Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 99: Cavemen's Tribe

Since there were no visible changes on his body, he didn't reject him becoming half human and half Life Spirit, he ev thought, if possible, how to improve this talt further so that his body can hold more Life Energy and Spiritual Power.

"Master Orion must have known," Ram muttered under his breath. This change wasn't a coincidce—it was all part of the seed's influce.

Whatever power Orion had gifted him, it had fundamtally altered his very being, pushing him beyond the limits of human pottial.

And there was one more thing. "If my race has changed… what does that mean for my future evolutions?"

He quickly pulled up his status panel, scrolling through the details of his progression. His experice caught his eye, and a frown formed on his lips. Something was off.

"The experice I saved before… it's decreased so much!" He blinked in disbelief, the realization settling over him like a cold wave. "Is this the reason?" he muttered; his voice barely audible.

His mind reeled as he tried to make sse of it. Before the transformation, he had accumulated more than 50%. But now, that hard-earned progress had reduced to a fraction of what it was.

His Life Spirit Body had multiplied his capacity for Life Energy and Spiritual Power, but it seemed that the price for such an hancemt was a steeper path of growth. "If I need t times the experice to evolve now..."

Ram thought he laughed out loudly, "Haha, th be it, once I upgrade to Tier 3, my Life ergy and Spiritual power should be purified again with the help of the attribute panel, and th it won't be hard to upgrade later."

Wh he was about to check what other changes had occurred with his powers, his sses suddly snapped to atttion. There was a large commotion in front of him.

Looking up, Ram's eyes wided. He was completely sured—thousands of cavem formed a tight circle a him, standing at least five meters away, keeping a cautious distance.

Their primitive eyes were filled with something like a mix of fear, respect, and confusion. Yet, they didn't focus on him.

Instead, every single one of them had their gaze fixed on the Fire Mage Leader standing next to him.

There was an air of both respect and dread in their expressions as they looked at the Fire Mage Leader. Ram could feel the pressure in the air, the oppressive weight of him dominating the sce.

It became clear to Ram that the Fire Mage Leader was exerting a type of bloodline pressure that had completely subdued the cavem.

They seemed to be from the same tried as him, as a leader, these cavem didn't dare to disobey him.

Ev some of the other professional groups that had tered the area with Ram stood off to the side, unwilling to approach due to the overwhelming presce of the cavem suring them.

They arrived wh they ssed the huge fluctuations of life ergy and spiritual power radiating from Ram during his transformation, thinking of him as a strange treasure or something.

However, after looking at those thousands of cavem, they didn't approach recklessly.

Ram tsed, his eyes darting from the Fire Mage Leader to the cavem and back again.

For now, they wer't focused on him, but the situation could change at any momt.

He couldn't afford to underestimate those professionals who could do anything for money.

Just as Ram was wondering what his next move should be, the Fire Mage Leader beside him turned and noticed his return to consciousness. Without the harsh, guttural tone he had previously as a caveman, the leader spoke in a voice that was soft and calm.

"Master, I apologize for disturbing you," the Fire Mage Leader began, bowing his head slightly in respect. "All of my subordinates were drawn here by the overwhelming presce of Life Energy and Spiritual Power you released."

Ram blinked, still processing the situation. He hadn't fully grasped the fact that his ergy release had triggered such a reaction in these cavem.

The leader continued; his tone unwavering. "But now they are completely under my control," he assured Ram, "and ready to act according to your will, Master."

Ram's mind raced as he processed everything that had just unfolded. He hadn't anticipated the Fire Mage Leader's intelligce to increase so significantly after his evolution.

However, reflecting on how cunning the Half-Drows were, it wasn't tirely surprising. Perhaps this intelligce was always there, waiting to be unlocked by evolution.

He glanced a at the thousands of cavem now standing obeditly, fully under their control.

His voice was calm but authoritative as he spoke, "Okay, for now, let's return to your tribe. Once we're there, we'll begin evolving the others who have ough pottial."

The Fire Mage Leader's face lit up with joy, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. It was clear he had longed to see his subordinates grow stronger.

He had always wanted to help them evolve, but there were risks, deadly ones, that he had known all too well.

Ev before his evolution, he had be slightly more intelligt than the other cavem, and he had known something about his innate ability.

But whever he had attempted to evolve on his own, an overwhelming sse of death had washed over him.

That fear had always held him back, prevting him from taking the leap.

Ev wh he tried to evolve his subordinates, they died without ev leaving scum, blown to bits due to the conflict betwe the bloodlines of Half-Drows and Cavem.

Wh Ram had forcefully evolved him, the Fire Mage Leader had be certain it would lead to his death. But against all odds, he had survived—no, thrived. All thanks to his new Master.

The Fire Mage Leader bowed deeply. "Thank you, Master. Because of you, we can grow stronger—without the fear of death." There was deep reverce in his voice, a mixture of gratitude and loyalty.

Ram nodded, his mind already formulating plans. These cavem, now under his command, could become a powerful force. But it was clear to him that evolution was risky, ev for those with pottial.

Ram would have to be cautious and wait for his life ergy and spiritual power to recover, as they prepared to leave, the cavem parted, creating a clear path for Ram and the Fire Mage Leader to lead the way back to their tribe.

The Fire Mage leader walked with newfound pride, knowing that under Ram's guidance, they would no longer be trapped by the limitations of their primitive forms.

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