Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 96: Tub Tensions, Seeing the Heroine’s Panties!

Vritra was now relaxed in the tub, a calm expression on his face, as Ghislaine sat in his lap, sleeping on his chest with a mild smile. Behind the young lord was a happy, naked, and wet Esmeralda.

"Are you joying your massage, God Vritra?"

The pretty woman was gtly using a special oil, applying light pressure on Vritra's shoulders, and slowly spreading her delicate hands across his body to tantalize him.

There was nothing sweeter than a woman's touch in the right parts of a man's body.

"It feels nice…"

Ev Vritra had to agree.

He had no doubt that Esmeralda would be such an expert wh it came to massaging a man and making him feel good and relaxed. She had be a maid for most of her life, so it was no surprise that she'd provided these services to other people.

This realization made Vritra raise an eyebrow.

"So, what other m have gott this treatmt?"

The young lord gave Esmeralda a soft side-eye.

She blushed a bit and paused her ssual massage.

"I see what God Vritra is trying to do. I hav't actually done this for any man before—only the princess. King Felmus once wanted to take me as his wife a few years after I was sold as a slave to Duranzia and served as a maid at the Armed Palace, but after seeing the relationship I built with Princess Luciana, he decided against it.

"All he truly wanted was for his daughter to be happy and for him to rule the nation in peace. He knew the best way to do that would be to avoid any controversies, like taking a slave from another nation as a wife. I never really saw His Majesty in a romantic light either; I was just always grateful to him for all he had done for me. Not many slaves would receive the kindness that I did.

"So, while all the servants in the Armed Palace were used as tools of pleasure from time to time, His Majesty made sure that I didn't suffer the same fate. That's how I've be able to maintain my purity until I met you, my lord."

The more she talked about it, the more emotional she became.

To think she would experice love at such a late stage in her life was wonderful. All she wanted now was to simply be with God Vritra for as long as possible.

Esmeralda didn't care whether she remained a servant to him and Luciana. As long as she could stay with them and experice loving momts like these, she was more than contt.

She was fulfilled.

"God Vritra?"

"Yes, my love?"

"You hav't asked about the princess since she's be resting in the special room I just prepared, hm?"

"Well, that's because I know she's fine. Or do you want me to worry about her regardless? That sounds stupid, no?"

"Hmmm, wh you put it that way…"

Esmeralda placed her oily hand on her wet chin and stroked it thoughtfully as she looked at the oil lamp hanging across the room.

Suddly, a thought jumped into her mind.


The curvaceous woman folded her arms and stared at the young lord with oddly flirtatious eyes as she pushed her huge, perky breasts up a bit.

"You say that, but I think you've already forgott about Her Highness since you saw that Bita woman. I mean, I don't have a problem with her at all, but the only servant the young lord should allow into his romantic circle is me, alright?"

Her blush deeped.

"It makes me feel a bit… special."


Ghislaine blasted a loud laugh, breaking the small romantic momt that Esmeralda seemed to be joying.

The head maid frowned at Ghislaine.


She had half a mind to knock Ghislaine on the head.

To her, this half-succubus was almost like a little child who simply didn't like to list. The biggest problem she had with Ghislaine was that she was always close to the young lord, ev more than the princess herself.

This is my chance to joy some time with God Vritra, and this small bitch is ruining it!

Esmeralda gritted her teeth tightly.

Ghislaine pointed at her and laughed ev more.

"You say you want to be the only maid of the young lord, but you don't know he has four special maids back on the Hell Contint who he calls his Four Battle Maids. And while they don't have as much curve and meat as you do, they're cute and immortal too!"

Vritra sighed after hearing Ghislaine.

He knew this would just cause more stress for him.

As expected, Esmeralda didn't take the news well and hissed at Ghislaine before smirking.

"Hmph! You know what? It's not ev worth it…"

"Eh?" Ghislaine raised an eyebrow.

Esmeralda leaned back and folded her arms again.

She looked very proud.

