Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 668

#668. I have a favor to ask of you.

* * *

Avoid government eyes.

To proceed with negotiations with the World Federation.

It was not an easy task even for the counter-revolutionary army.

Rather, it was a miraculous achievement achieved after crossing a precarious bridge several times.

So thought Dmitri.

‘Enough now.’

A sword master whose activities in Africa proved that the legend was by no means exaggerated.

After borrowing not one or two of them, but three, there was no one who could stand in the way of the counter-revolutionary army.

either government forces.

Whether it’s the Great Khan and the Silver Dragon clan.

Even if it was Limon Aspel.

Of course, revolution cannot be achieved by force alone.

Either as a revolutionary or as a dark wizard.

Even Sergei, who had reached an incomparably higher level, failed in the end, even though he had achieved a series of victories in the war.

But that made Dmitri even more happy.

The final key to revolution.

Gather public support.

Talent to lead the new government.

Elshar showed up at the right time like this.

It was such a great thing that I wondered if there was such a thing as fate.

It was for this reason that Dmitri, who had been hesitant to contact them, boldly invited the two sisters today.

If you show me the hidden card called Sword Master.

Because I believed that the two sisters would be happy and cooperate.

So after taking a quick glance at Rin.

Dmitry was puzzled.

I thought I would be able to see at least a surprised look from her who was always cold.

Rin’s expression was completely different from what he expected.

a bit bizarre

quite shaken up

Also subtly stiff.

The subtle expression of a fisherman, as if he had come to fish and met a dog-swimming wolf, puzzled Dmitry.

“Wheek! I didn’t know there was such an amazing young lady in such a gloomy place.”

But that’s for a while.

A nerdy young man in a cowboy wardrobe.

Dmitri’s face hardened when he saw Billy whistle at the white-haired beauty.

And he said firmly to Billy, who was slyly examining Lynn’s slender body, which was revealed over the tight-fitting straitjacket.

“Don’t be rude. Sister Lin is a special guest we have invited.”

“Don’t say anything frightening. Isn’t it natural etiquette to praise a stunning beauty?”

“…It may be the case in Geomrang-nim’s hometown, but this is not America.”


It seems like it was a lie that he was giggling in front of Rin and Elshar.

In addition to his sharp eyes, he narrowed his eyes for a moment as he saw Dmitri speaking in a more determined tone.

Seeing the location of the boy who stepped forward as if trying to hide Rin from himself, Billy burst into laughter.

“That’s a guy.”


“I’m sorry I spyed on your woman.”

“My my woman! Sister Lin and I are not like that!”

“Yes, you would.”

When Billy giggled at Dmitri, who blushed and panicked all of a sudden.

The brown-skinned monk calmly opened his mouth.

“Dmitri, can I ask for a formal introduction of the two of you?”


Only then did Dmitri realize that he was in the middle of an introduction, and introduced the two sisters behind him.

“The introduction is late. These are Sister Elshar and Sister Rin.”

“Are you talking about the revolutionary Elshar?”

“Do you know about Sister Elshar?”

“I have heard rumors that there was a heroine who raised a new revolutionary army against the absurd during the Russian Revolution.”

“That’s right, the rumors about Sister Elsar are famous!”

Dmitri boasted as if he had heard a compliment.

but right after that.

The boy erased the smile from his face.

“Including the fact that he looks so much like the White Dragon Princess of the day that it is indistinguishable.”

“…what does that mean?”

“I thought it was a strange coincidence.”

Everyone knows that the Silver Dragon Princess and the White Dragon Princess look exactly like twins.

That alone is a strange thing.

How much more can it be accepted as a coincidence that there is another girl who looks the same even though she is not from the Silver Dragon Clan or the White Dragon Clan?

When Dmitri hardens his face after seeing Gandhi pointed out by Najik.

Billy scratched the back of his head.

“Priest, be careful of words that could be misunderstood. If you say that, doesn’t it sound like you doubt that this lady is the real White Dragon Princess?”


As if defending.

But like Gandhi.

When Elshar keeps silent when he sees Billy not taking his eyes off him.

Dmitri couldn’t stand it and let out a roar.

“What are you talking about? How dare you compare Sister Elshar to such an evil and cunning religious person!”

“…A wicked and cunning religious person, are you really referring to the White Dragon Princess?”

“Of course!”

Religion is the opium of the people.

The only truly sacred thing is work.

As the priestess of the Holy League, the White Dragon Princess, who does not work for religion and extorts money through art, should be despised.

In a sense, he is a bigger enemy of the revolution than the Great Khan.

Looking at Dmitri’s assertion.

When Billy is shaking.

Elshar lowered his head slightly and muttered in a voice so low that no one could hear.

“…religion is not an opium. Culture and art are precious.”

“See, even Sister Elshar was shocked by such an outrageous false accusation!”

“No, I think she was surprised by your voice rather than because of us.”

“Stop talking nonsense and apologize to Sister Elshar right away! This is a formal request as the leader of the counter-revolutionary army!”

Did the heat rise in your head?

When Dmitri shouts barakbarak.

Pascal, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

“Can’t you?”

