Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 100: Fire Mage Leader - Korrin

After a few minutes of walking, Ram arrived at a large river, its width spanning nearly 6 to 7 meters. The water rushed westward, turbult waves crashing with a steady roar.

The sound of the water crashing against the rocks created a natural boundary for the cavem tribe living nearby.

Along the relatively flat g by the river's edge was the Cavem Tribe, a surprisingly organized settlemt for such primitive creatures.

Nearly a thousand wood houses of various sizes were scattered a, connected in a loose network that formed the heart of the settlemt.

At the cter stood several stone houses, a few feet taller and sturdier than the others, clearly marking them as the homes of the stronger cavem in the tribe.

From a quick glance, Ram estimated there were about two to three thousand cavem living here.

Their rapid reproduction rate explained the sheer number. Unlike humans, cavem could give birth to five to t childr every year.

And within just a year and a half, these babies would grow into full adults, ready to hunt with the rest of the tribe.

Suring the wood sheds were a few crude planting fields, filled with ordinary grains. The fields were untidy, with weeds sprouting betwe the crops—nothing like the carefully cultivated spiritual fields Ram had se near the Cyber Core District.

These were rough, unkempt, clearly the work of the cavem, but still, it was impressive that they had managed to grasp the concept of farming.

Ram knew that some cavem tribes didn't ev bother with agriculture. They simply scavged or hunted for whatever they could eat, surviving on pure instinct.

This tribe, at least, had tak a step toward a more organized way of life, ev if it was still primitive.

As his gaze swept over the area, he noticed several underg holes near the wood houses. From one of them, a Yellow-toothed rat scurried out.

The black rat was about the size of a normal house cat, with long, sharp teeth and claws. Its body was surprisingly agile for a creature of its size, moving betwe the houses with quick, jerky movemts.

Ram's Spiritual Eye flickered to life as he focused on the creature, bringing up its attribute panel:

[ Name: Yellow-toothed rat]

[ Level: Black Iron]

[ Physique: .6]

[ Spirit: 0.]

[ Introduction: Ordinary wild monsters born with sharp teeth and claws, flexible in shape, distributed all over the world]

[ Racial Skills: Bite, Barrow, Jumping claws]

These rats were nothing extraordinary—common creatures, weak and unimpressive. But their numbers and their ability to burrow made them useful to the cavem.

It was a simple survival tactic. Though cavem were known for their lack of strgth, they had learned to tame low-level monsters like the Yellow-toothed rats to boost their chances of survival.

It wasn't some special racial ability, just a skill they had picked up over time.

Ram turned his atttion back to the Fire Mage Leader as they stepped inside the largest of the stone houses. The air inside was cooler, a stark contrast to the heat outside.

The interior was surprisingly spacious, with stone slabs arranged as crude tables and chairs. A large fire pit sat in the cter, its embers glowing faintly, casting flickering shadows across the room.

Ram took a deep breath, observing the interior of the stone house. Shelves carved from rock lined the walls, holding various crude tools and weapons, likely used by the tribe's hunters.

Skins from yellow-toothed rats covered parts of the floor, adding a bit of comfort to the otherwise cold stone. In the far corner, a large, flat slab of stone served as a bed.

The Fire Mage Leader, who had be trailing behind Ram, was now standing at atttion, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "What is your command, Master?" the Fire Mage Leader asked, his voice filled with a newfound sse of reverce.

There was no trace of the rough, primitive tone he once had. Instead, it carried an edge of intelligce that made Ram pause for a momt.

"First, I must give you a name," since the Fire Mage Leader evolved into Half Drow, his intelligce and the ability to understand his thoughts surprised him more and more.

So, he decided to name him ev if he was unable to bring him out of this Monster D. "From now on, you will be called Korrin."

The Fire Mage Leader nodded, a mix of pride and excitemt flashing across his face. "Korrin… I like it. Thank you, Master!"

"Alright th, we'll begin with the strongest of your subordinates," Ram continued, his voice taking on a commanding edge. "Gather all those you believe have the pottial to evolve further."

Without hesitation, Korrin nodded and left the stone house with swift steps to summon the cavem. The excitemt in his eyes was unmistakable. He was eager to prove his loyalty and, more importantly, help his tribe grow stronger.

