Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 84: Planetary Barrier, God's Descent III

Rhea's garden was a silent sanctuary, shielded from the rest of the bustling floating city.

Ancient trees, their trunks twisted with age, formed a natural wall around the clearing, providing privacy for those who sought solace within its boundaries.

Soft, golden rays of sunlight filtered through the foliage, casting gentle patterns of light and shadow across the stone path leading to Rhea's meditation spot.

At the center, Rhea sat cross-legged on a smooth stone, her eyes closed in deep concentration, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

Dressed in white robes that shimmered with divine light, Rhea's presence radiated an overwhelming sense of authority and calm.

Her long silver hair fell in a cascade down her back, a stark contrast to the vibrant greens and browns of the natural world surrounding her.

Her breathing was slow and measured, perfectly in sync with the soft rustle of the wind.

The divine energy swirling around her was palpable, dense with power yet perfectly controlled, forming an invisible barrier that kept the chaos of the outside world at bay.

As Sister Ye appeared beside her, a ripple of divine energy disturbed the tranquil atmosphere, Rhea's opened her eyes immediately, and knelt on one knee and smiled at Sister Ye, her flawless face filled with respect, "Goddess Ye, how can I help you."

Sister Ye walked gracefully towards Rhea, her steps light and silent on the stone path, as though the air itself made way for her presence.

She waved her hand gently, lifting Rhea up from her kneeling position. "I told you before, there's no need for this every time you see me. Formalities aren't my concern, just call me Sister Ye."

Rhea rose, her silver eyes flickering with the same respect but softened by the familiarity.

"Force of habit," she replied, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. However, the smile faded when she saw the look in Sister Ye's eyes.

"It's time," Sister Ye said softly, her words carrying the weight of urgency.

Rhea's expression turned serious as she tilted her head slightly. "Nightmare Gods again?" she sighed, her voice exasperated but focused. "How many times is this now? Eight? He's a persistent bastard."

Sister Ye nodded, her face hardening. "This time it's different. He's bringing reinforcements—five True Gods. Brother Chen has already confirmed it."

"We have no choice but to initiate Stage One: Planetary Barrier protocol, there will be backup from our side that's on its way, and there should be enough True Gods to fight the Nightmare Gods."

Rhea inhaled sharply, her eyes narrowing. "Five True Gods?" Her gaze drifted skyward, the weight of the situation settling on her like a storm cloud.

"That's no small number, even for us. If they break through, we will be at risk. Not to mention the demi-gods that always swarm after them like carrion."

"They fear the Divine Spirit Tree," Sister Ye responded, her voice cold and deliberate.

"They know if it evolves to the True God level, they'll lose any chance of gaining a foothold here without triggering a full-scale war."

Rhea shook her head slowly. "They're cornered, desperate. They'd risk everything for even a slim chance. But," she clenched her fists, "we won't give them that chance. Not while I'm here."

Sister Ye's lips curled into a soft smile. "That's the Rhea I know. You're so close to becoming a True God yourself. Once the Divine Spirit Tree connects with the Eternal God Tree, you'll have that power in your grasp."

Rhea stood, her white robes flowing like liquid light as she moved, her eyes determined and unwavering. "Let them come."

With a final nod, Sister Ye vanished into the ether, leaving Rhea alone in the garden, the weight of the upcoming battle hanging heavily in the air.

Not wasting a moment, Rhea closed her eyes, focusing her divine energy as her form flickered and disappeared from the garden.

When she reappeared, it was in a massive hall, one that exuded divine power and authority.

The hall's futuristic design boasted a high domed ceiling that seemed to stretch infinitely above her.

Tall, cylindrical columns lined the space, each crafted from a material that shimmered with a metallic sheen, reflecting the divine light filtering in through circular openings in the ceiling.

These beams of light pierced the air like ethereal spears, casting elongated shadows that danced across the smooth, polished floors.

Behind the central throne where Rhea now stood were several towering statues of the gods, each figure carved from materials that radiated an undeniable divine power.

The statues were breathtaking, their forms majestic and awe-inspiring, but three in particular dominated the space.

They stood hundreds of meters tall, looming over the others, positioned behind three thrones that signified their unparalleled status.

