Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 40: Chapter 39- Awakened

Years ago, when the Seven Saviors existed amongst the humans, they left several heirs behind to continue their legacy. And those descendants still rule over the Empire which the Seven Heroes formed.

The Inferno Warden was the same. Before sacrificing his humanity for more power, he left several children behind so that in the future, they could manage the Empire, which goes by the name—Emberclad Empire.

However, what very few people know about the Warden is that even after ascending into his Elemental form, he had a child. The mother of that child was none other than the Sage, who was responsible for looking over the Warden.

The reason why the great Elementalist disappeared was not because his flame was exhausted. Rather, he disintegrated himself in the grief of losing his lover when she gave birth to his child.

The accursed child that came out of her womb just after one week of their union, was burning from head to toe. He was nothing like a human, and the toll that the Sage had to endure took away her life.

So the question arises: what happened to the baby?

The clan from which the Sage belonged took the child as their heir and kept him hidden from the world in fear of endangering his life.

However, living with a burning body was not simple, and by default, the life of such a being wasn't very long.

However, they felt the need to continue the legacy of the Sage and Warden so they continued to unite a member of the Sage's clan with the heir.

The results were the same. The mother gave birth to a burning child and died soon after.

Things continued for seven long generations, and finally, it was the turn of the leading descendent of the Sage to hold the mantle and give birth to the eighth descendent of the Warden.

And this time, the baby that came out was a human child.

"And that person is Sir Richard?!"

Bellarine didn't like to be interrupted, and Lilia sensed it, which urged her to lower her eyes and apologize to the lady.

Bellarine hummed in response before answering,

"Indeed...that child is Richie. As the descendant of the Sage, I was responsible for giving birth to him, and I thought I would meet the same fate as my ancestor. But no."

Lilia was confused about several things and the first thing she dared to ask was, "So the Sage's clan name is Scarlette?"

Bellarine smiled in pride before responding, "Indeed. My great-great-great-grandmother, who was also a Sage, was named Brenda Scarlette."

Lilia nodded in understanding and silence ensued in the carriage.

Bellarine allowed the girl to think and soon another question arrived,

"But my lady, why does Sir Richard still show signs of being an Ascended Elementalist? Like while fighting Albert, he was completely covered in flames."

"You are generally so stupid or are you being one right now?" Bellarine asked sincerely.

Lilia blushed in embarrassment before meekly apologizing.

Bellarine sighed and reminded her, "Richie is still the son of a being who was made of pure flame element but this time, unlike the previous ones, he inherited the traits of his mother as well."

Lilia's eyes sparkled as she asked, "That means he has the skills of an Ascended Elementalist and a Sage as well?"

Bellarine smiled in glee and replied, "Indeed. That's why my baby is destined to be the strongest in the future."

The discussion came to a pause before Bellarine looked at the maid with all seriousness and warned her, "From what you have heard, you must have realized the risk of getting close to the direct descendent of the Inferno Warden. So, do you still wish to be with Richie?"

Lilia was forced to contemplate her decision. There was no doubt that with the flow they were moving, the way her heartbeat skyrockets in front of her master these days, at some point, Lilia might fall in love with her master, and he might reciprocate her feelings. And at that time if they decide to take the ultimate step...there was a high chance for Lilia to die.

There was a lot to risk, yet her answer didn't take more than a minute to form,

"I want to be by my lord's side."

Bellarine clicked her tongue which evidently showed her annoyance. She wanted to scare the girl away and get rid of her.

But well, Bellarine knew that having Richard all for herself was not an option from the beginning. After all, there was 'she' as well.



Bella knew that fighting against this guy who was a C-rank wouldn't be easy. He is the leader of a group of awakened for a reason.

And especially inside an enclosed space where she couldn't move around freely or use her surroundings to her advantage.

Pressed against the wall, she looked at the bastard with her teeth tightly pressed and hand clenching on her beloved dagger. Her left hand was badly injured in the last trade and somewhere around her torso was bleeding.

Her left eye was bruised, and because of that, her vision was partially blocked.

The asshole who goes by the name Ryan stared at Bella with his hands in his pockets and not even a scratch on him that could suggest he was involved in a battle. It was just a one-sided showdown.

"Look at you. Struggling against someone whom you cannot beat and getting your beautiful face ruined." The man snickered before his eyes went towards Bella's lithe and supple body as he continued, "Well, your face isn't the only thing I am after. So you can keep going."

Her anger boiled up. This asshole was after her since day one but she never thought he would take such extreme steps.

Trapping oneself under hundreds of zombies to r**e a girl? Indeed he is a shitstain that needs to die.

Bella looked around for a distraction so she could attack that part of her opponent from where the tentacles were coming out.

Those tentacles had shown regenerative characteristics and held brute force to even damage a wall with a single impact.

Bella was strong, but from the inside, she was still not much developed. Her bones still were fragile and if those tentacles hit her again, something surely would break inside her.

"Give up, Bella," Ryan taunted, his voice echoing off the basement walls.

Bella gritted her teeth, ignoring the pain. "Never," she spat back, her voice defiant.

Ryan's tentacles lashed out, aiming for her legs. She dodged to the side, but one caught her arm, leaving a deep bruise. She slashed with her dagger, slicing through one of the tentacles. Ryan hissed in anger, retracting the injured appendage.

Using the small space to her advantage, Bella pressed forward, aiming for his torso. Ryan blocked her with two tentacles, wrapping them around her wrist. The dagger clattered to the ground as he lifted her off her feet, slamming her into the wall.

Bella gasped for breath, her vision blurring. She couldn't keep her composure. If there was something still keeping her conscious then it was the stubbornness of not letting a man touch her who wasn't her brother!

'I can't lose here!' Utilizing all the remaining strength she could muster, she tried to lunge at him again, however,

"Just stop now." Ryan pressed all his tentacles against her. Locking her wrists and ankles and one around her mouth.

Getting closer to the girl, he added, "I have observed you. The way you fight, the way you use your surroundings to your advantage…everything."

Reaching near her face, he whispered coyly, "And thanks to that, you are now trapped."

Rolling his tongue out, Ryan licked her ear—shooting a tremble down her spine.

Bella felt disgusted as she closed her eyes and flailed. She wouldn't let anyone touch her! She had her brother! She belongs to him! To him! TO HIM!!


"Arghhhh!!" Ryan suddenly recoiled and removed all his tentacles from the girl upon feeling the burning sensation arising from her hands.

Bella slowly dropped to the ground with her hands covered in flames…but these flames weren't burning her.

The moment she opened her eyes, there were no features in them. It seemed like she had lost her humanity in her desperation to fight against Ryan.

Her hair defied gravity and levitated in the air. Her body extruded an energy that made Ryan shudder and crawl into a corner with his face completely pale.

Bella assessed her hands and clenched her fist.

This was…something new…yet not. Even though it was her first time using magic, it felt too natural for Bella…like she had been a magician for ages.

'That can wait…' Deciding to think about that later, she turned towards Ryan who was trying to get out of the basement.

A menacing grin that radiated nothing blood lust spread her lips, as the girl finally unleashed her fury.


For the following hour, the cries of a human resonated across the store while Bella continued to enjoy torturing him, to her heart's content.


A/N:- Connect the dots?

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