Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 12: Prince of Darkness

Altair, who knelt in the middle of the living room, sword on lap, in front of his Mother on the L-shaped couch, looked up, his heart practically thawing out in relief at her words.

"Earths Awakers, you say. They're individuals granted powers by the Tower of Babel wh it rose." He told his Mother, pondering why he needed to explain such common knowledge. It felt more like an affront to his intelligce to ev ask. Everyone knew such trivial things.


"Wh the Tower of Babel rose, a new Voice came with it. The System. Humanities greatest weapon."

"I see Magister Illyo's lessons hav't be for nothing. " She mused. "Good. Th do you know the purpose of each stat on the system? Or have you not—"

'The system is regulated by a level base design, implemted into Class, divided into subcategories: Strgth, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom, and Mana." He flutly said, grinning. "Strgth speaks of physical prowess like lifting heavy objects. Dexterity speaks to one's speed and the speed at which one can process information.

Constitution is the ability to resist poison, maintain stamina, and take damage. Charisma…"

Tebrae peered at him, awaiting his explanation.

It never arrived.

"You don't know what Charisma is? What about Wisdom?" She softly inquired.

He flinched, wanting to explain, and hurriedly spoke: "Those two are the most overlooked stat in the System, Mother. Its—"

"Oh, Altair." Tebrae mused. "Let's start with Wisdom. Wisdom is the awaress of life in geral. The perception of Kings and Princes, Gods and Demons, Devils and Heroes." She swept her piercing gaze over him. "Wisdom can allow you to perceive danger and know a man's thoughts before a word is fired. It's the ultimate tool of awaress.

Charisma… Charisma is Authority."

"Authority?" he repeated.

Tebrae sucked in a breath and spoke with a cruel Authority, "Charisma is the Authority of Power. It's the pressure you get wh you speak to someone of importance; If I so pleased, I could merely ask you to kill yourself, and you'd do it. If not, the World, your very planet, would fulfill my request. That is what Charisma is. Many spells require an insane amount of Charisma.

It's not something that can be overlooked."

A/N: Soul Base Attacks

Unlike anything he'd felt before, coldness fell from the heavs, crushing his body, snaring his voice, and imprisoning him in a labyrinth of fear as every syllable became branded into his heart, tearing at his floating awaress.

Sweat ran cold over the Young Altair. His chest rose and fell, faster and faster, as he dared not ev lift his gaze to glance at his Mother. Not daring to ev utter a word in her presce. And th her pressure vanished.

But the dread in his heart… the coldness gnawing at his bones... that remained. The dry ache in his throat, the sweat that seemed heavier than the G-Weapon after t minutes of use, bore down despite Tebrae's intt.

'It had to be done.' She thought, pulling air into her lungs. 'If he is to be Awaked, Altair needs to know. He needs to know the tools available to him. He has talt with a sword, but his Blade can only take you so far.'

"Now that all things are said regarding the mains stats. Can you tell Mama about Mana?" Tebrae said and sighed, noticing the shaking of her child, the cold sweat that pooled a him. And didn't offer words of couragemt. It was too early to do so.

She stared for a long time, well into the night, awaiting his response. She clched her palm into a fist, waiting… hoping she'd not be too tough, wh—

"It's the raw ergy of the Tower of Babel," he replied in a shaky voice, never raising his head. "Magister Illyo said that Mana is too abstract to fully grasp but said it's like an amplification."

Tebrae's fist softed and reached for her son, cupping his cheek. He raised his gaze to meet her soft ones. "I don't know about being too Abstract, but I'll leave you to understand Mana as you grow. But you are right. Mana does indeed amplify your natural power," She said, clearing the tears from his beady eyes. She kissed his cheek, nose, and head, pulling him into her embrace.

"There are nine Circles to Mana. Tier one, you will not gain any befits. Tier two will allow you to double your stats with your Mana. Tier three, you'd be able to triple them, tier four quadruple, and so forth until you hit nine times amplification. After that is Transcdce."

"Mom… is mean. I don't like you." Altair muttered tearfully, pulling deeper into Tebrae's bosom.

She smiled, hugging him. "I know, baby. But you needed to know. You needed to feel it." She replied, practically crying herself. "If you are to be the Prince of my Kingdom, you needed to feel what Authority is."

A strange glow flickered through Altair obsidian gaze, and he looked at his Mother for answers. "Prince?"

"Did you think I just called you Prince for no reason? Of course, you're a Prince. You're my little Prince of Darkness. And that is to be your Class wh you finally become an Awaker. You're already Half Awaked."

Confusion waned over his mind: 'I don't remember becoming Half-Awaked. But...'

"Wh did that happ?"

Tebrae chuckled. "Wh you were born, silly. You were born Half-Awaked. But that's a story for a differt time. I'm only telling you this tonight because you will awak soon. Tonight maybe.

And you need to keep quiet about your Class."

"Wait!" he suddly said, pulling out her grip, and rose to his feet. "What's my skill th?"

"Darkness, darling. Did you think I'd teach you Grave of Night for no reason… Although, that blasted name… shame on your Father for naming it that. Damn him!...." She cleared her throat, cheeks slightly flushed with anger. "Anyway… from what I can see. I think it's the 'Body of Darkness,'" She said, finding a smile. "And it's unique only to you."

Altair looked down at his hand, a tingle of excitemt in his childish smile. "Mother!" he turned to her. "What does the Body of Darkness do?"

"Protects you, of course. I wish I still had some of your Father's old Anime Videos. Nothing but a big child he is, I swear. But that kid… Garea… I think that's his name. He would have be the perfect example." She pondered for a momt and spoke: "It's a tool that allows you to conjure the elemt of darkness as a defse."

'How does she know about all this?' The Prince thought. 'And just how strong is Mother?' he shuttered, recalling her Authority that swept through him without resistance. 'Just who is she?'

"That being said. I'm sure you've got questions. But nothing of your Father."

Altair's mind spun, and words flew one after the other: "How do I get new skills? Can you take me to a dungeon? Are you a que? Is Father the king or a Concubine!"

Pearly laughter sprang from Te as she caved, clching her stomach: "Oh dear lord, he'd throw a fit. Concubine! Lol. I ought to call him that. Now that I've got a new man."

Altair's young eyes glowed," Ya talking about me, huh! Altair knows he's awesome. Bestest baby ever!" He gave a glorious nod, offering himself up for more hugs.

"That you are… but, son." Tebrae's laughter grew still, solemn. "Things can't be what they once were. The Proud and Noble Kingdom of Noctem is a glorious Heritage. Alone it stands at the peak."

The Prince stared into his Mother's eyes with wonder, unable to break his gaze away.

"And you, Altair, are to be its future. And it is my duty to rear you into King amongst Kings." Tebrae's presce gathered, unfolding a the Young Prince once more: Authority fell over his shoulders. "To be a King or ev a Prince means you carry with you a great responsibility. A king is ruthless but kind, thoughtful but calculating. He is an individual that stands above the masses.

And you, Altair, are to be its Shroud of Night, watching over them as they sleep and work in your name."

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