Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 59: Mana Vien III

Listing from their respective locations, the Gods all stood froz, mesmerized by the child's words, for what he spoke of was not used for manipulating Mana but divinity. Yet here he was, a child, barely T spitting theories that had be long prov from scratch.

It frighted them, for they understood he was a mortal who had yet to experice any real tempering of his soul or mind. Altair was a blank slate in their eyes. One who possessed the comprehsion of a God despite being a mortal.

The Gods were all but salivating at the thought of possessing the Prince.

Three days Later. Wh Altair had fully recovered from his cracked bones and torn flesh. He continued his journey once more. With a new profound look than before, like with Dark Moon Blade, Altair kept the Eye of Sacfilage active in a perpetual cycle of his mana. Never allowing it to dim.

His eye glowed a demonic scarlet beath the moonlit night through the icy caves that wt on forever. In the weeks following his victory over the Lamia, Altair had discovered a small crevice hidd beath the bone pill the Lamia created, revealing an unding tunnel in which light did not exist.

[Eye of Sacrilege Proficicy has Increased by .0%]

[Multiplier: x]

Proficicy: [50% → 50.04%]

He'd quickly discovered that seeing through the darkness was something that came naturally to him. Allowing traversing the labyrinth to be easier than normal. However, what existed down here had shown Altair it wasn't just serpts that lived within the Serpts Outreach.

Strange criptids he'd never se before bearing insect-like features existed. Most were quite weak, but there had never be a single creature for him to solo but an tire swarm, forcing him to flee at times. Nevertheless, the Prince with the Eye of Sacrilege that hanced his perception to inhuman levels became able to fell most creatures in three strokes or less.

"It's getting hotter," The Prince moaned, pulling out the wood flask in his backpack. He hesitated and placed it back, unsure if he'd ever find water. It had be three days since he last took a sip and three days since he began to manage his daily intake of jerky. "It's a good thing I didn't bring R. She'll have driv me mad." He laughed, somewhat dishearted.

It had felt weird to journey without her. Traveling was as silt as it was lackluster. Losing much of its earlier charm.

[Eye of Sacrilege Proficicy has Increased by .0%]

[Multiplier: x]

Proficicy: [50.04% → 50.06%]

[Dark Moon Blade Proficicy has Increased by .5%]

Multiplier: x

Proficicy: 3% → 6%

Altair grinned at his passive skills and glanced at the Circle of Gluttony completion with an ev bigger grin.

[Circle of Gluttony Proficicy: .5% ]

"I've be taking it easy with my injuries. But ever since I've upped my Mana Manipulation, I've be able to up the speed at which I devour Mana. I'll begin upgrading my purity once I get to five perct. T should be the highest peak of most First Circle Warriors.

And since Mana is five times stronger than someone's physical body, I should be able to destroy if not slaughter, any tier-one monster with a single spell."

If the Aros m could hear him, their eyes would have shone as much greed as the Gods listing. But the prince wasn't in the least bit satisfied with his progress. Using his shared mind with the Dark Moon Blade, Altair began practicing as he traversed the dark caves.

[Grave of Night proficicy increased by %]

[Grave of Night proficicy increased by %]

[Grave of Night proficicy increased by %]

[Grave of Night proficicy increased by %]

[Grave of Night proficicy increased by %]

[Multiplier x]

[Proficicy: 4% → 4%]

Spding his days and nights training in the dark, the Mana within the cave continuously began to thick, fueling his Circle of Gluttony. Altair became lost, losing most interest in exploring as he trained. He bore the heat, ignored his thirst and hunger, eating and drinking wh the need truly arose.

He trained every fiber of his being, slowly discovering that mana could delay the effects of not eating, sleeping, or drinking water.

A month passed until an azure light shimmered, garnering the prince's atttion. He'd thought he would have missed the light, but it was the furthest thing from the truth, as he found the glimmers of light irritating. Nonetheless, his curiosity was peaked.

Assuming he was near the d of this never-ding labyrinth, Altair stepped towards the light, finding a vein of azure stone graved into the wall. The stone glowed with a mythical light, swirling with ergy at its cter.

"Mana… It's a Mana stone." He muttered, trailing his fingers over a small vi, and followed after it. For hours, he moved, pausing as the intse heat began to force perspiration out of his pores, forcing him to cover himself with mana.  Altair grimaced at the loss of perspiration. He cursed but continued forward, knowing he'd need to leave the dungeon soon to replish his supplies.

He had run out of food days ago and had be eating the insects for liquids and protein. But it wasn't very sustainable.

He stopped hours later over a large unding pit lit with azure stalagmites that stood as summits within the cave, reaching far and wide over the rugged land into ravines filled with pltiful water that glowed natural light within the dark. Various flat plains forged of raw Mana stones housed a lavish ecosystem, from grass to trees to movemt, Altair could barely make out.

[Divine Being, 'Daddy' is impressed you've found the cter of the fractured Realm]

Soon, the sound of the beast howled, followed by a great clash that st tremors across the land arose.

[Divine Being 'She Who Hunt' eyes shimmer with anticipation at the wonderful hunting g.]

[Divine Being Archeon is looking forward to your progress.]

The Prince wiped the sweat from his brow, annoyed at the intse heat that didn't seem to have a source. He growled wh, all of a sudd, his eyes wt wide as a thought echoed through his mind.

"... The Souls I collected. It's be a month… What's going on?"

Name: Altair

Mana Circle: [Second Circle .5 → 4%%]

Class: Young Prince Lv 5 [First Awaking]

Strgth: 4 → 8

Dexterity:4 → 7

Constitution: 6 → 9

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 4

Mana: 9


Dark Moon Blade [E]

[Proficicy: 6% → 30%]

Infernal Bane [F]

[Proficicy: 58% → 98%]

Survival Instincts [F]

[Proficicy: 79% → 93%]

Grave of Night [F]

[Proficicy: 4% → 80%]

Eye of Sacrilege [C]

[Proficicy: 50% → 60%]

Mana Manipulation [D]

[Proficicy: 0% → %]

Fall Necromancy [F]

[Proficicy: 0%]

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