“You don’t care what kind of relationship our World Federation has with the Seven Dragons. So I need to check.”

when the peacekeeping force was dispatched.

Of course, the Seven Dragons and Limon interfered with the work.

Pascal, who was nearly killed by the punishment and barely survived, had no choice but to be cautious.

Because of Wanderer’s personality, if he failed twice, there was no way he would be saved, whether he was the deputy guild leader or not.

“You mean that now…!”

Of course, that’s just Pascal’s circumstances.

Dmitri was enraged when he suddenly insulted the guest he had personally invited.

The other counter-revolutionaries hardened their faces.

To them, the World Federation is only a collaborator and trading partner.

No matter how much the sword master’s help was needed, those who would overcome insults to their comrades would not have joined the counter-revolutionary army.

that buck

but right after that.

Even Dmitry, who was shouting sharply.

Even Gandhi, who tried to mediate with a smile.

I had no choice but to pause.

before they even speak.

Because there was a person who took action first.

“…It was a reluctance, but I’m glad you came.”

with a sweet voice.

A boy stepped forward.

Normally, it would be a dull military uniform.

Rather, even that feels great.

With her thin face, short stature and physique, she is so beautiful that at first glance you might mistake her for a girl.

After the handsome boy, wearing a thin saber at his waist, naturally escaped between the sword master and the counter-revolutionary army, who were confronting each other.

Even more polite.

a bit lighter

very enjoyable

He made a polite gesture by bumping the heels of his boots.

“It’s been a while since I said hello.”

Even wearing a straitjacket.

With your back flat.

Looking straight at the white-haired beauty who silently looked at them without even moving.

The young man smiled.

“My Meister.”


everything is frozen

Dmitry with a puzzled expression.

Pascal forgot to even breathe.

Hardened Gandhi with a gentle smile.

Billy blinks with a dumbfounded face.

Counter-revolutionaries with eyes popping out, etc.

In the stillness where everyone stopped and even the sound of a drop of dust disappeared.

Rin quietly opened her mouth.

“Why do you call me Meister?”

“It’s useless even if you pretend.”

As if it was a lie that she always wore a cold face in the World Federation.

smiling brightly

The young man declared.

“There’s no other perfectly beautiful human being than the Sword Master, right?”

Symmetrical five senses.

A body without any flab.

To the slender, outstretched limbs.

You can’t find any flaws or imbalances that not only ordinary humans, but also any unparalleled beauty can have.

At the end of silence while watching a handsome boy looking at his body in perfect golden proportions.

In the end, Lynn quietly opened her mouth.

“You managed to realize that your brother-in-law didn’t notice either.”

“Unlike the two-headed and idiot brother-in-law, my eyes are not ornaments.”

“Well, you’ve been interested in art since before.”

Although the power of the stars, which distorts reality and even twists perception, is subtle enough to fool even a sword master.

before being human.

like a piece of art.

Observe the perfection of beauty.

A handsome boy who broke through the power of cognitive distortion and even found out his identity.

“It’s been a while.”

among his own disciples.

A rare exception that has not been excommunicated.

He is the 6th Sword Master of the Tower of Dread.

A protector of Europe who met his death while fighting against the swordsman who caused the world war.


Looking at the swordsman Adolf von H, Rin couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

* * *

Dmitry and other counter-revolutionaries didn’t understand the situation yet, so they blinked stupidly.

And Pascal stiffens.

While Gandhi blinked.

In the end, Billy was the first to accept the situation.

“I already knew that life is something to live for a long time and see, but…”

He seemed astonished.

At the end of the muttering.

Billy opened his mouth almost as if questioning.

“Doesn’t Master have too little conscience? No matter how hard you choose the method, you have to take care of what is right.”

“The bastard who babbled at the teacher speaks well.”

“No, then you shouldn’t wear women’s clothing! What am I going to be after admiring that I am a beautiful woman?!”


It was also shocking that he had been stabbed in the back of the head by Limon disguised as Hasneti before.

Now, not knowing what she was, she looked at Rin’s body and even admired it.

When Billy is genuinely resentful.

Adolf suddenly opened his mouth.

“-shut up.”


“I’m talking to Meister.”


with a refreshing smile.

If you talk any more, I’ll cut out your tongue.

Rin frowned involuntarily at the sight of the handsome boy who blocked Billy’s mouth with words that never sounded like a joke.

“Isn’t it a bit harsh to talk to the brother-in-law?”

“The executioner Billy is crazy.”

“Well, that’s true…”

“Look at this?!”

Whether Billy is dumbfounded after being officially recognized as a death penalty that can be ignored.

Adolf didn’t care.

I just looked at Rin with shining eyes and asked.

“Rather than that, are those breasts real?”

“…Did you forget that I was originally a man?”

“That’s true. At least now Meister’s body isn’t fake.”

“So what?”

“I have a favor to ask of you.”


What do you want to ask for in this situation?

While everyone, including Rin, watched incredulously.

At the end of looking at the artistic body and perfect face with clear curves over the straitjacket with hot eyes.

The boy with a dazzlingly beautiful smile made a request to the only teacher he respected in the world.

“Meister, please be my woman.”

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