"I'm sure they have small bodies like yours. My young lord is free to sleep with any woman of any size, but I'm sure he's just struggling to make you all feel important in bed. Surely, God Vritra doesn't joy pinching little, underdeveloped breasts like yours and those battle maids'. He'd rather squeeze something meatier and juicier, like mine and dear Princess Luciana's."


Ghislaine shot forward and hissed vomously.

Luckily, Vritra held her back before she could do anything stupid.

While she was being held back, Esmeralda used the chance to hold out her massive breasts and massage them gtly so that Ghislaine could get a good view of what alluring breasts should look like.

"Don't worry… someday, you'll get these~ ♡"

Esmeralda giggled mischievously.

And Ghislaine fumed more.


Vritra's right hand immediately reached back and grabbed onto one of Esmeralda's pink, pert nipples, pulling on it as if he were trying to milk her breasts.

… Ahhhwnnn~ ♡♡♡!

Esmeralda fell back, moaning more as her hot, steaming mouth let out sounds of pleasure and her eyes rolled back.

"Humuuu ♡ young lord… please ♡♡ too much ♡♡♡…"

━ ━ ━ ━

Next day…

Rosemarie was back at her small home with a worried look on her normally proud and pretty face.

She was dressed in her nun attire, but draped over it was an apron, and her hands were covered in what looked like sanitary gloves. Her silky red hair was tied in a neat bun, and she wore a small scarf over her head as well.

"Huff! So tired…"

Indeed, Rosemarie looked quite tired.

She had be taking care of Sadim since he returned to her, looking beat and battered. The kind of fear she felt seeing him wounded and torn apart, as though he would die at any momt, almost made her faint.

Luckily, she was able to remove him from the armor, td to some of his wounds, and give him some pain-relieving medicine that helped him get some sleep.

After that, she stayed by his side for most of the night and didn't ev get a chance to eat or sleep.

『Wh I asked Sadim what happed to him, I honestly expected him to say it was Lord Arcellion that beat him up like this, but it was actually God Dionysus. Sigh~ I didn't know that young lord would be so powerful. Th again, he has 'God' as a title, so it does make sse.

『I don't really see any reason why I should ev hate the man. I mean, we're kind of wrong for trying to steal from him, but if he's on good terms with Lord Arcellion, th he has to be a bad person, right? Hmmm, I don't know. He was the one who supplied the people with food, clothes, and ev medicine… the same medicine I used to treat Sadim.

『Gosh, I really don't know what to think. If I say he's a good person, that automatically makes me a bad person. But if I say he isn't, th it'd still make me a bad person for judging someone I hav't ev spok to. I don't like to have preconceived notions about a person, but God Dionysus just looks like such an asshole.』

She slapped her hand against her face and groaned.

"This level of thinking is gonna kill me!"

Rosemarie had be thinking about this since Sadim returned to her.

She wasn't the best at making decisions.

Sometimes, she couldn't ev decide on what to cook for her and Sadim, so he would usually be the one who made the decisions for them.

But this was differt… it was a question of character, and if she made the wrong choice, it could result in a great misunderstanding that might destroy any relationship she could have with the young lord.

『I want to have a frid like God Dionysus, but only if he's really a good person. Maybe I could visit him at the mansion and pray for him… well, maybe. But Sadim wouldn't like that, so I probably shouldn't.』

She placed her hands on her hips and sighed.

Her eyes drifted to the corner, where she saw a bucket.

"I should go fetch some water to cook… and I also need to take a bath, too. I stink."

━ ━ ━ ━

Rosemarie stepped out to go fetch some water, but th she noticed her worn-out slippers was a bit disarranged.

She bt down to readjust it, and th she felt a cool breeze sweep under her skirt.

… Huh?

Wh she looked back, she saw God Vritra squatting just behind her butt and raising her skirt up to get a better look at her panties.

"Hmm, very nice shade of pink."

That was all the young lord said.

Rosemarie raised an eyebrow.


[Ding! You've se the "heroine" Rosemarie Redwood's panties. For this, both Edmond Redwood and the "hero" Sadim Goldtouch have lost a Fate Value worth 0!]

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