Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 92: Back to Wood Spirit Realm

Just as the middle-aged man had barely settled back into his throne when something unusual caught his attention from the far northern edge of the Wood Spirit Realm.

"Law of Life?" he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he felt an unmistakable fluctuation of law power, that only the highest-level Wood Spirits could control. "Did any new wood spirit upgrade?"

Yet, the location was what puzzled him most. The northern edge of the Wood Spirit World was a remote, where lower-level Wood Spirits gathered, still growing and far from mastering such advanced abilities.

There shouldn't be anyone in that area capable of using Law Power, let alone at a level significant enough to reach his perception.

But just as quickly as the power had appeared, it vanished. "Ah?" His brow furrowed in confusion. "What happened? Why did it suddenly disappear?" He shifted in his seat, his gaze focusing on the distant northern region.

His mind reached out, expanding his senses across the vast area of the Wood Spirit World. With his strength, he could perceive nearly everything within its boundaries.

The middle-aged man adjusted his focus, sweeping his senses through the northern edge of the Wood Spirit World, but to his surprise, he found nothing. It was as if the fluctuations had never existed at all.

He also found that there were no powerful auras capable of using law power—not even a trace.

He expanded his search, covering a wider area, but still came up with the same result. Frustration began to build as he tried a few more times, scanning nearby regions.

Just as he was about to give up, the fluctuations surged again, faint but unmistakable. This time, he didn't miss it.

With a shift of his concentration, he pinpointed the exact location.

However, what he found left him puzzled.

It wasn't a high-level Wood Spirit, nor even an intermediate one. No, it was just...a low-level human.

A low-level human who hadn't even gone through his first metamorphosis.

His interest piqued, the man waved his hand, summoning a large holographic projection into the air before him.

The image that flickered into view showed a young man, laughing wildly as if drunk.

His body was covered in what seemed to be a symbiotic wooden armor, and he was surrounded by several low-level Wood Spirits.

The man's brow raised in surprise. "Who is this...?"

It was Ram, moments after evolving, the caveman Leader into a Fire Mage.

Ram who was about to improve the Fire Mage Leader's subordinates when, without warning, he was summoned back to the Wood Spirit Realm.

Unlike before, this time he appeared in a random location, far from where he had first entered. Ram didn't even know why he had been summoned again.

"Was it the Heart Wood Tree, or perhaps the overuse of his Bio-Armor?" he pondered, but there was no one who could answer him.

Regardless of the cause, he found himself wandering aimlessly, unable to contact either Ling Xi or Rui.

The dense forest around him was filled with various low-level spiritual plants and Wood Spirits.

Using his Spiritual Eye, he scanned the surroundings, noting that most of the spirits were Tier 1 or Tier 2, half-evolved, with Spirit attributes ranging between 0.9 and 0.7.

Since he didn't know why he suddenly appeared here, taking this as an opportunity to experiment, Ram spotted a nearby half-evolved Wood Spirit in the form of a small rabbit.

He carefully injected it with a small amount of his Spiritual Power and Life Energy—just 10 points of Spiritual Power and 3 points of Life Energy, calculated based on its spirit's attributes.

Almost immediately, the Reiki from the surroundings began to gather around the creature, flooding into its body as it absorbed the energy and continued its evolution.

"Yes, it's possible to evolve them," It didn't take long. The small rabbit's form shimmered as it completed its evolution.

Eager to confirm his theory, Ram hurriedly opened his attribute panel to check his experience bar. A wild grin spread across his face as he saw the results.

You must know that most wood spirits that do not complete their evolution and fail to awaken their talents, cannot advance beyond the silver level; their growth halts at that point.

There aren't many resources available to help them evolve again, and many won't waste their valuable resources on the wood spirits that have failed.

However, he saw it differently, simply because.

"F*ck, I was right!" he exclaimed. "Evolving these incomplete Wood Spirits can give me huge amounts of experience for barely any Spiritual Power or Life Energy! same as the amount of experience I gain by evolving from an ordinary spiritual plant to Wood Spirit."

