Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 60: Fallen Necromancy

The Prince paled at the sudden thought of inheriting the fallen memories of those he felled in battle, so much so nightmares would often find him, stirring him away covered in a night sweat. Yet, despite a month passing, he had not received a notification about Kirr or Dillian's soul being assimilated.

"I was careless. And too focused on training." He told himself, promising such a thing would never occur. Not under his watch again. "I can't trust the system to notify me anymore. Fail me once, and you'll fail me again." Altair sucked in a deep breath as the Eye of Sacrilege shimmered. He opened his palm as an obsidian aura began to bleed into the material realm.

Darker than even the abyss around them, the Obsidian Mana glowed.

The Prince closed his eyes, integrating his will into the Obsidian Mana. He went cold as if cast into the depths of Sylvorlum, where only the wintery flames of death tormented those in the eighth layer of hell. He wanted to scream as that sensation coiled through his meridians like a serpent, slithering through his Circle as if marking its home.

When his eyes opened, a gleam of something sinister presented itself over the land. Silence fell over the realm. While death spun, unleashing itself in a catastrophic blast through Heaven and Earth. Tremors burrowed through the Myriad Heavens, alerting Gods and Demons, Devils And Kings, of Old and New.

Power, so strong, crowned the Prince and faded into the confines of the abyss, Leaving his once innocent eyes replaced by a hollow husk of purgatory. Beginnings, marking the end, flashed over the Great Abyss of his pupils, dissipating into Eternal Darkness.

He spoke. "Arise."

As if the word of the Almighty had been spoken, a welter of echoes penetrated the void, bearing a translucent figure, ablaze by the darkness, as though they were flames, a serpent appeared.

[Fallen Necromancy Proficiency has increased by 5%]

Fallen Necromancy [F]

[Proficiency: 0% → 10%]


[10% of all stats will be shared between Individual Shadows]

[Skills of the Master will be shared amongst the Shadows]

Name: Fallen Shadow

Type: Fallen Cryptid

Str: 5 → 5.8

Dex:5 →5.7

Con: 5 → 5.9

Wis:10  → 11.4

Cha: 10 → 11.4

Mana: 5 → 5.9

Skill: Polymorph[E], Instincts [F], [Immortality [S], Mana Manipulation [D], Survival Instincts [F]

The serpent let loose a dark, low hiss, meeting its master's cold, unfeeling eyes. It lowered its stare, pressing its snout against the ground as if to say, 'Master.'


[Fallen Necromancy has taken Authority away from the Circle of Gluttony.]

'Had there been a conflict amongst the skills I didn't know about?' Altair wondered, releasing his hold of the Obsidian Mana of Fallen Necromancy. 'Was this why when I killed, I would sometimes collect souls, while at other times I wouldn't? It will seem my ignorance has once again shown."

He clenched his fist when another notification caught his eye.

[Would you like to devour the soul of Kirr with or without memories.]

Almost immediately, Altair screamed 'without,' frightful of what he might have experienced through Kirr's memories.

[Fallen Necromancy will delete all skills, including unique skills if memories aren't shown. The user will not absorb any skills or stats. ]

Again, Altair did not hesitate to scream 'without' promising himself he'd find a skill to temper his mind. However, today, he had no intent on experiencing Kirr's slave life.

Suddenly, a warm aura coiled around the Prince's mortal form, seeping into his mind and body. The sensation embraced him, clearing his mind when—


[New Fallen Shadow Available.]

The Prince grinned and thought for a second. "Devour Dillian's soul."

[Would you like to devour the soul of Dillian Aros with or without memories.]

The Prince gritted his teeth. "How long would it leave me defenseless?" He asked, frowning.

[Due to your Mana Manipulation, the user will take Three Hours to devour Dillian Aros.]

Altair nodded. He did not immediately give a response but rather began carving runes into the ground, creating a formation that would cause most manner of beasts to ignore him. He glanced at the Shadow Serpent, watching him wordlessly. And without even issuing the command, Altair knew with all his being that this one serpent would protect him until its dying breath.

He had faith in that… unbreakable faith that stemmed from the Mana the Shadow held that matched his.

It was only when the formation was complete, blistering with Mana, did Altair speak: "Devour him with his memories."

In one fell swoop, the Prince's pupils went still, fading as he slumped over, sinking into the darkness of memories. Strangely, dark obsidian Mana slowly swelled out of Altair, coiling around him as if to ward him from danger.  Silently observing the changes in its master, the Fallen Shadow approached its beady eyes, a swell of everchanging chaos turned to face the world.

Ready to defend its one and only master.


In the hours that came and went, fifteen long, arduous years reflected through obsidian eyes. From his Father's firm hand to the Slave Master's whip against his flesh, ripping and tearing the ligaments from his back to the sleepless nights begging for food as the servant coldly watched. Altair felt a part of him… dwindle each year that passed. The taste of blood was something he had become numb to.

Dillian was born a bastard. His Father, Barren Farwin Aros, had conceived him in the arms of a tavern wench; he had his way with one drunken night. The day Farwin learned of the birth of his bastard, he had her killed and his son brought to him.

But compared to full-blooded aros men and women, Dillian's talent was far below average. The purity of his blood wasn't enough to survive.

Altair lay there silently, lost in Dillian memories. He had forgotten the men and women he killed without feeling were alive, That they, too, had lived experiences.

"I'm lucky… I'm Lucky Mother loved me." He told himself, finding a bitter laugh. "I wonder if I'll go mad one day? Or am I already there?' He arose to find the small flaming serpent of darkness watching him.


[Memory of Dillian Aros Complete]

[Strenght has Increased by 2]

[Dexterity has Increased by 2]

[Constitution has Increased by 1]

[No New Skills Acquired]

A/N: Rolled a 3 on a d20

Altair grinned. Pushing down the lived experiences that were not his own. His experience was different this time around. It wasn't as visceral. He had found it like a movie that allowed him to experience pain while retaining his mental awareness. A much-needed improvement.

"Come." He offered a hand. The Fallen Shadow's beady eyes shone like with flecks of golden light, slithering up its Master palm, finding a comfortable spot coiled around his neck.

Altair inspected the serpent, finding beneath the flame-like Obsidian Mana laid a set of scales to match, carrying his sigil engraved on each scale. Fascination swelled through his mind, and fingers that trailed over its smooth surface. And the serpent purred.

"You like that, huh." He mused at the newfound companionship. He opened his palms. "Well. Let's call your brothers."

[Fallen Necromancy]

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