Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 24: Fine Star Restaurant

The two siblings turned around, and Michael groaned Inwardly.

"Hey you! What about my rent?"

The one who stopped them turned out to be...

"Why is this old hag here?" Mira whispered to Michael, she was still sitting on his shoulders.

"Let find out" Michael said with a smile, and look at their landlady. "Old... I mean, Mrs Jones, I said I will pay the rent, and I always keep my word."

Mrs Jones, Who was putting on a green gown was a little confuse, staring at Mira and Michael like they have grown two heads.

"Please, who are you?" She asked.

Michael and Mira were stunned by her words, before Mira burst into childish laughter. "Fufufufu... brother is so awesome that the old hag doesn't recognize him"


Mrs Jones didn't hear the word old hag, she was still stunned, staring at the man who Mira was calling her brother. 'I thought he was thinner yesterday?, how the hell did he got so... tall and muscular?'


Michael coughed, bringing Mrs Jones from her trains of thought. "I said I will pay you today, and that is what I will do"

"Huh? You have life times?" Mrs Jones was getting more confused, then realization struck her. "Hey young man! Don't think because you are now good-looking I will not take my rent, but... I don't want you to give me all your life times and die in front of me!" She yelled.

Now Michael was confused, and a little annoyed, "That is not it Mrs Jones, for God's sake I won't die after paying you your rent, how much is it again?"

'How much is it again? Does he really have life times to pay me?' Mrs Jones was silent for a while before saying. "Six months life times, two for each month."

Michael nodded and stretched out his wrist.

'He really has life times?' Mrs Jones was shocked, but quickly stretched out her hand. Michael nodded and transferred six months life times to her, remaining himself 7 months.

"Can we go now?" Michael asked.

Mrs Jones was still dumbstruck, seeing the life times on her bracelet, 'where did this kid earn this much life times from?' She thought internally.

"I think old hag is shocked, we should go brother" Mira said calmly.

Mrs Jones got herself and nodded. "Good"

Michael nodded and turned around to exit the building, At that moment, someone rushed in, panting heavily. Mrs Jones frowned and yelled. "What got you so excited?!! Calm down and tell me!"

"M-Mrs Jones, A man fell from the building top floor and smashed on a car outside, A-after some investigation, w-we discovered he was shot dead before falling from the building" the man said, catching his breath.


Mrs Jones yelled in horror, as she looked at the man "did you just said someone was killed in my building, and was thrown down the window?!!"

The man nodded vigorously, confirming his claims.

"What should we do now?!" Mrs Jones was now uneasy, pacing back and forth in the lobby.

"Some people have started calling the police, what should we do?" The man asked.

"Brother, I thought you said the man had gone to meet his lost relatives? So... What is this man saying?" Mira asked in a low voice, confusion laced in her tone.


Michael shushed, and whispered:

"I will explain later, come on, let's go"

Michael continued walking towards the exit when Mrs Jones's voice sounded. "Hey Michael, did you hear anything on your floor?"

"Nope, we are going. We hope you find the killer" he said walking out of the building, leaving Mrs Jones and the young man behind.

"Where are we going?" Mira asked.

"Fine star restaurant" Michael stated, stopping a cab. Mira didn't know which restaurant was known as the fine star restaurant, but was over the moon, her brother was taking her out. Something that haven't happened in a long time.

"Good day sir, where are you heading?" The cab driver asked with a smile.

"Fine star restaurant" Michael said, surprising the driver. The man moved his gaze around the siblings and neighborhood, then nodded. "One day lifetime, two days life times for two"

"Here" Michael stretched out his hand, and transferred the life times to the driver. "Come in gentleman." The driver said with a smile, tapping a button in his taxi, which automatically opened the door.

Michael dropped his sister, and the two entered the cab, and drove away from the neighborhood. Passing countless police vehicles.

"What is going on? Why are there so many cops?" The driver asked in mild confusion.

"Just drive, it's just an accident" the driver just nodded, and kept silent.


Fine star restaurant.

"Sister, why are we here?" A blonde hair girl sitting on a wheelchair asked the silver hair beauty, who was pushing her towards the restaurant.

"Aren't you hungry? We are here to eat" Erika said with a smile.

"But, this place is expensive" Maria stated, "Can we go to a lot cheaper place?" She asked.

"Hey Maria." Erika stopped, and crouched down in front of her sister. "You are my little sister, and It's my responsibility to provide you with the best. Because you are the best sister alive" Erika said with a beautiful smile.


"--No but, now come on, let go in" Erika cut her off, standing back up. Maria just nodded calmly hearing her sister's firmed words.


The security of the fine star restaurant stopped the two girls, as they got to the entrance.

"Why are you stopping us?" Erika asked.

