jaegar found an empty compartment and settled himself in. He watched as the other students filtered into different compartments, some chatting animatedly while others remained lost in their thoughts.

As the train departed, Jaegar peered out of the window, the scenery passing by in a blur. He felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension building within him.

Lost in his thoughts, Jaegar contemplated the academy.

As the train chugged along, Jaegar's gaze shifted from the passing landscape to the scenery and the mountains far in the distance.

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