Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 97: A Visit to the Lower City, Cake Inspection

Five minutes ago…

God Vritra made his way out of the higher city to visit the people in the lower city, or more specifically, to check on Rosemarie and keep an eye on Sadim, who he already knew was the Red Rogue.

Wh Lord Arcellion offered to sd some guards with him to the lower city, warning that it could get dangerous, Vritra rejected the offer, assuring them he would be fine.

After all, as dangerous as the commoners in the lower city could be, Vritra could destroy the tire Kaal Tower City if he wanted to.

But the real reason Vritra didn't want guards with him was because he knew Arcellion intded to use them as a means to spy on him. More than that, the young lord wanted to meet with Rosemarie, and having guards a would complicate things.

From the notifications he received during his time in Gladius City, Vritra knew that Arcellion had tried to kill Rosemarie several times, but each time, she was saved by the Red Rogue. This constant danger had only caused the love betwe the hero and heroine to blossom ev more, leading to a significant increase in their Fate Value.

『It seems surviving life-or-death situations greatly increases the hero and heroine's Fate Value. Sigh~ as expected…』

Vritra also left a message for his female companions.

He had prepared some surprises for them, trusting Butler Neron with the arrangemts.

『I think it's about time most of my wom become capable of combat. I don't want to fall into that stupid cliché where the heroine gets abducted by some one-and-done villain, and th I'm forced to rescue her. If they can fight, they'll be able to handle themselves. I don't need any friggin' Cinderellas in my harem.』

The young lord smiled to himself as he walked.

The commoners lingering in the lower levels of Kaal Tower all looked at the young lord as he strolled through their dirty, unkempt streets.

Normally, no noble would dare walk in the lower city without guards unless they had a death wish, but this didn't apply to God Vritra. While the commoners didn't know the extt of his power, they were well aware of how kind he and his wife had be to them.

They wouldn't dare attack him.

"Good day, young lord!"

"I hope you're doing quite fine. You look well!"

"The young lord looks handsome as always. I wish we could be like you someday, hahaha!"

"Shut your arrogant mouth! You could never be on the young lord's level, face it!"

"Ehehehe… fair ough."

Vritra simply chuckled at their liveliness and waved.

『Tch, filthy monkeys…』

If it wer't for the fact that he was trying to win Rosemarie's heart, these people wouldn't be so happy to see him.

… Hm?

The young lord's sharp red eyes spotted a petite girl.

She looked no older than her mid-tes and stood quietly on the side of the street. Her wide brown eyes sparkled with an air of innocce, and a soft pink color spread across her cheeks as he drew closer.

She wore the plain black and robes of the Vayetran Church, her hands fidgeting nervously in front of her, fingers tight and pale against the dark cloth.

Vritra came to a stop just a few steps away from her, tilting his head slightly with that same charming, effortless smile.

He didn't have to say a thing.

The girl was already staring at him.

She was completely charmed by his divine beauty.

"G-, Good day, young lord…"

Her voice was soft, just loud ough to hear, but it had a gtle sweetness that tried to hide her shaky excitemt.

Vritra's eyes swept over her, noting the warm innocce in her appearance.

She was too young… far too young.

It would've be almost amusing if not for the seriousness writt across her face and the way she nervously picked at the hem of her robes.

He already knew where this was going.

But before he could say anything, the girl stepped forward as her breath hitched slightly.

"I-, I'm Sister Thilda, young lord. It's an honor to meet you. I've heard so many good things about you, about how kind you are to these people…"

Her words tumbled out awkwardly as she tried to keep her composure, but the blush in her cheeks only deeped the more she spoke.

Vritra kept his smile, but his eyes became colder.

He could see it clearly now… the spark of something very dangerous in her eyes.


The kind that flared up too fast and too recklessly.

"Is that so?"

His voice was quite smooth, but there was a hint of warning in it, something the girl either didn't notice or chose to ignore.

She stepped closer as her hands nervously played with the edges of her sleeves.

"Y-, You're way more handsome than the rumors say. I-, I don't mean to be improper, but… if ever you needed anything, anything at all… you could call on me, and I would gladly serve…"

Her words were bolder now.

She was barely hiding the nervous tremor beath.

"I-, I always thought… maybe…"

She hesitated and her eyes dropped to the g briefly before she looked back up to meet his eyes again.

Vritra raised an eyebrow, very unimpressed.

"Sister Thilda…"

The young lord placed a hand on her small shoulder.

"You're far too young for that kind of talk."

He smiled again.

But this time there was no warmth behind it.

"And I don't tertain such thoughts from those who are, shall we say, still childr. You're young, and I appreciate your offer, but you should really focus on your vows. They suit you much better."

Gtle words that struck with the force of a hammer.

The girl's face fell instantly and the pink in her cheeks drained as quickly as it had come.


She started, but Vritra silced her with a hand.

"I'm looking for Sister Rosemarie. I assume you know where I can find her?"

Vritra said with a soft tone as if trying to less the blow, but his eyes stayed unreadable.

Thilda's hands twisted in front of her.

Now, she only looked at the g and her voice was very tiny again.

"Yes, young lord… She's be helping in the uhm, southern quarter, near the old market. She's… she's very beloved there."

She was very sad but didn't protest further.

Vritra smiled again. "Good girl."

Thilda bowed her head, tightly gripping her rosary.

"I'll pray for you, my lord. That… wherever your path leads, you'll find the peace you seek."

"Peace is a luxury… but thank you."

"No problem…"

Sister Thilda stood there in fury, gripping her rosary so tightly that it cut into her skin.

Blood dripped from her fingers.

"Sister Rosemarie…"

She gritted her teeth in anger.

━ ━ ━ ━

That was how God Vritra ded up here.

Now, currtly looking at the neat, pink panties of the beloved Sister Rosemarie.

"Mhmm~ I'm sure your butt is quite perky too…"

The young lord placed his other hand on her butt and squeezed her ass cheeks gtly, as if he were searching for a fresh piece of bread in a bakery.

Rosemarie's face grew redder by the second.

"Wh-, What're you doing…?"

"Call me a baker… I'm inspecting your cake…"

"Don't fuck with me…"

"Haha, you wish."

The young lord may have laughed, but there was clearly not a single smile or sign of playfulness on his face. He was simply focused on pinching and gtly fondling Rosemarie's ass cheeks to see their quality, and it was quite the butt.

『Her breasts ar't better than Luciana's, but her butt is just as perfect as Ghislaine's… maybe ev better.』

He squeezed her butt ev more.

"Mhmm, very firm…"

The young Asura's smile became wider.

Rosemarie was too shocked to ev know how to react. This was the first time any man had dared to reach under the skirt of a sister of the Vayetran Church and go as far as squeezing their butt like it was a pillow.

"Are you…"

She gritted her teeth as though she would grind them.

Shortly after, she felt Vritra's hand snake up her panties, and in that momt, she lost it.


Rosemarie immediately reached for one of her thighs and pulled out her gun. She didn't ev pray before using it and pulled the trigger at the young lord.



The bullet flew straight for Vritra's forehead, but he caught it betwe his fingers and chuckled.

"I'll use my secret technique…"

He pinched her clit and pulled it gtly.

"You son of a──ahhhhhnn ♡♡!!"

Rosemarie's legs grew weak, and she fell to the g.

━ ━ ━ ━

Note: We're back. Expect another chapter in a few hours!

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