The muscular man, clad in black security uniform, moved his gaze on the two girls, firstly: the two girls' dresses are... simple, no designer or high-end clothes.

'These two are just beautiful, especially this one, who look around 20 years old.' The security thought and said to the two girls. "You need to have at least two months life times, to be able to enter, so... Can I see your life times?"

Maria raised her head staring at her sister, "Ok, take a look" Erika showed the man her life times.

'Ten years life times?!' The man eyes widened, he stared at the two girls, a little daze. 'This much? Then why are their clothes this poor?' He thought, but quickly nodded, and made way for them. "You can go in misses"

Erika nodded and pushed her sister inside.


A yellow cab stopped in front of the fine star restaurant, and two people step out. One a tall and handsome guy, while the other was a little beautiful girl with dark brown hair and eyes. This two were non-other than Michael and his sister, Mira.

"Come on, let go in" Michael said to Mira, as he took the lead.


The same security man stopped them with a frown. 'These two are also putting on ordinary clothes!, at least the girls' are still acceptable. Theirs... looked like they took it from a dumpster'

"What is it?" Michael asked politely. Even though he was putting on his best outfit, all black. The security still took it as ordinary wears.

"You need to have a total of 6 months life times, to be allowed in" he stated.

This man told the girls two months, now the same man was telling Michael he had to have a total of 6 months. How is that fare?!

"Is that a rule or what?" Michael asked in a displeased tone.

"Sorry, but that is the rule, if you don't have that amount, you can go to a cheaper place" the security said flatly.

Michael shook his head calmly, and turned to his sister. "Mira, show him your life times"

'I need to earn more life times, thousands aren't enough. I need at least millions.' Michael thought.

Mira nodded and showed the security her two years life times. The man nodded and made way for them, not after giving Michael a disdainful look. 'Pathetic, he doesn't have life times, and he is here to waste his little sister's.'

Michael didn't care about that, and walked in with his sister.

The fine star restaurant was one of the high-end restaurant in the whole city, it might even carry top 20th in the whole amerisa. Its floors and walls were made from pure white marbles, beautiful chandeliers which radiant golden lights shone down on the customers, calm and smoothing music played in the background, adding to the touch and elegance of the restaurant.


Mira grasped when she saw the interior of the place. She was busy looking around the place like a child thrown into a fantasy world.

"This place is beautiful" Mira exclaimed, while Michael just nodded. "Come on, let sit down"

The restaurant was so big that there was also an upper floor. Those in the upper floor are the ones with huge amounts of life times, if they stood up, they could easily see those eating below them, over the railing.

A show of status and life times.

Michael didn't care about all that, and followed the beautiful waitress to their seat. 'At least the waitress wasn't like that stupid guard.' He thought taking his seat, and Mira sat opposite him.

"What will you like to have sir" the waitress, putting on a white short waitress dress, asked with a beautiful smile.

'This guy is so handsome, and good-looking too. Does he have a girlfriend?' The waitress was in her world, moving her eyes around Michael's tan body.

"Can we have the menu?" Michael asked, turning his head to the waitress, catching her staring at him.

"Huh? Right... yes, the menu" she stammered and quickly handed him and Mira the menus. Her face red with embarrassment.

'What Is wrong with me? Focus girl, yes he is handsome. But... You can't lose yourself in his handsome face.' She thought, and bowed slightly to Michael. "I am Sorry for staring, sir"

"Mira, what will you have?" Michael didn't even look at her, but turned to his sister instead.

"I will have fried beef, and rice with veggies. And..." Mira was silent for a while staring at the menu. "Yes, and five doughnuts, add two cups ice creams and three fried chips. With A bottle of juice."

When she finished her order, both Michael and the waitress stared at her with widened eyes. Both dumbfounded.

"Ahem" Michael coughed and asked. "Mira, Can you finish all that?"

"If I can't finish it, I will take it home" Mira gave a simple answer, which earn her a chuckle from Michael. He then turned to the waitress and asked.

"How much?"

"One month of life times" the waitress replied.

"Huh?" Mira's face change silently, "That much? I don't need it anymore"

"Don't mind her, go and bring her orders" Michael said. The waitress nodded and asked. "What about you, sir?"

"Tea will be ok" Michael said with a smile. The waitress was a little surprised, but still nodded and walked away to carry out the orders.


"Don't worry Mira, I have enough life times" Michael said, easing his sister's worries.


In The other side of the restaurant.

"What is it Erika?" Maria asked. Seeing her sister, staring at a particular table.

'Is that him?'


Much love guys.

I'd entered a contest with this book. 😂😂😂

Just for fun. Butttt... I hope to win.👏👏

So please leave a comment and review.

And your power stones are much appreciated. 🙏🙏

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