Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 11: Half Awakened

Severed from the base to the tip: the mask fell from Syris's face, revealing two pairs of wintery blue eyes that carried shards of scattered throughout the iris, complemting her snow- hair.

The young woman held an oval face with such defining features it seemed as though Syris wasn't remotely human: nodes of ephemeral light seemed to almost dance along the surface of her pale skin, granting an almost angelic appearance.

"You… Bastard!" Syris snapped in a petrating voice as arcs of azure- lightning flared to life a the surface of her dagger. The blade hissed, with the crackles and pops of lightning being emitted. She took a step forward and began her counterattack.

Altair scowled, but it was too late to retreat. She was too close. So he mirrored her action taking a step forward, allowing the rings of metal against metal to resound as though it was thunder.

The g quivered and withered as if caught in a storm with each clash betwe the two monsters. Arcs of semi-circles whirled a their small bodies, twisting into thrusts and sweeps through the field, cutting apart leaves and grass, twigs and trees, as though they were paper.

Their blades were ruthless, poised, and precise.

"Your son is good." The Reverd Mother said.

"I know. As is your little Celestial."

'Little? Few would call a Celestial little.' She thought but didn't take offse to it. Her own Master had said the same thing years ago wh they first met. And she had said the same to Syris.

"I want him." The Reverd Mother said, unable to mask the urgcy in her voice.

And Tebrae chuckled. "My son, upon his Fifteth, is free to do as he pleases. But until th, he is under my protection." She said, her gaze never leaving the lifeless pupils of her son. "The boy will make a name for himself. How he does so will be tirely up to him. If you do want him, you may tempt him if you can before th." And she devilishly grinned.

The Reverd Mother frowned. "I don't understand. You say he is beath your protection but want us to tempt him?

"Altair shall not leave the Nobilis Sector. But from there. You may invite him to any place he wishes to be. If he chooses to join, both he and I will attd. Whether you wish to tempt him or form a bond with my baby is up to you. I am merely a guide for my child.

I have no interest in interfering in these worldly matters." Tebrae said gtly, her gaze softing the longer they lingered over her son." Once he reaches fifte, becoming a man. His business is up to him and him alone."

"Are you mad? Fifte? He'd be nothing more than a child still..." The Reverd Mother swiftly remarked. "A boy barely capable of—"

"And how many boys do you suspect you've killed? Worlds you've burned?" Tebrae dryly replied, cutting her short. "It's why I've be training him so. I shall not always be by his side. Despite how much it pains me, my precious Prince needs to stand on his own, and he can't do that under my protection. Nevertheless, you are quite an ambitious woman.

I'm sure you know how to play the game. Ignore my presce and play it."

'This woman… I definitely need to investigate her.' The Reverd Mother thought and shifted her atttion towards the childr. 'As for Altair. I shall not do anything for now. He's not a threat. If anything, he could be an asset. I'll have him exempt from our database.

No need to make him uncomfortable. At least not until he owes a few favors.'

"Why won't you go down!" Syris squealed, releasing an explosion of flames, scorching the earth beath her feet. Altair pivoted backward, almost caught in the explosion. She pointed her dagger at him, short of breath and nearly able to hang on. ' And how the hell are you still standing? Your arms should have be electrocuted long ago!"

It was a question Altair had no answer to. He'd be curious as well the momt their blades clashed.

"That's because he's like you," Tebrae said from a distance, drawing near. She stopped a few feet away. "He's Half-Awaked, although his ability is passive, so he's never realized. Anyway, let's stop now… you two are equal in damn near every way."

"Mother—!" Altair began

"Enough. No point in this match. You'll both d up killing yourselves." Tebrae calmly said, scanning their bodies with her piercing gaze. "Syris, if you continue any more, your Mana Core will shatter. You too, Altair. You've over-taxed your ability as well."

"Mother, I don't have an ability." Altair retorted, somewhat short of breath, uncertain of his mother's words. He hadn't appeared hurt and was barely tired. If anything, he'd felt alive. He felt stronger. Faster, and ev the world was brighter. "Surely your mistak, Mother."

"Oh? You don't believe me?" Tebrae mused and turned to Syris. " What about you? Do you not believe me?"

Syris hesitated. She was sure the woman before her was a master of sorts. But… she did feel fine.

"Th I shall take your hesitation as no. You may continue." Tebrae said in an indescribably cold voice. She turned, ready to depart.

"I'm sorry, Mother," Altair said, his head bowed and his sword low. The humanity that was brok and withered by the darkness in his eyes returned. "I..."

"If you wish to know about your ability, come in. With the amount of Mana, you absorbed today. I'm sure your awaking will surely commce in the following days." She said, dismissing the Isolation barrier.

Altair and Syris watched in utter fascination as time began to twist and bd, reversing onto itself, undoing the damage they'd brought. The scorched earth gerated by Syris's Lightning and icy flames began to recede, its lifeless state regaining its earlier vegetation. Sword strokes gathered over the trees, and leaves dissipated as though all their blows were illusions.

In the blink of an eye, life had returned to the Aros Forest.

"We must go, Syris." The Reverd Mother said blandly. "Return the dagger. We've much to discuss."

'It's fine." Tebrae said, tering her home. " She can keep it. Not like I don't have more. Come along, Altair. We, too, have much to discuss."

The Young Master and Mistress shared a competitive glance, filled with a mutual likess.

"See you tomorrow?" Altair asked.

"Yup!" Syris responded, rushing towards her Master, and suddly spun, almost losing her balance. She hurriedly bowed." And thank you, Aunty Te! I learned a lot today!"

Tebrae glanced at her, smiling, " Don't leave without saying goodbye should you decide to leave the Aros Estate." she said and turned to Altair. "Come inside and take a seat."

'Oh no… Mothers mad." He thought tears all but gathering.

"Yes… mother." He moved for the door, shutting it as he tered.

'Does he think he's in trouble? Hehe, You little dummy! Mama would never be mad at her little Prince.' She thought, watching her son's teary eyes. She pointed towards the living room resisting the urge to take him into her arms as she'd done so oft.

"Have a seat. Very good. Now how much do you know about the Awakers of Earth."

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