Chapter 141: CHAPTER 140

Days passed and neither party had made a move. Silvio, although he believed that his strgth was superior to the Heavly Palace, he was a meticulous man and did not act without being completely sure of success, so he preferred to wait and gather more information before making any move.

Andrew following Oliver's advice did not immediately contact Nadila to find out what she could offer and what she wanted in return. Oliver advised this as it was a commonly used tactic in negotiations.

It basically consisted of waiting a reasonable time to sit down to negotiate, because in this way they showed the other party that they were not anxious or hungry to obtain what the other party had.

Andrew knew this tactic well, after all, he was a business manager in his past life, however, knowing it and applying it were two totally differt things, so if Oliver hadn't reminded him, Andrew probably wouldn't have applied it.

With neither party making a move, plans for the visit of Baron Castal's son proceeded smoothly. The members of Shadow already knew where the young future baron was and in what way and rote he would move since they had three days to investigate him.

Ev though it wasn't easy information to come by, the Shadow members rose to the occasion and found everything. Their mission was to watch the young man from the shadows to prevt unforese evts from happing.

Fortunately, their worries were unnecessary, as the baron had planned everything personally, so he was rigorous since he could not afford a scandal at this time.

This was also one of the reasons why it took all of Shadow's team including Marie almost three days to find this information. Soon the inconspicuous carriage that the young future baron rode in arrived at the new private trance of the Heavly Palace.

Unlike Alfi, he did not use a mask, his disguise was much more elaborate. He wore common clothes, without any accessories or jewelry that attracted atttion. He had also dyed and styled his hair, so if it wasn't a person close to him it would be hard to recognize him.

Despite all the external changes, his behavior was somewhat difficult to change, since from an early age he was instructed to act like a nobleman, so his posture, his way of speaking, and ev his way of walking showed that he was a highly educated young man.

Being an important clit of the Heavly Palace, Andrew had to receive him personally, "Welcome to the Heavly Palace, Mr. Stuart, I am Andrew the owner" Andrew said, walking up to him and shaking his hand.

Despite the young man's surprise that Andrew was practically his own age, he returned the greeting cordially and did not feel strange at being called Stuart.

"Thank you for the warm welcome," the young man said with a smile. Andrew invited him in and showed him to the room where Sally was waiting for him. Wh the rovations were done Andrew requested that some of the rooms be modified, to make them more spacious, comfortable, and luxurious, as he knew that requests like these would become more frequt over time.

In fact, the rear, or private trance as Andrew called it, was specifically designed to have direct access to these private rooms, which were away from the public area of the establishmt to sure that of the clits would cross paths with the everyday clits.

In other words, it was a VIP trance and room that allowed special customers to feel safe in terms of privacy and security, as several guards were stationed there permantly.

In front of the room door Andrew turned to the young nobleman and with a slight bow said, "I hope you joy", and without waiting for the young nobleman to respond, he left.

The boy waited until Andrew was out of his line of sight and taking a deep breath as if steeling himself, he knocked softly on the door. From inside the room came Sally's melodious voice saying, "Come in."

Clching his hands nervously, the young man took another breath and oped the door. Wh he tered, the first thing he noticed was Sally, who was waiting for him with a beautiful smile and an elegant dress that highlighted all her charms.

"Stuart", was astonished wh he saw the girl, because he had not found a woman as beautiful as her in his tire life. The reality was that this was not true. Among the many noble girls he came into contact with at noble parties were several far more beautiful than Sally.

What happed was that the dress that Sally was wearing and the underwear under it had brought out all of Sally's attributes and "Stuart" nervousness conditioned the young man to believe that impression.

"Welcome young Stuard, my name is Sally and I will be your companion today", Sally said, pulling the young man out of his daze and a little uncomfortable, he nodded walking towards her after closing the door.

Sally knew that "Stuart" was an important clit, but she didn't know that he was a young nobleman and since Hela had instructed her to act naturally, she didn't play her usual persona and wasn't overly subservit either.

"Stuart", being nervous, wanted to calm down by walking a the room and it was thanks to that that he noticed that the room, although not as luxurious as the ones in the mansion in which he lived, was very cozy.

A large King size bed with clean and tidy sheets, a small sitting area covered by a padded rug, and lots of cushions, where there was a small table with a few drinks and snacks.

There was ev a bathroom with a tub that could fit two people perfectly. The young man was amazed at how detailed and luxurious the room was. Again compared to his own room it was nothing, but he always thought pleasure houses were messy places full of drunks and prostitutes.

Due to this preconception, the young man was surprised to see how cozy and well-designed the room was. Andrew had put a lot of effort into the decoration of this VIP area, to the point that the construction and decorations were almost as expsive as the rest of the premises, of course, except for the dance room.

At first, the redevelopmt plan was a simple expansion, but as he wt along and earned so much money from the treasuries of the former bosses in the area, he asked for many changes.

Obviously, the money spt was much higher than what was agreed, especially since Oto had to bring additional workers to meet the two-week deadline and although it was difficult to make these changes, Oto did not complain because he was earning a lot of money.

After touring the room "Stuart" returned to the small living room where Sally was waiting for him with a glass of wine and invited him to sit down. The young man did not refuse and took a sip of wine, which also surprised him since it was quite a quality wine.

Everything available for these rooms was of the best quality that Andrew could afford since not every clit could ter them. This was also the reason why the service was quite high, it had no comparison to the deal made with Johan wh he brought his son.

The young nobleman felt comfortable very quickly betwe the wine, the sandwiches, and Sally who was up to the job, since she avoided any personal topic as she was told, and limited himself to chatting frivolously, trying to relax her clit.

As they inched forward, Andrew returned to the office along with Carolina, Hela, and Aki. If any of them said that wer't worried about what was happing in that room they would be lying because they knew that this was both an opportunity and a mace.

However, there was nothing they could do, it was all up to Sally now, so they just talked about other things to ease the worry. On the other hand, the common tertainmt area was very lively with the other courtesans accompanying the clits.

The new girls were still on break because Andrew had decided that they would only dedicate themselves to the dance hall and since he had not yet be able to give them training, they were still waiting, watching from the side, learning from their older courtesans.

Everything was going smoothly, but Oliver, the guards, and the Shadow members did not let their guard down and protected the establishmt as if it were a fortress.

In the office, while Andrew and the girls were chatting, Andrew noticed that Aki was still wearing her mask and with a scowl, he asked, "Aki, how's the scar?" Andrew's question silced the conversation and everyone turned to look at Aki.

The little assassin, pressured by all the stares that she was receiving, replied nervously, "It's okay", however, the answer did not satisfy Andrew, who asked again, "Why are you still wearing the mask?", to which Aki replied quickly, "Because now I'm working."

Andrew looked suspiciously at Aki who tried to hide by turning her head to the side, but Carolina and Hela seemed to have understood that Aki was nervous to tell Andrew that she was cured, as she knew that this would only lead to one result.

They didn't want to expose the youngest sister in the harem, but they couldn't contain their laughter at Aki's awkward behavior, and Andrew, noticing that, looked at Aki mischievously and said, "Aki, come here for a minute."

Aki wanted to refuse, but she knew that she couldn't escape this momt, and let out a resigned sigh, she approached him. Andrew didn't hold back and took her by the waist pulling her closer to him and sat her on his lap.

Andrew removed Aki's mask and could see that the girl's face was completely healed. She looked like a porcelain doll with cheeks and a tint of red from embarrassmt, th Andrew said, "Not reporting your recovery is a serious offse, I guess I'll have to punish you later."

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