While Korrin wt to carry out the task, Ram took a momt to focus on something else. He oped his pet interface, his eyes zeroing in on the special spiritual symbol now attached to Korrin's attribute panel.

Curious, he conctrated his thoughts on it, and suddly, his point of view shifted.

Ram found himself seeing through Korrin's eyes, much like wh he had tried the same thing with the Mind Shadow Parasite.

It was a strange ssation—being able to see what Korrin saw while still feeling fully conscious in his own body.

Yet, Korrin himself seemed unaware of Ram's presce in his mind. He moved naturally, continuing to gather his subordinates, following Ram's orders as if nothing had changed.

"Interesting," Ram thought to himself. He didn't want to interfere or disturb Korrin just yet, so he let his thoughts drift toward the Innate Talt Korrin had—Species Evolution Mastery.

Suddly, a change occurred in Ram's view. As Korrin observed the cavem gathering before him, each of them became outlined in a faint red aura, their bodies glowing with varying intsities, and there were hundreds of them with an aura that seemed almost blood red.

Ram realized what he was seeing: evolution points. The brighter and stronger the red aura suring a caveman, the more evolution points they had accumulated—the greater their pottial to evolve.

Ram quickly memorized all those with the blood-color auras, noting the cavem who had slightly more pottial than the others.

With that knowledge firmly in mind, Ram allowed his thoughts to return to his own body, snapping out of the shared vision.

He glanced out of the stone house, patitly waiting for Korrin to return with the chos cavem. A few minutes later, Ram saw Korrin return, leading a group of roughly thirty cavem.

They stood in rough lines behind him, their postures rigid, showing more discipline than Ram had expected.

He scanned the group, noting that Korrin had indeed gathered those with the brightest red auras—the ones with the most evolutionary pottial.

However, the number was much smaller than Ram anticipated. Out of the hundreds he remembered, only thirty stood before him.

He didn't mtion the smaller number. After all, this was a test. Numbers didn't matter right now. His main concern was whether the evolution process could be successfully repeated.

With that thought, Ram shifted his focus to one individual, a caveman who had the fewest evolution points out of the group that Korrin had assembled.

This one stood out for his relatively weaker aura, but Ram was curious to see if ev the weakest could be pushed to evolve under the right conditions.

Korrin approached Ram, head bowed slightly in respect. "Master, these are the strongest of my subordinates," he said, his voice a careful mix of excitemt and reverce. "They are the ones with the greatest pottial to evolve further."

Most of them were still primitive in appearance, with rough skin and animalistic features, seemed to pulse with anticipation as they awaited Ram's command.

Ram, crossing his arms, considered how to proceed. "This is only the beginning," he murmured, his gaze sweeping over the group. "Korrin, we'll start with the weakest. I want to see if they can handle it."

[ Race: Cavem]

[ Level: Black Iron]

[ Quality: Ordinary]

[ Physique: .7]

[ Spirit: 0.4]

[ Racial Characteristics:

[Half-Drow Bloodline (Unawak)]: Aggressive in nature with feral instincts, oft becoming raged during battle. Wh injured, gain 5% attack speed and damage bonus.

[Herd Mtality]: Oft work best in groups, relying on their numbers for strgth. Wh sured by their kin, they become more confidt and powerful. For every nearby ally of the same race, they gain a 0.5% increase in defse and morale, up to a maximum of 5%.

[Rapid Reproduction]: Increase reproduction rate and growth rate by an additional 0%]

Looking at the attribute panel, he noted that there were not many differces from Korrin's attribute panel before his evolution.

Except that this one's attributes, whether physical or spiritual, are less than those of Korrin, and there was no innate talt like Korrin, the rest is the same.

The chos caveman—a thin figure with coarse skin and a brutish jaw—stepped forward awkwardly. Its muscles twitched with nervousness, but its eyes held steady, locked on Ram as if seeking approval.

On the other hand, Ram felt a sudd chill of goosebumps from the creature's gaze. "What am I thinking?" he wondered, shaking his head. He raised his hand, channeling the life ergy and spiritual power he had regained into it.

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