Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 667

#667. You just arrived.

* * *

Jerk off.

every step you take.

The sound of footsteps echoing quietly.

A boy who led the way in the dark shaking with him.

Dmitri glanced away.

Then, while watching the white-haired girl and the beauty who quietly followed him, he opened his mouth alludedly.

“Did you know that many of the original gulags in the Russian Khanate were built on top of mines?”

“Of course I know. Common sense.”

“Yes, it is. That way, it was easier to get the inmates to work.”

After nodding hard.

Dmitri continued excitedly.

“At the time, prisoners were treated so harshly that it was said that it was difficult to find a place to make a grave because the corpses piled up in Gulag.”

It wasn’t too strange.

In the first place, miners are one of the most dangerous and difficult jobs from the distant past to the present.

Asphyxia due to lack of oxygen.

Live burial of a luminous decay accident.

Gas and dust explosions.

Drowning due to flooding, etc.

Even the smallest problems can be fatal.

It was a job that required harsh labor to the point of having bone disease with or without all sorts of side effects like pneumoconiosis, in which coal dust accumulates in the lungs.

Since ancient times, the typical use of slaves has been mining.

In that respect, it was only natural that Gulag prisoners were first mobilized for mining.

“Perhaps thanks to that, the veins in Gulag dried up quickly, and most of them were abandoned.”

A time when technology was scarce.

Without even flimsy equipment.

Looking at Dmitri, who speaks of prisoners who died and were buried while working in the far underground with only primitive equipment such as shovels and pickaxes.

Rin quietly opened her mouth.

“…So this is one of those closed luminaries.”

“yes that’s right!”

Perhaps it was because she was glad that Rin, who had been silently following along with Elshar, opened her mouth.

To Dmitri who answered with a particularly bright expression, Elshar said with an expressionless face.

“There is no record of the luminary that was closed so long ago, even in the Gulag. But I managed to find it.”

“I was lucky in many ways. It is also thanks to my talented comrades.”


Rin glanced around to see the guards following him.

“Looking at the prison guards as comrades, it seems that the anti-revolutionary army is a bigger organization than I thought.”

“Well, it’s nothing compared to the New Revolutionary Army led by the Elshar sisters.”

Contrary to what he said, the boy, whose face was red with joy and shame, hurriedly walked.

So after a while.

Arriving at the depths of light.

The moment Dmitri vigorously opened the door that was blocking the end.

“Welcome Sister Elshar!”

“It is an honor to meet you!”

“Oh, it’s real! The real Elshar sisters!”

“Is the person next to you Sister Lin? That they slaughtered 17 of Okrana’s secret police?”

“I heard that there are 107 people?”

“How are you! Anyway, it’s important that those two came!”

with enthusiastic cheers.

What was revealed was a wide cavity.

Originally, it must have been used as a resting place in the mines.

However, in a decent hideout that had been renovated by someone, countless people were welcoming them with their eyes shining.

and at the forefront of them.

A boy who turned around.

Dmitry proudly introduced them to the two of them.

“Welcome to the headquarters of our counter-revolutionary army!”

* * *

“Not much served, but eat a lot!”

“…it’s pretty flashy for not much.”

“I prepared with all my heart.”

Of course, there are all sorts of foods, from uha, which is a soup made with salmon, to medovic, which is a Golovzun cake, which is a cabbage roll, and caviar, which is a shashlik, sturgeon roe, which is a lamb.

From vodka to black tea cola and juice and more.

Is it possible to prepare a dinner table filled with all kinds of food and drinks with only sincerity?

Take a quick look.

Lynn rolled her eyes slightly.

And after looking around at the counter-revolutionary soldiers who were looking at him and Elshar with very bright eyes.

Looking at Dmitri across the street, he opened his mouth.

“Thank you for setting it up like this, but we didn’t come here to enjoy a late night party. Excuse me, but can I get right to the point?”

“Ah yes! Yes. Eating right now is not important.”

Dmitri is sorry.

