Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 23: Days are numbered

"I won't leave here alive?' Atel repeated Michael's word inwardly, observing Michael slowly. 'I don't feel any mana from him, which mean he isn't a player, or he is a very low level player.'

"I am not planning on sparing you either" Atel said as he finally drew out his pistol. "I don't know how you change your appearance, but you will have to die" he added, fixing the silencer on the pistol.

Michael smiled calmly, of course he knew about his newly obtain physique, putting a whole freaking 44 points in strength, surely do wonders.

"Do you have life times?" Michael suddenly asked.

"Life times? Of course I have life times." Atel answered without thinking, and added "Now shut up and die for me" he pointed his pistol at Michael and released a shot.

With the help of the silencer, the bullet released from the pistol without making a single sound, and flew silently toward Michael's head.

Mira's face change dramatically, as she watched the bullet in slow motion, while there was a please smile on Atel's face.




Both Atel and Mira were stunned, as they both stared at the bullet, which had somehow frozen in Front of Michael.

"What the butt?" Atel muttered, and released more shot. Five more bullets flew out of the pistol and froze in front of Michael's head, like an invisible force was holding them in place.


Atel wasn't done yet, he released the remaining bullets in the magazine, but they all froze in front of him.

"How are you doing this?!!" He roared. While Mira just stared at her brother with a bright smile. She wasn't scared of Atel anymore. Instead, she felt sorry for him.

She hasn't seen her brother this mad for a long time. Michael fixed his gaze on Atel and said, his voice filled with coldness.

"It's good you have life times, because you won't have any left" he then turned to his sister. "Leave us Mira, you shouldn't see what I am about to do"

"I am staying with you" Mira said in a "I don't care what you say, I will stay here with you" tone, not moving an inch.

Michael can't say no to his sister, so he nodded and said with a smile. "Then watch and learn." Mira just nodded and stood closer him.

"Now..." with a single thought, all the frozen bullets took a 180-degree turn, and pointed at Atel.


"Don't cuss in front of my sister" Michael stated, as he walked towards the scared Atel. The ten bullets flew into the air and pointed down at him.

"How are you doing this? As far as I know, you are just a low level player. You shouldn't be able to use skill, both in the game and in the real world! For God's sake! You don't even have Mana!" Atel yelled as he moved backward.

"You are right, I am a low level player. LV 5 at most. But that didn't mean AI's rules applied to me." With A thought Atel rose into the air.

"What the!! Drop me down you bastard!!" Atel roared, moving his hands and legs desperately.

"Do you want to die?" Michael asked in a threatening tone.

"No! Please let me go, I will never get close to this neighborhood, never again" Atel started pleading, knowing that this young man in front of him wasn't as simple as they thought.

"I can let you go, but on one condition" Michael muttered.

"What is it?" Atel asked, as his head hit the ceiling of the apartment.

"Send all your life times to me, then I can let you go"

"You bastard!!!"

"I said don't cuss in front of my sister!" Michael said coldly. One bullet flew with deadly speed and connected with Atel's right shoulder, drawing blood.

"Ahhh!!! You Ba..." He was about to cuss again, when he stopped himself remembering Michael's warning.

"If I give you all my lifetime, will you let me go?"

"Only If I'm satisfied with the amount" he didn't say yes, nor no. Atel stared at him for a while, gritting his teeth.

"Fine, can you bring me down?"

Michael nodded and released Atel, causing him to scream in terror as he collided with the concrete floor.


He moaned in pain, as he slowly moved his body and stood up. He looked around the room and then the door. 'I need to escape! But... Will he let me?'

"Don't even think about escaping, now transfer all your life times to me" Michael stretched out his hand, which has his bracelet.

Atel gritted his teeth, the next moment, he moved swiftly, bringing out a short dagger from his back pocket and slashed at Michael's outstretched hand.

Michael already expected this, and released one of the bullets, which accurately struck Atel's right palm, which was holding the dagger, leaving him with a bloody hole in his palm. What happened next...


