Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 91: Tier 9 Life Spirit Trees

Wood Spirit World, Central City.

At the heart of the Wood Spirit Realm, towering above everything else stands a massive, ancient tree that seems to stretch endlessly into the sky, its colossal form reaching tens of thousands of meters tall.

It looks slightly similar to the Divine Spirit Tree, though this one is thousands of times smaller and lacks the overwhelming majesty of the Divine Spirit Tree.

Yet, even in its relative size, it is no less awe-inspiring, exuding an aura of ancient power and vitality.

This is the Life Spirit Tree, the core of the entire Wood Spirit World—a Tier 9 spiritual plant, cultivated from the branches of the Divine Spirit Tree itself, inheriting some of its immense power.

There are only seven such ancient plants, with different names and abilities each planted on a separate moon orbiting Blue Star, each protected within its own Spirit Realm or Void Spaces.

Each one is under the control of different divine projections, that Caption Rhea summoned when she instructed about the Planetary Barrier and Nightmare Gods.

Surrounding the Life Spirit Tree is a vast, meticulously designed city covering thousands of kilometers radius—a breathtaking example of nature-infused architecture.

The city is structured in massive hexagonal layers, each layer of buildings and walls forming an intricate pattern like a giant honeycomb, visible even from high above.

The symmetry is perfect, with each hexagonal layer connecting flawlessly to its neighbors, creating a seamless network of structures that form the heart of the Wood Spirit Realm.

At the center of each of these hexagonal layers stands a Tier 7 Spirit Wood Tree, each with different attributes and reaching impressive heights of thousands of meters tall, their large canopies stretching out to cover thousands of meters in circumference, filled with tree houses from its huge leaves, housing thousands of wood spirits.

These trees would appear colossal in any other setting, but beside the towering Life Spirit Tree, they seem almost insignificant, like mere saplings basking in the shadow of a titan.

Yet, despite their comparative smallness, each of these Spirit Wood Tree radiates its own unique energy, their roots intertwining with the spiritual essence of the Life Spirit Tree, contributing to the stability of the entire realm.

The atmosphere in the city is tranquil, a harmony of life and spirit energy that flows through every building and tree, creating a perfect balance between nature and civilization.

Millions of Wood Spirits move gracefully through the city, their forms almost indistinguishable from the natural environment, seamlessly blending with the towering structures made from living wood and spiritual energy.

On the enormous trunk of the Life Spirit Tree, there was a massive palace, seamlessly integrated into the tree itself as if it had naturally grown directly from its bark.

It looked like a colossal, living treehouse—grand yet natural, with thick branches and vines forming walls and windows.

The palace appeared alive, in rhythm with the Life Spirit Tree, and from its highest balconies, one could see the entire Wood Spirit Realm beneath it, a lush, green expanse that stretched far beyond the horizon.

Inside the palace's grand hall, on a throne that was carved from the core of the Life Spirit Tree itself, sat a middle-aged man.

His black hair fell neatly around his face, and he was dressed in simple, casual clothes, a stark contrast to any King or Emperor.

His eyes closed, his head resting lazily on his right hand as if lost in thought or asleep.

Despite his plain appearance, the calm that surrounded him was deceptive, the aura he emitted, hinted at a force far beyond what anyone in the room could fathom.

The hall itself was vast, but empty except for the dozen or so Wood Spirits and standing patiently at attention.

Each of these Wood Spirits, clad in intricate armor and robes of spiritual wood and leaves, exuded a powerful presence, their spirits radiating a powerful spiritual aura in the silent hall.

Yet, despite their considerable strength, their power felt like a flickering flame in comparison to the inferno that was the man on the throne. He was like a slumbering giant, his power restrained, but undeniably there.

How long the man had sat there resting, no one knew, but suddenly, his eyes fluttered open. The dullness in his gaze vanished, replaced by a sharp, glowing intensity.

Blinking to adjust to the world around him, his thoughts cleared, and a heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"Alas..." he muttered to himself; his voice low but filled with a weariness that only he could understand. "The Nightmare Gods are back again."

