Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 85: Half-Drows, Elite Mage Squad

More than a day had passed since they entered the second floor, and the team was still stuck on the second floor of the Void Space. Frustration was beginning to set in.

They had searched every corner of the strange, expansive landscape but found no sign of a Boss monster or anything else that could explain the purpose of this floor.

The only creatures they encountered were the cavemen—primitive, weak, and barely a threat.

The cavemen were disappointing in every way.

Most of them were even weaker than ordinary humans, with only a handful showing the strength of Black Iron level—usually the leaders of small groups.

The team had initially tried engaging the cavemen, killing a few that attacked them in hopes of finding clues or card drops like return cards that can send them back, but their bodies dissipated without leaving anything behind. No cards, no materials—just a frustrating dead end.

Ram, Sid, Liam, and Su Mu grew increasingly impatient as time dragged on. "This doesn't make any sense," Sid muttered, pacing near the entrance to a small cave.

"There should be a Boss monster or at least something stronger than these cavemen."

"I agree," Ram said, frowning as he studied the landscape. "We've covered almost every section of this floor, but there's nothing. Just these cavemen wandering around aimlessly."

The team had even tried capturing a few of the cavemen, hoping to extract information, but it proved futile.

The creatures were as dumb as rocks—barely more than animals with basic survival instincts.

They had no language, no culture, just simple activities like hunting, eating, and reproducing. Communication with them was impossible.

The stronger cavemen—those that had reached the Black Iron level—showed slightly more intelligence, but it wasn't much of an improvement.

They could understand simple gestures and seemed to grasp basic concepts like leadership and danger, but their usefulness ended there. However, one thing stood out: fear.

"It's like they're scared of something we haven't seen yet," Su Mu remarked, her sharp eyes watching a small group of cavemen huddled nervously near the tree line.

"Every time we approach, they scatter. But it's not just us—they act like they're expecting something worse to show up."

Liam, leaning against a tree, looked annoyed. "Great. They're scared of something, but we don't know what it is. And all we've got to show for two days of work is a bunch of circles and headaches."

Mai, though outwardly calm, was equally frustrated. She had spent countless hours analyzing the cavemen's behavior, tracking patterns, and studying their habits, but nothing had led to any real breakthrough.

"There's something off about this floor," she admitted. "I doubt these cavemen are the only thing here. Whatever we're supposed to find is either hiding or it's deeper underground."

Ram, crossing his arms, thought aloud. "What about the other groups? The ones we saw before—the professionals, the biomechanical soldiers—what happened to them?"

At that moment, the Arcane Robo Cat and its kittens returned from another scouting session. One of the kittens chirped up, "We have located most of the other groups, but some are still missing, possibly remaining on the first floor or dead, meow."

"It looks like the biomechanical soldiers have gathered together in one of the caverns. They're planning something big, maybe trying to flush out whatever's hiding."

Mai's eyes sharpened. "They've gathered together? What are they planning?"

The Robo Cat projected a holographic map, showing the positions of the biomechanical soldiers clustered in various locations, twenty each.

"They're setting up some kind of perimeter," it explained. "Looks like they're preparing for a coordinated strike on multiple locations of Cavemen hideouts, meow"

Liam cursed under his breath. "Fu*k, are they planning to kill all the cavemen in those hideouts? That's more than a thousand in each location."

Ram, still watching the projection, asked, "Can you show us what's happening over there?"

"Of course, meow," the Robo Cat responded, flicking its tail before projecting a live feed from one of the kittens hidden near the biomechanical soldiers.

The holographic screen showed a group of mechanical soldiers attacking a cavemen's hideout, the scene displayed from the perspective of the stealthy kitten, which was carefully concealed in the shadows using its Arcane Camouflage ability.

The soldiers moved with cold, calculated efficiency.

Armed with only primitive weapons and low attributes, the cavemen stood no chance against them.

The soldiers didn't even need advanced weaponry—ordinary knives were enough to slaughter the creatures with brutal efficiency.

The screams of the cavemen echoed through the cavern as the soldiers moved methodically, eradicating them one by one.

The kitten's feed offered a chilling view of the massacre, the soldiers sweeping through the hideout with terrifying precision.

The kitten's feed provided a clear view of the massacre.

"They're wiping them out," Ram muttered. Then his eyes widened. "Wait—what's that? Magic formations?"

Just as the soldiers had killed more than four to five hundred cavemen, complicated magic circles made of spiritual runes began to appear in midair.

The symbols glowed with an intense light, and, in a flash, figures dressed in mage robes materialized from the formations, their presence causing the surrounding reiki to become turbulent.

"Summoning magic? No… that's transportation magic," Mai corrected, her eyes narrowing.

The figures that emerged weren't human. Over fifty of them appeared, their dark skin, pointy ears, and long white hair marking them as Half-Drows—a mid-level race with traces of the legendary Dark Elf bloodline.

Known for their natural affinity with magic, particularly dark and fire attributes, Half-Drows were powerful mages or hunters capable of growing into Tier 3 just by growing into adulthood.

"These are elite fire mages," Mai observed, her tone grim. "This just got a lot more dangerous."

The Half-Drows wasted no time. The air around them crackled with intense spiritual power as they unleashed powerful fire magic spells, turning the battlefield into an inferno.

Fireballs, streams of flame, and walls of molten fire erupted around the biomechanical soldiers, incinerating everything in their path.

The soldiers, however, remained unfazed, their reinforced bodies absorbing the initial barrage.

Despite the ferocity of the Half-Drow's attacks, the biomechanical soldiers held their ground.

Their advanced bionic combat chips calculated every move with precision, guiding them to evade the deadliest spells.

Their bodies, enhanced with low-level Mechanical Fire, allowed them to withstand damage that would have killed a normal human.

Metallic bones, reinforced muscles, and flexible metal skin made them nearly indestructible in battle.

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