Atel screamed loudly, as he dropped on his knees, clutching his right wrist. Mira stared at the hole in the center of Atel palm and shuddered.

"Stop screaming, or I will end you quickly" Michael threatened coldly, and walked towards Atel. "Are you ready to transfer the life times?"

Atel nodded vigorously, and he swiftly sent 2 and a half year of life times to Michael, leaving himself only a day. Michael looked at the life times on his bracelet with a deep frown. "Only two years? I am not impressed"

"Please, t-that is all I have, m-my boss has more... If you let me go, I will bring him to you" Atel said shakily, he was truly scared now.

"Who is your boss?" Michael asked.

"He is the guild master of the shadow assassins, he has thousands of life times"

'So the shadow assassins' guild are the ones after me and my sister, I will just have to destroy them.' Michael thought and looked at Atel. "Where is your guild located, and how many members are there?"

"The guild is station at the north side of the city, you can't miss it, we have 20 members."

"Good, I will take care of them soon" Michael said, which earn him a shocked look from Atel. "The shadow assassins' guild are filled with high rank players, not only do they have high levels, they are also good at sneak attacks." Atel added.

"You don't need to worry about me"

Atel nodded slowly, but was yelling inwardly. 'You can go and die fool, do you think I care about you?!! I just want you to let me go.' He then asked. "Can I go now?"

"Of course, I always keep my word. I say I will let you go, and I will surely LET YOU GO" Michael said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Thank you, may I ask... If you are a player, what is your game name?"

Michael observed him calmly and muttered. "Supreme"

Atel froze instantly, his head almost exploded hearing the name "Su-Su-Supreme". 'Isn't that the name of the player AI announced just moments ago? How did I clash with this killer?!!'

Before he could say anything, Michael lifted him up into the air. "What are you doing?!!" Atel yelled in horror.

"I said I will let you go, that is what I am doing"

"But I can walk on my own!"

"Who said I will let you follow the door?" Michael asked in mild confusion.

"What do you mean?!!" Atel's face changed dramatically, as he floated towards the window. 'No!! We are on the fourth floor, If I fall from this height I won't survive!!'

"Please no, I will do anything!!"

"None needed" Michael muttered flatly, and with a thought, one of the bullets flew and penetrated Atel's forehead, killing him instantly, he made sure his sister didn't see that. And quickly threw the body out the window.

Atel's dead body flew out and smashed into a car parked outside, denting it in the process. Which drew the attention of passersby. Who then gathered around the body and looked up at the building. No one knew which floor the body fell from, even though it's day time.


"Are you ok, Mira?" Michael turned to his sister who stood frozen on one spot.

Mira just nodded vigorously and asked "will he be ok?"

"Yes, don't worry, his lost relatives will be waiting for him" Michael answered with a smile. "I have something for you, Mira."

Michael gently grabbed her wrist and transfer 2 years life times to her. "Now, stay here, I will go and buy some ingredients and food stuffs to cook lunch." He said with a smile.

Mira raised her bracelet and her small eyes widened seeing two years and one month life times. "Brother, did you win the game?" She asked, turning to Michael.

"What a smart girl, yeah... I won the game" Michael said walking towards the door.

"I am coming with you!" Mira quickly said as she rushed towards him. Michael was silent hearing his sister, then nodded. "Ok, let go together" he said and walked out of the apartment with his sister. Leaving the destroyed door open, That was when all the bullets finally fell to the ground.

"Where are we going?" Mira asked, as she and her brother climb down the stairs.

"We are going to eat outside"

"Huh? I thought you said we are going to buy food stuffs and ingredients to cook lunch?" Mira asked in mild confusion.

"I changed my mind, I want you to eat in one of the best restaurants, so come on" Michael said with a smile, he picked up his sister, placing her on his shoulders.

'Having strength is really worth it' he thought, as Mira giggled happily.

As the two siblings got to the entrance of the apartment, they both heard someone yelled out to them. "STOP RIGHT THERE!!"


Much love guys. 😳😏

If you don't like the title, let me know, and I will change it... I only listen to the readers I know 😢😢

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