His words lingered in the air, and a wave of tension passed through the hall.

The Wood Spirits, who had been waiting silently, shifted uneasily at the mention of the Nightmare Gods, the ancient enemies whose mere name brought dread to all who had faced them.

The man on the throne— was one of the divine projections summoned by Captain Rhea. He leaned back on the throne, eyes distant as if remembering the horrors of the previous war.

He had barely begun to recover from the devastating losses his forces had suffered in that last conflict.

It seemed like only yesterday that the Nightmare Gods had been pushed back, their terrifying onslaught halted just at the edge of victory.

The scars of that battle were still fresh—countless Wood Spirits lost, entire regions of the Wood Spirit Realm left in ruins.

Now, before they even had time to breathe, the storm was brewing once more.

This time, however, there was a small glimmer of hope—backup was on the way.

Reinforcements, the one piece of good news he had eagerly waited for over the past four hundred years.

His eyes momentarily brightened at the thought, but the flicker of optimism was quickly tempered by the reality of the situation.

This wasn't just any backup. It was the moment he had been waiting for since he reached the peak of the Demi-God level.

His chance to finally connect with the Eternal Divine Tree and ascend, becoming a True God.

The last five hundred years of his life had been the happiest and sorrowful in equal measure.

He had spent seven thousand years climbing the ranks, from the beginnings of awakening his destiny seed to becoming a hero, and then finally a Demi-God.

However, his growth from a low-level Demi-God to his current position as a peak Demi-God in just five hundred years was nothing short of miraculous, an achievement that would have been impossible without external aid.

That aid had come in the form of Goddess Ye, who had planted the Divine Spirit Tree and cultivated it into its present, level.

The Divine Spirit Tree had enabled them to cultivate huge amounts of the power of faith, the amount of divine power converted through this power of faith is that even True Gods would envy.

This blessing had given him the strength to rapidly improve the ranks of divinity, from Low-level Demi-God to Peak Demi-God.

Yet, his heart was weighed down by sorrow. Many of his Wood Spirits, each one painstakingly cultivated over centuries, had been lost in the war to protect Blue Star from the Nightmare Gods and other Outer Gods.

Their sacrifice was necessary, he knew that, but the pain of their loss still haunted him.

He had paid a steep price to grow stronger, but he had no regrets. For him, it was all part of the greater purpose—to become powerful, it's not just him, his other companions also suffered similar losses.

"I haven't even had time to rebuild…" he thought bitterly. His mind flashed back to the aftermath of the last war, the shattered defenses, the fallen wood spirits.

He had hoped to find some peace, even if only temporarily. But that hope was fading fast, they are back again.

Noticing the deep distress that clouded his gaze, one of the Wood Spirits stepped forward. It was the Queen Elf, her tall, graceful figure moving with quiet authority.

Her serene face showed concern as she bowed slightly, her silver-green eyes studying him. She could feel the weight of his burden and sought to ease it if only a little.

"Master," she said softly, her voice calm but reassuring, as if she were a pillar of strength amidst the storm. "How did the meeting go?"

The man on the throne turned his weary eyes toward her. The softness in her tone seemed to ease the tension in his shoulders slightly.

He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees, and sighed deeply.

"Troubling," he replied, his voice quiet but carrying the gravity of the situation. "But there is good news."

The Queen Elf raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"We will be receiving backup soon," he said, a slight glint of relief flickering in his eyes. "The Planetary Barrier needs to be activated. Start preparations immediately."

A flicker of understanding passed through the Queen Elf's eyes. The Planetary Barrier—their ultimate defense—was about to be deployed.

It had bought them victory before, and this time it would buy them time to receive their reinforcements.

"As you wish, Master," she said with a firm nod, then swiftly turned to give orders to the other Wood Spirits standing in the hall.

They began to mobilize immediately, their faces steeled with determination.

As the palace bustled with urgency, the man on the throne sat back once more, various thoughts running through his mind.

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