Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 150: Chapter 149- Offer(1)

"How can you let him go with some strange girl when you know that there are so many predators waiting out there to attack Brother?" Bella asked after Richard left with Nora.

Amelia also departed for the Academy since she had recovered well in these few days and since Richard would be returning there as well, she decided to go ahead and wait for him.

Inside the indoor gymnasium, Bellarine and Bella were standing while facing each other. The raven-haired seemed displeased about this whole thing, related to Emily.

She now knows that there was a time when her brother was madly in love with Emily and now he has gone to save her again...maybe because of those lingering feelings he still has for her? Or is it truly that her brother was sympathetic towards Emily because she lost her powers to save Amelia?

"Your brother is not a puppet nor a child, Bella. He had seen things in his previous world and in this one that allowed him to make rational decisions without the possibility of regretting them in the future."

Bellarine softly rebuked, before she asked, "Do you fear your brother might become attached to Emily again?"

Hesitantly, the younger one nodded.

Bellarine heaved a sigh. Not like she didn't expect it to happen...however, preventing Richard from meeting her would be unfair. Now, Bellarine has left everything to fate.

For now, "Let's get started with your training. How about you show me the command over your four fundamentals?" Bellarine asked, expectantly.

"Fundamentals? What are they?" Bella raised her brows and asked in genuine curiosity.

Bellarine's smile stretched even further and her eyes turned crescent.

This was going to be a long training session.


Ethan's life in the academy has regained tranquillity. He never saw Eleanor again after that day, and after investigating a little through his class teacher, he got to know that she had dropped out.

Ethan wasn't a bloodthirsty person since he didn't hold Eleanor as a culprit. But it is an undeniable fact that he can never trust that girl, in his life. And neither he would want to associate with her.

Emily returned home a few days ago, and despite how much Ethan wanted to get to know about her condition from Nora, he received no response at all.

"Here you go." Suddenly the familiar voice of the blond Princess arrived from his left before Ethan took the vegetable sandwich from her and thanked her.

Elizabeth can read her lover like an open book, which allowed her to discern that he still was worried about Emily.

Taking the seat beside him—which no longer surprised the other students anymore—she asked, "Do you still blame yourself for what happened to Emily?"

He hurriedly shook his head, not wanting to make Elizabeth worried...however, under her round innocent eyes, he wasn't able to lie and soon nodded, "I mean...if only I had a stronger will I wouldn't have ever gotten under 'their' control and Emily never would have to tell me Eleanor's reality and break me out of that spell."

So indeed, I blame myself; the last bit he swallowed to not make himself look pitiful.

However, in Elizabeth's eyes, he already looked quite pitiful with all that grief and regret on his shoulders.

Holding his hand fondly and her eyes drawn to their joined hands, she slowly uttered, "Initially it was me who was about to tell you everything."

Ethan's eyes widened upon hearing that. He didn't know that Elizabeth was also a part of the divine apostles.

However, the reason he showed such an astounded reaction wasn't because she revealed herself as an apostle, but rather at the very thought of Elizabeth losing all her memories and magical capabilities because of him.

After losing his mother, Ethan hasn't gotten close to anyone except for this girl sitting beside him. And to get separated from her seems nothing but a nightmare.

Elizabeth was elated to see that reaction. But she chose to first finish what she started,

"However, Emily knew our connection and how close we are...that's why she decided to make this sacrifice."

Looking back at him, she added, "But you know what Ethan? I am now regretting that I didn't sacrifice my powers and memories."

Ethan frowned, "What are you saying?!" His frown and tone suggested that he was displeased with what she said.

Elizabeth smiled weakly before she told him, "Maybe if you had lost me, you might have felt determined to take revenge rather than dwelling in grief and regret."

Ethan's eyes slowly parted wide in realisation.

She isn't making him feel the dread of the possibility but rather encouraging him to move forward rather than wailing because of the past.

He remained silent for a few moments before heaving a sigh, "Couldn't you have found a better way to cheer me up?"

Elizabeth giggled, "I wanted to see how Ethan reacts when I mention separation."

Ethan grumbled, "Not fair, you are."


Using the Teleportation portal, Nora, Emily and Lilia reached Cravenford instantly and took the carriage to the mansion where Emily lives.

Thankfully, despite how many rumours currently surrounding the Scarlette house, Count Cranford didn't deny Richard from meeting his daughter.

As such, around evening Richard reached the mansion where he met Emily's mother.

Angela Cravenford has dark blond hair and a pair of piercing green eyes as she greeted her guest.

Angela has met Nora before, and during formal gatherings, she has conversed with Richard as well, so they weren't complete strangers. However, as of now, they don't show much enthusiasm while talking, unlike in the past.

From her expression to her tone, everything suggested that the lady was sickly worried about something. And the other two knew the subject of her concern as Nora asked,

"Madame Cravenford, how is Emily these days?"

Nora's words were the final push required, as tears began to slide down her eyes as the lady weakly uttered, "She....she is miserable. Doesn't want to meet people, barely eats anything...haven't left her room ever since she returned."

Grief reflected in her voice as she continued to wail. Nora got up with a handkerchief in her hand before she consoled the lady

Richard remained silent for a few moments before he suddenly rose from his seat, alerting the other two ladies as the elven princess asked, "Richard?"

"Where is she, Madame Cravenford?" Richard asked politely; his expression unreadable.

Angela weakly protested, "She doesn't want to meet anyone-"

"I won't be returning unless I see her, so please." Richard insisted; a tinge of determination and stubbornness evident in his voice.

Angela was left with no other option as she gestured towards her maid.

Nora was about to get up, but, "Nora, I want to meet her alone. Please." He requested.

The elf was perplexed, but currently, his demeanour looked more domineering rather than persuasive.

Slowly she nodded before Richard left with the maid.

Lilia didn't follow her master, knowing his wishes without him telling her.

Richard climbed the stairs and reached the room inside which Emily rested

The maid bowed and said, "I will be nearby, master Richard. Call me if you need something."

"Hmm." Humming he waited until the maid left.

Raising his hand he knocked on the door.

"W-Who?" Her voice came from the other side.

"It's me," Richard informed, and suddenly, silence ensued on the other side.

Richard didn't wait for long before pushing the door open...only to see Emily trying to cover herself to her neck to hide the bloodstained dress she wore.

"Ah...R-Richard..." Her face looked paler than a sheet, and her eyes sunken in. She was excessively thinner than the last time he met her. Her hair was slowly turning grey and the girl looked older than her age.

He looked at the paper towels thrown into the dustbin which all were coated in her blood and looking at the other side he could tell that Emily haven't eaten anything yet.

She is dying.

"Looks pitiful, no?" She asked. She saw him looking around her room and then back on her.

However, when Richard opened his mouth she heard something unexpected, "All I can see is a foolish girl dying like a fool."

Emily was dumbstruck hearing that. Everyone who saw her always showed pity to her state and she was expecting the same from Richard.

Approaching the girl he asked, "Why does it look like you have already lost hope to survive? You aren't the same Emily I fell for."

His words caused her to hold her breath. Her eyes began to turn moist.

She looked away from him...however, Richard held her chin and slowly turned her eyes back on him.

Those moist eyes met with fierce golden orbs. There was a tinge of disappointment in his gaze as she heard him saying,

"Unless you don't answer me, I won't be going anywhere nor will let you escape. And this is a promise."


A/an:- Thanks for reading

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