Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 152: Chapter 151- Serve?

Emily was unsure how Richard would grant her another chance in life and why was he ev offering her something like that in the first place. However, if she could get to live more, see more days, and make more memories, th she doesn't want to know anything else.

Most of all, she wanted to get rid of this excruciating pain, which was slowly draining her life away.

Maybe she was doing the wrong thing by accepting Aembr. Maybe she would be rejected by the people she adores. Maybe this decision can shape into something worse than her currt situation.

However, she kept those thoughts aside since she trusted Richard. She didn't know wh it happed, but Emily began to believe in him.

And now, ev if she dies at his hands, Emily has a feeling that she won't regret her decision.

Now standing in the middle of the room, the two individuals looked at each other.

Before initializing the process, Richard warned her, "Under no circumstances can you tell anyone what I am going to do to you. And not ev once you will think of going against those deities after gaining what I am about to bestow. Promise me that."

His tone was firm, holding no room for argumt…however, Emily felt that ev if she refused to promise him, he still would heal her.

However, she didn't put that hunch to the test and readily nodded, "Okay, I promise."

Richard heaved a sigh before he asked her, "I am going to slit your palm. Bear with me."

Emily nodded before she offered her hand to Richard.

The redhead took a knife from nearby and very gtly oped a cut which actively bled.

Pressing his finger against her would he told her, "Repeat after me: I, Emily Cravford, willingly submit myself,"

"I, Emily Cravford, willingly submit myself,"

Richard continued, "To serve Scarlette Richard as my lord for as long as I live."

Emily raised her brows in surprise, as she repeated, "To serve Scarlette Richard as my lord for as long as I live."

Suddly, a heavy and warm ssation petrated her wound and tered her body. She shook and her expression became paler as Emily staggered back, falling on the bed.

Richard patitly waited for the integration process to take place as he sat down on the chair nearby.

The vow he made her repeat was not necessary, rather it was a way to let her know something related to this ritual. In a way, Richard was turning her into his…well…slave.

Thankfully, no one came to disturb them as Emily's condition would surely have made them panicked.

Emily wt through a series of experices in those fifte minutes. If in this momt she felt her body burning th in the next she felt she was thrown into the middle of blizzards butt naked.

However, not a single cry or ev a moan of pain escaped her lips knowing how her reaction could alert others.

Within her body, she could feel the surge of a strange ssation. It was overpowering and exciting…not something she could compare to how she felt in the past.

This ssation was nothing but the same ergy that burds a human and ds their life after a certain period. The same ergy which turns a beast into an Ambrobate.

And now, Emily's body was accepting the same ergy as her new lifeline.

Her skin slowly redeemed its natural shade. It almost seemed like a vampire had sucked someone's blood after being hungry for a long time.

Her hair regained its previous shine, and her weak body regained to its former plumpness and curves.

Under Richard's supervision, she wt through a drastic change. And if there was something differt about her, th it was those eyes.

Unlike in the past, the girl now has red eyes, who stared at the ceiling blankly for a momt before she suddly jumped from the bed and landed on the g soundlessly…almost like a cat.

Standing before Richard was a completely differt girl than before. There was a broad smile on her face as she checked herself out. The previous weakness and the constant pain in her chest were gone. It was almost like she had become a new person altogether.

"How does it feel?" Richard asked with his brows raised.

Emily looked back up at him before nodding, "I feel…new. It's great."

"Okay, but for now you have to pretd to be weak and sick."

Emily's brows creased, "But I wanted to run a the gard a little and joy my favourite tea after so long."

Richard reprimanded, "People will suspect that you have be ingested with something suspicious and they will bring you to the church. And once it's discovered that you are an Aembr user, it will become difficult for you to remain here."

"Th I will just run away?" Emily's quick response surprised him.

The same obedit and principled girl who didn't ev stay away from home after sev, was suddly willing to run away from home?

'It seems, Aembr has affected her thought process as well…' Richard couldn't tell if that's a good thing or something worse is about to happ.

After taking a pause, he said, "You can't run away forever Emily, unless you want to become a rogue. So just lie in your bed for a couple of days, and get recovered under the pretse that I gave you some miracle potion, okay?"

"Miracle potion, huh?" She teasingly asked; her crimson orbs giving a mischievous glint.

Okay, that's something new.

"And once you recover and can move a, come and find me," Richard suggested.

The very thought of separating from him made her frown, ev though she herself didn't know why.

After a bit of silce she asked, "But how can I contact you? I won't be able to rejoin the academy unless I reveal my newfound powers, right?"

"Yes, so don't ev think about appearing anywhere near the Headmaster. Rather, wh you recover, go to Violet and ask if you can meet me. I will get in touch."

Emily might not be able to understand her new powers all by herself and leaving her like this would be disastrous. That's why he was planning to get her taught by Jasmine, considering the said rav-haired is also an Aembr user.

Since it was already over an hour since he came here and the others outside might start to get worried, Richard decided to leave.

"Okay th, I will see you later?" He said but got no response.

Emily was looking down, her eyes containing an unreadable emotion in them as she raised her hand and tugged his shirt.

Unsure, Richard asked, "What happed?"

"R-Richard…we will meet again, right?"

Richard was perplexed why she would ask something like this wh he just said he would be in touch as soon as she recovered.

However, since she seemed to be anxious about not being able to meet him again, he affirmed, "Yes, we will meet again. After all," With a thin grin extding his lips, he added, " promised to serve me, forever, no?"

Emily didn't raise her head to look at him but the way her hold on his shirt grew firm and that smile appeared on her face, Richard knew she heard him.

Richard heaved a sigh and after telling her to take care, he soon walked out of the room.

What Richard missed seeing was that burning blush on Emily's face wh she heard the word 'serve'.


After leaving the room, Richard was met by Nora and Angela, who were just outside the room.

"Ah, Richard…is she okay?" Nora asked anxiously.

Angela looked equally restless.

Richard assured the ladies, "She is fine and will be okay with some proper rest. For now, she is sleeping so don't disturb her-"

"Wait…she can recover?!" Angela exclaimed, her voice brimming with hopefulness.

Nora doubted such to be the case; however, if there hadn't be any hope in her heart, she wouldn't have asked for Richard's help in the first place.

Richard firmly nodded, "I assessed her and she was suffering from a familiar illness. I have giv her the potion which the medic back home specially prepared for this exact case."

Richard lied, naturally. He couldn't have told them things relating to Aembr and also the fact that Emily was now an Ambrobate. Angela might faint hearing that.

After a brief pause, he told Nora, "It would be wise if you rest here tonight and return to the Academy by tomorrow."

Nora abstmindedly nodded; still can't believe that Emily can actually be saved.

Richard turned a and glanced at the closed door once before he wordlessly descded to the g floor.

Maybe his decision might cause problems for him in the future, but one thing was for sure.

Richard was not going to ever regret saving Emily.

She sacrificed her everything to protect Amelia and ultimately saved his whole family. In return, saving her life was the least he could have done.

So yeah, the extra weight from his shoulders was now lifted.


A/N:- Thanks for reading.

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