While Elshar hesitated to extend his hand toward the cake, he quietly withdrew his hand with an expressionless face.

Lin asked calmly.

“I’d like to hear an explanation first.”

“Is that an explanation?”

“You can’t enter the counter-revolutionary army without knowing what kind of organization it is.”

“That’s right.”

Although Rin and Elshar, who must have been busy avoiding the secret police, would not know about a new organization like them.

Of course you know about the counter-revolutionary army.

His cheeks blushed at his own haste, which he thought would join as a comrade.

Dmitri cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

“To put it bluntly, our Counter-Revolutionary Army is an organization that inherits the will of Secretary General Sergei.”

“Wasn’t the successor to Chief Sergei the Bachemensky brothers?”

“…Of course I do.”

It’s like being stabbed in the right place.

A little bit of averting my eyes for a moment.

Dmitri worked hard to muster up the courage to say it vigorously.

“But even though he is the political successor, it is our counter-revolutionary army that inherited the chief secretary’s beliefs and ideas in a true sense.”

“I would like to know why you can be so assertive.”

“That’s because we’re the only ones who can realize the Secretary General’s ideal.”

“The chief clerk’s ideal?”


Responding to Rin, who raised her eyes.

Dmitri looked into the air as if recalling the past.

“Actually, I have never spoken directly with Secretary General Sergei. I just watched him speak from a distance.”

The majority of revolutionaries are the same.

It is difficult even for the same revolutionary army to meet Sergei, who has been running away from the eyes of the secret police.

Even more so, the only ones who were able to meet him face to face and share opinions were only a handful of executives whose convictions and abilities were proven.

“I was impressed by that speech and joined the revolutionary government, but I was eventually caught and brought to Gulag.”

from that point of view.

Dmitri had no right to claim Sergei’s successor.

Sergei probably didn’t even know that a boy named Dmitry had joined and worked in the revolutionary government.

“But it wasn’t until I came to this Gulag that I realized that the Secretary General’s ideals were bigger than everyone thought.”

Still, Dmitri was convinced.

If Sergei had been alive, he would have been nominated as his successor.

Even if you actually look at it objectively.

Dmitri deserved that confidence.

Of course, he recruited numerous comrades in just a few months from the revolution and formed the basis of the counter-revolutionary army.

It was not something anyone could do to even attract the prison guards and make Gulag a base.

And more than anything…

“We have made efforts in various ways to achieve more than that, and now we are about to bear fruit.”

Get your hands on Sergei’s legacy.

That he is using it for his ideals.

For that one reason alone, their counter-revolutionary army deserves to claim itself as Sergei’s successor.

speak with confidence

Dmitri looked at the gray-haired beauty with burning eyes.

“So please join us. Sister Elshar. Sister Lin.”


“Instead, we, the Counter-Revolutionary Army, will fully support the activities of the two of you. Whether it’s a prison break, a comrade, or a weapon.”

Although the history of the anti-revolutionary army is short.

That force is not light.

If you want, you can break out of Gulag tomorrow and start a new revolution.

Also, there will be countless comrades and enormous weapons and equipment.

At the end of being silent while watching Dmitri declare without hesitation.

Rin suddenly opened her mouth.

“You certainly have achieved the ideals of that politician.”

“Are you acknowledging that I followed Secretary General Sergei’s convictions?”

“No, I’m talking about the recklessness of seeing everything in the world as ideal because it’s not overly optimistic.”


At the end of looking at Dmitri, who was blinking at that sudden statement, with deep golden eyes.

Lin asked casually.

“I don’t know if you have forgotten or are ignoring me, but that politician is a nobleman. No, Secretary General Sergei failed the revolution.”


“That’s the worst way to bring the devil down and almost destroy Russia entirely.”

Revolutionary Army.

Especially in Gulag, I heard that it was nothing short of taboo.

The counter-revolutionary soldiers, who had been looking at the two with shining eyes until now, hardened their faces.

But Rin didn’t even raise an eyebrow.

It’s like trying to cover your mouth.