His experience bar, which had been sitting at 32.5%, had shot up to 33.9%—a whopping 1.4% increase from evolving just one Wood Spirit.

And he had only spent 10 points of Spiritual Power and a small amount of Life Energy, normally it would take double or triple the amount of what he used.

Ram's heart raced with excitement.

He had found a way to farm experience at an incredibly low cost.

Furthermore, Ram noticed a subtle yet familiar sensation wash over him—a mental bond had formed between him and the newly evolved Wood Spirit in his grasp.

It was a connection similar to the one he had with Thorny and his other Wood Spirits.

Excitement buzzed through him as he opened his pet interface. Sure enough, the newly evolved Wood Spirit appeared as a fresh entry.

Eager to explore this further, Ram opened the new attribute panel for the Wood Spirit he had just evolved.

[ Name: Forest Rabbit]

[ Race: Wood Spirit]

[ Level: Bronze (19%)]

[ Quality: Rare]

[ Physique: 6]

[ Spirit: 1.9]

[ Description: A Wood Spirit that has undergone a rapid transformation through external intervention. It exhibits the characteristics of the forest creatures it was born from, with enhanced resilience and a strong connection to the natural environment.]

[ Skills:

[Nature Dash]: Utilizes surrounding spiritual energy to momentarily boost speed, allowing it to evade attacks or escape danger swiftly.

[Regrowth]: Can heal minor wounds using natural energy. The effect increases if the creature is in an environment rich in life energy.]

[ Talent:

[Haste]: Increases the maximum speed of an ally by 20%. Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown: 3 minutes.]

Ram couldn't help but grin.

Even though the attributes and talents of this awakened wood spirit were not as strong as those of the other wood spirits he had cultivated from scratch, he felt no disappointment.

"Hehe," he chuckled to himself, a wild gleam in his eyes.

His grin widened as he realized the opportunity before him—semi-evolved Wood Spirits were everywhere in this dense forest. This was a goldmine.

Without a second thought, Ram turned to the next nearby Wood Spirit, a small, squirrel-like creature, and repeated the process.

10 points of Spiritual Power and a few points of Life Energy later, another transformation began to unfold before his eyes.

One by one, he evolved Wood Spirits as if he were working in an assembly line. The forest around him filled with these semi-evolved creatures, and to Ram, it felt like hitting a jackpot.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man who was watching from the throne furrowed his brows. "Interesting," he mused.

"A low-level human, manipulating law power...and with such efficiency." He leaned forward slightly, intrigued by this unexpected development.

However, something didn't sit right. He conjured a small green energy particle, inspecting it carefully.

It wasn't Law power, despite its uncanny resemblance. The more he examined it, the more he realized it lacked the profound depth of the Law of Life.

"What is this?" he muttered, watching the particle swirl in his hand. "It has the same properties...but it's not at the same level as Law of Life."

These are the Life Energy particles that he collected that Ram was infusing into Wood Spirits, he collected them without Ram noticing to inspect them, and what he found intrigued him very much.

These were the Life Energy particles Ram had been infusing into the Wood Spirits.

Unknown to Ram, the middle-aged man had stealthily gathered a few of them to inspect their nature.

And what he found only deepened the mystery. It was not pure Law, but something...different—a diluted but potent form of Life Energy.

Still, Ram remained oblivious. Perhaps the man had taken such an insignificant amount that it went unnoticed, or perhaps Ram was too engrossed in his work to care.

Either way, he continued to evolve the Wood Spirits, one after another. With over two thousand units of Life Energy and Spiritual Power, he showed no signs of slowing down.

The middle-aged man sighed, shaking his head as he observed the scene before him. "Why is this kid wasting his energy on these low-level Wood Spirits?" he muttered.

"It's inefficient...though I suppose he doesn't realize the full potential of his power."

A moment later, the man straightened up, his boredom showing as he waved his hand. "Enough of this. It's time to meet him."

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