Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 151: Chapter 150- Offer(2)

He has slowly regained his memories and he could tell why he fell for Emily in the first place.

It was one of those days wh Richard came to a formal gathering with his mother. The vue was the mansion of Count Cravford.

This was rather an unexpected meeting vue, giv important meetings mostly happ in the Capital or one of the three dukedoms. However, considering the situation concerning the Count, and also since Duke Hawkbridge was in Cravford at that time, the gathering was decided to happ here.

Richard has always be a cocky brat who held mountain-sized pride at the tip of his nose. With back arched, hands in his pockets, the boy moved a the mansion like he owned the place.

The reason why Richard held such an attitude was because he knew his mother's position in the Empire and the strgth she held. Appartly, no one can go against her except for the Emperor, and this fact flamed Richard's ego.

He behaved rudely to anyone, regardless of age and gder. He always made others look smaller than him, felt he was the king of the world and until his mother was supporting him, no one had the guts to go against him.

He was roaming a, searching for the other noble kids like Duke Hawkbridge's daughter or the son of Duke Aeromore.

It was th that he discovered Aeromore's scion conversing with his fiancée in a corner.

Richard raised his brows. The girl is having an affair?

With those thoughts, he secretly heard their conversation,

"Why don't you just break up the gagemt with him? If you want the Aeromore family will support your decision." The bastard with weird hair offered.

Richard had a hunch and it seems he was right about Brdon being infatuated with Emily.

Truth be told, giv Richard's reputation, it wouldn't be much surprising if Emily agrees here. She was being offered a better life partner and of the same rank as her currt fiancé.

Any girl, who is aware of Richard's disposition would think deeply about it...however, Emily's answer was swift.

"Breaking a relationship on a whim is not something I could ever allow myself to do."

Brdon frowned, "You know what kind of person he is, right?"

"I have heard rumours, but unless I don't meet him in person, I won't believe any of those words I have heard about him." Taking a brief pause and with a smile extding her lips, she added, "He can have a bad temper, but I have a feeling no one has tried to find out the real person behind the facade he wears."

Looking up at Brdon, she firmly said, "So let's not continue this conversation anymore and please never corner me in this way again, Sir Brdon. It is truly inappropriate."

Leaving a bewildered Aermore behind she walked away.

Richard could see that the blond girl was fearless and unwavering while stating her ideals. She confidtly rejected Brdon despite knowing what consequces her words could bring.

Not to mtion, she didn't believe the rumours and decided to get to know Richard by herself.

Maybe that's the reason why Richard began to fall for this girl who goes by the name Emily Cravford.

And the same determined and fierce girl was looking like a brok and defeated soul right now.

Holding her hand he asked, "Do you not want to live or are you forced to die?"

His question brought her eyes toward the g as she asked, "Does it matter now, Richard? I have not much time left to regret my life decision or think of what I want."

Her voice oozed with helplessness and the girl looked beyond defeated. She didn't have the strgth left to fight her situation anymore. The two lifetimes she has spt, have tak many things from her.

And trust was one of them.

She directed her steps, worked hard and sacrificed many things for the sake of humanity. Her parts died wh the war was ongoing yet she didn't shed a single tear in the fear of letting the path ahead get blurred.

She couldn't have allowed herself to stray. She has devoted her life to supporting Ethan and bringing the Death God to his demise. And all because she was 'told' to.

Emily followed each of their words as an absolute command and just once...just a single time wh she broke their command and did what she deemed right...she was stol from her memories, her powers, her...very existce. And now, all Emily remembers is the pain and betrayal.

Everything else was cloudy; very faint. She could not put her fingers on minute details of those memories yet they were there...foggy and unclear.

However, there was something she still remembers clearly. A very strong emotion she felt at that time and also in this life after realising the reason behind that strong emotion.

That time wh she saw Richard looking at her while she cried for a beat and bruised Ethan. Those eyes he directed at her... still live vividly in her remembrance.

And wh he plucked his head, all she could see in his eyes was pure fondness....those feelings which she believed didn't exist within him.

"I have betrayed you, no?" She asked. Her eyes were blurred by tears as she looked at Richard with a sad smile.

"You trusted me...loved me...visioned a future where we can be together. And all I did was to distance myself from you."

"But you ar't to be blamed. I behaved quite arrogantly ev with you." Richard added.

Emily heaved a sigh, "I should have se it...the real you screaming out to me that I wasn't just any girl to you but rather, the person you love."

With a heavy breath escaping her lips, she said, "For everything I did to you...I want to apologize for that, Richard."

She wanted to apologize earlier, however, things became so hectic after she tered the academy that Emily never received the chance to apologize nor thank him for whatever he did for her and Ethan.

However, maybe she could sse her d nearing that Emily found the courage to say it to him.

Silce sued betwe them after that. She kept her gaze lowered, thinking back on the short conversations they had in this timeline. That day wh she invited him to break off the gagemt...and that ring...that ring she still has that ring.

Suddly, breaking her out of the daze, Richard asked something unexpected, "Do you think your life being devoted to this war betwe the two sides was worthwhile?"

Emily thought for a momt, "I made frids, and had some beautiful momts...however now that I think about it...devoting my life just because someone told me is not something I will do again "

Emily has understood one thing after this punishmt was inflicted on her: Neither side is kind and forgiving. Those whom people worship as the symbol of kindness and forgivess are cruel and heartless.

Emily has expericed the brutality they hold within their hearts and to what lgths they could go to make things right.

And if Emily gets another chance in life she would never walk on the same path as before.

After all, who would want to serve some deities, only to be stranded and thrown away?

Richard thought for a momt before he got up.

Looking at her seriously, he asked, "If I give you another chance to live your life as you want, will you accept it?"

Emily wided her eyes. The first thing she should have asked was how Richard could bestow her with such a chance, but the first question she asked was,

"Why would you give me such a-"

"Just answer me truthfully, Emily. Will you accept another chance to live without any restriction or being bound to any responsibility?"

Emily's lips were parted wide. She never thought about it, and suddly, being offered such an opportunity, she wasn't able to answer quickly.

A life without worrying about the incoming war or the things she must do as an apostle?

That sounds...too good to be true.

Turning her eyes back on him, she asked, " there anything I have to give in exchange?" Emily wouldn't lie, it was a tempting offer. However, after living such a long life she knows that such a good opportunity doesn't come without a price.

Richard hesitated for a momt; unsure if she would accept it. However, he couldn't lie to her, so he just said it,

"In exchange for that have to sacrifice your humanity and embrace Aembr."

For someone who has lived years of her life as a believer of the light, Richard believed that Emily might not agree instantly, or might outrigtly reject.

However, without much hesitation, she uttered her response, "Yes...I am ready."

"...huh?" Richard's eyes parted wide in shock, "Did I hear it wrong?"

Emily shook her head and assured him, "I heard you right and you did the same. I am ready to sacrifice my humanity if I can get to live ev another year. So yes, please save me, Richard."


A/N:- My favourite character in this novel and the one I love to write is Lilia. Who is your favourite character?

Thanks for reading.

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