All he did was ask with his chin raised at the table where all sorts of dinners were set, legs crossed.

“Is there any reason we should help you guys who want to repeat the Chief Secretary’s mistake of committing such an outrageous thing?”

“…I understand that you don’t trust us. After all, the Secretary General couldn’t achieve his ideal.”

Even while other counter-revolutionaries keep a keen eye.

Dreetri nodded calmly.

As if Rin was right.

“But we are different.”

“What is different?”

“In the sense that I will never repeat the mistakes of the secretary.”

But clearly.

Denying Lin’s words.

Dmitri said confidently.

“We have a secret recipe for victory.”

“…The secret to victory?”

“yes. These are guests specially invited by the Secretary-General to resolve issues that he should have considered long ago but missed.”

Sergei was a great revolutionary.

Because he destroyed the fearful Russian Khanate and made the Great Khan and the Silver Dragon clan escape.

But it wasn’t perfect.

Because he brought in the double-edged sword of swordsman Limon Aspelder to use as his trump card, he ended up failing the last move.

As much as he pursued Sergei’s achievements more seriously than anyone else.

The counter-revolutionary army never neglected preparations in that respect.

Even if any intruder intervenes, they have prepared the perfect means to carry out their ideals.

“That guest is…”


“Ah, you just arrived.”

before I even finished asking the question.

Take your eyes off Rin, who was silent.

Dmitri looked back.

And the other side they came in from.

Appeared in the luminosity extending outside the Gulag.

He smiled brightly as he looked at those who had been specially invited to attract the two sisters, Rin and Elshar.

“You don’t know about our counter-revolutionary army, but you’ve heard rumors about them, right?”


can’t know

At least we live in this era.

If you have eyes and ears.

“Let me introduce you. First of all, the Sub-Guild Master of the Soulless Guild, Grand Duke of Plague.”

A man wearing a bird beak mask.

Plague Prince Pascal.

The right-hand man of the Commander, who even had a track record of destroying a country alone.

In this age of iron, his majesty is indeed lofty.

Excluding the Lord, it was hard to find a comparable opponent among the same large supply players.

However, it is the companion who appeared with Pascal that makes even him buried as one of the ordinary high-supply players.

“Geomlang-nim, swordsman-nim and…”

Although it was considered an overestimated existence.

Reappear in Africa.

Defeat several warlords.

Drive Egypt.

The great men of the past who revealed the majesty of the absolute.

He was invited to the World Federation after paying a huge price.

Dmitri proudly introduced a handsome boy in a military uniform who followed the sloppy cowboy and shabby-dressed monk.

“You are the protector of Europe, swordsman.”

* * *

“Um, I don’t know if the priests arrived well.”

Platinum-haired beauty swordswoman Joan of Arc in a nun’s uniform sighed slightly.

whether it is the strength of the body.

Whether it’s the ability to heal wounds.

Even among sword masters, he might be an extraordinary swordsman.

Because her injuries from the war in Africa still remained, there was nothing she could do except stay in bed and worry about the priests.

At best, except for wrapping steamed potatoes in lunch boxes.

“No reason for intellectual concern.”

On the other hand, there was an Indian girl who forgot the leftover potatoes as if it didn’t matter whether the priests died or not.

Joan of Arc gave a puzzled smile at the sullen words of the Sword Spirit, who had to remain because there had to be at least one good sword master.

“Obviously, other priests would be fine…”

If it’s Billy, don’t worry.

The smirk who has accumulated all kinds of experience as a gunslinger will jump out at the slightest danger.

Gandhi even more so.

As long as I didn’t meet Limon out of nowhere, there wouldn’t be any damage to that invincible body.

The problem was the last one.

“I’m worried about the sword light priest.”

Limon’s 6th disciple.

Recalling that boy who was unique in many ways among the priests and sisters whom he met only after his resurrection.

The ambassador of the Sword Tower.

The most mildly crazy saintess.

He spoke with a very distressed expression.

“Because the sword-gwang priest is a little bit crazy… to say the least.”

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