These colossal figures, draped in flowing robes that seemed to move in the stillness, representing—the foundation of the Federation's divine order.

The statues' faces, chiseled with impossible precision, portrayed expressions of serenity and judgment.

Even from Rhea's position, the divine aura they emitted was palpable, a constant reminder of the power they represented.

No sooner had Rhea taken her place on the central throne than several divine projections materialized around her.

Two other figures appeared on the adjacent thrones, while the rest knelt on one knee, waiting for their orders.

The air thrummed with divine energy, and Rhea's eyes scanned the assembly.

These were the remaining survivors after the fight with Nightmare Gods and Outer Gods, the weakest of them already at Demi God level, with the help of a large number of believers and power of faith collected from the last four hundred years, each one of them was easily promoted to demigods.

"Brothers and sisters," Rhea's voice rang through the hall, strong and clear, her divine presence filling every corner.

"The Nightmare Gods approach again. This time, they bring five True Gods and an army."

As soon as Rhea mentioned the presence of five True Gods, the atmosphere in the hall subtly shifted.

Some of the demigods involuntarily shivered at the thought. Although they had become Demi-Gods, standing against True Gods was similar to walking toward certain death.

The vast difference in power between them and True Gods was undeniable, a reality that gnawed at the edges of their confidence.

Sensing the unease among them, Rhea leaned forward, her voice firm yet soothing.

"Fear not," she reassured, her divine aura emanating like a warm blanket that eased their tension. "I understand that you'r all scared, but we are not alone this time.

Backup is on its way—strong reinforcements, True Gods themselves, are arriving in two months.

Blue Star's time may seem short, but with our combined strength and their support, the Nightmare Gods will not prevail."

The demigods exchanged glances, the tension easing as Rhea's words sank in.

The mention of divine reinforcements stirred hope in their hearts, tempering the fear that had crept in at the mention of the Nightmare Gods.

Rhea turned her gaze toward one of the divine projections before her—a figure with sharp, chiseled features and eyes that glowed with a steady, deep-blue light.

His presence radiated calm intellect, a stark contrast to the fiery energy of the others.

"Neros," Rhea called, her voice cutting through the lingering silence. "How long do you think it will take to erect the Planetary Barrier?"

Neros straightened, his voice calm but deliberate as he replied, "With the current alignment of the moons and other satellites surrounding Blue Star, we can use them to construct a barrier encompassing the entire planet.

The celestial patterns are favorable, which means it won't take more than a month to finish the necessary preparations." He paused, his glowing eyes narrowing slightly in thought.

"However, the energy required to maintain such a barrier will be substantial—beyond what we usually allocate for planetary defense."

Rhea nodded, her expression unfazed. "Don't worry about the energy. Sister Ye said she will handle that.

Her control over the Divine Spirit Tree will provide more than enough power to sustain the barrier."

Neros bowed slightly, acknowledging her words, his projection flickering slightly as he processed the new plan.

"Understood, Caption. With the energy concern resolved, the barrier shall be ready in time for the arrival of our reinforcements."

Satisfied with Neros' report, Rhea turned her attention to the rest of the assembled projections.

"As for the rest of you," she commanded, her voice steady and full of authority, "return to your respective positions."

"Finish the preparations for war and ensure that your defenses are airtight. We will face this threat head-on, but we cannot afford any weaknesses in our formation."

The projections of the demigods bowed low in acknowledgment, the weight of their duty pressing down on them, yet bolstered by Rhea's confidence.

Her words had reignited their resolve.

Rhea's gaze swept across them one final time. "And keep me updated on the progress. Any sign of unusual activity from the Nightmare Gods or from the scraps that escaped before, no matter how small, must be reported immediately. We cannot afford surprises."

"Yes, Lady Rhea," the projections responded in unison before vanishing one by one, each returning to their designated regions to prepare for the looming battle.

The great hall grew quiet once more, with only the towering statues of gods standing as silent witnesses to the conversation that had taken place.

Rhea remained seated on her throne, her silver eyes glowing with a quiet determination. She closed her eyes, allowing herself a brief moment of reflection.

Two months. That was all the time they had to ensure everything was ready.

With a deep breath, Rhea stood from the throne, her form shimmering briefly as she disappeared from the hall, ready to begin her own preparations for the war to come.

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