Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 39: Chapter 38- Decision


Two individuals traveled across the desolated streets while maintaining cautiousness to not make unnecessary sounds that could invite the frozen undead all across the city.

This town was near the mountain where they were living, and Ryan knew that there was a weapon shop nearby.

The streets, which once bustled with lively crowds and rush of citizens, were now looking nothing but horrifying, with mostly every house ruined beyond recognition. Cars were burnt and flipped. The streets were dyed partially with the shade of crimson, and the foul smell of dead bodies permeated like a natural odor now.

Even though the situation was concerning around them, Ryan and Bella didn't show much of a reaction as they soundlessly moved toward their destination.

Ryan had already made his preparation. He would do something that would require them to stay here for the night all alone in a single room. And when that happens, he has brought a secret ingredient that works well on beautiful and headstrong women.

A drug that has helped Ryan to fish many women from nightclubs in the past. And thankfully, it would work on Bella as well, given she is still a normal human being without the gift of magic.

"We are here." Relaying that in a barely audible tone, Ryan indicated toward the two-story building opposite them.

Bella looked around a bit and found there were like twenty or so zombies around. If they took the weapons, there was a chance for them to hear the sound and attract more attention. That's why she took out her dagger—only to be stopped by Ryan,

"What are you doing?! Attacking them now would definitely bring the attention of the ones stuck in the carnival. And you do know how many of them are there in the fest right?"

Bella narrowed her eyes but didn't refute. It was true that the evolving zombies might not die as silently as they did a few weeks ago. The carnival he talked about was around three hundred meters away from the weapon shop, and in that carnival, more than three hundred undead were roaming around for their next prey.

Bella sheathed her dagger and wordlessly made her way toward the weapon shop.

Ryan grinned to see that the girl was rational enough to get fooled. He followed her and they entered the shop without making any sound.

Inside the store, they found three undead behind the counter who immediately rose to action—only for Ryan to raise his hand and eject the purplish tentacles from the middle of his palm, which wrapped around the three zombies and choked them to death.

Ryan expectantly looked at Bella to see if she was impressed, but as he thought, she was not even focusing on him. Rather, her eyes were on the range of guns and other explosive items arranged on the shelves.

'A beautiful girl who likes about the perfect blend...' Ryan disposed of the three zombies out of the store before he took out the large bag he was carrying to pack up whatever they deemed necessary.

Bella also took out a similar bag and started to fill it with ammunition and guns that didn't take much space. These weapons were majorly for those who hadn't awakened any skills and needed protection all the time.

Ryan glanced at one of the guns which he took out from the separate showcase. It was Glock, and the prominent thing to focus on was its golden color rather than the usual black.

"This is something cool..." Ryan was marveling at the gun which didn't sit well with Bella.

She was about to warn him to not play around with it when suddenly,


Bella's eyes widened, and so did Ryan's as the shell of the bullet fell to the ground, and a hole appeared in the ceiling of the store.



Instantly, the sound of zombies became alive, and Ryan panicked, "We need to get out of here! Let's go!" He held Bella's hand and pulled her towards the basement of the store.

Bella was so shocked by the sudden turn of events that she noticed his hand a moment later, and when she did she instantly swatted it away, "Let go!"

Ryan raised his hand in surrender as they stood in the basement before he apologized, "I am sorry for touching you without permission but it was the only thing I could do in that situation."

"And why did this situation arise?! Just because you found yourself a toy to play with?" Bella looked beyond furious to be caged in this basement with the bastard. The zombies had already arrived from the carnival while they were arguing, and now, they had to possibly fight the whole town to return.

Ryan heaved a sigh and tried to comfort her, "I am sorry, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have allowed myself to get careless." He apologized with genuine sincerity in his eyes.

Bella kept her eyes narrowed and anger was vivid from her demeanor.

Ryan took out the leather pouch he was carrying before offering it to Bella as he said, "For now have some water and cool down your head. We need to think of a way to get out of this mess."

Bella took the container, which urged Ryan to grin, but he kept his innocent facade up and waited for the girl to drink the sweet essence so he could proceed with his plan.

Bella brought the container near her lips—only to throw the water on Ryan's whole face before spatting,

"Do you think I am a fool to fall for your ridiculous tricks?"

Ryan stood there with his face and shirt completely drenched and his bangs hiding the look in his eyes.

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth before suddenly several long tentacles shot out of his back threateningly—making Bella jump back and wield her dagger.

Seeped through his tightly clenched teeth were some barely audible words from Ryan, "I did not want to force myself on you...but you have left me with no option."

His body was trembling in anger as he raised his blood-red eyes in Bella's direction before lunging at his prey.


After lunch, as Bellarine wanted, currently, the Duchess and the brown-haired maid sat opposite each other inside the carriage, all alone.

Richard has taken a liking to Lilia; Bellarine had noticed that recently. Not something the Duchess didn't expect, however, to let Lilia proceed any further Bellarine needed to notify the maid of some of the things.

"Lilia, your parents live in the small town of Awsperg, right? Your father is a farmer, and your mother is a housewife?"

Lilia felt nervous hearing about her parents and she wondered if the lady was going to threaten Lilia here. Regardless, she didn't question her back and replied, "Yes, my lady."

"Hmm~ I wonder what would happen if they saw their daughter's body returning to them covered in white sheets."

Lilia's eyes widened, and she looked at the Duchess in disbelief. Horror was evident in her eyes as Lilia stuttered,

"M-My lady..."

Bellarine sighed before clearing the misunderstanding she had unintentionally(?) created, "Don't misunderstand, I am not threatening you. I am just letting you know something about Richard that you must know before deciding to stay by his side."

Lilia sobered up a little as she corrected her posture and collected her thoughts.

Regaining her composure, she nodded for the Duchess to continue.

Bellarine looked out of the carriage and gazed at her son who was currently chatting with the soldiers as she said, "With how things are going between you two, it won't be surprising that one day you both will fall for each other and decide to have a family together."

Lilia's cheeks became fiery red hearing that but she didn't interrupt the lady. Now, whether Lilia didn't say anything out of respect or she couldn't deny her words remained a mystery.

Bellarine turned her eyes toward Lilia before asking, "That's why I want to warn you while you have the time to decide for yourself."

"Richard isn't a normal human being with whom you can have a physical relationship and give birth to his babies. I myself was the member of the Scarlette clan, that's why giving birth to Richard didn't pose a threat to me; however, might die if you dare to have Richard's essence inside you."

Under normal circumstances, she would have felt shy hearing words like 'physical relationship' and 'essence', but right now, Lilia doesn't show any of those signs.

Her eyes held seriousness as she leaned forward and asked the lady, "Your Grace, can you let me know more about my lord's origin?"

"Why should I?" Bellarine explicitly asked while crossing her arms under her plump breasts.

Lilia was taken aback by the sudden shift in her tone but she didn't back away and answered her honestly,

"Because I care for young master. Because I want to keep him safe and see him grow without fearing to see him getting hurt. Because, I want him to make a name for himself in the future...and to ensure that, I want to be aware of everything that could threaten my lord."

Bellarine couldn't help but grin at the girl. The enthusiasm and certainty in her voice displayed how much she cared about Richard. And this confirmation was enough for the lady to reveal something which she had never told anyone before.

Not even Richard.


A/N:- I hope the blend of the two worlds is not disturbing the flow. Have to keep everything in order so it aligns perfectly in the future.

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