Chapter 140: CHAPTER 139

Having discovered Silvio, Oliver headed back to the Heavly Palace immediately. He did not try to find out more about the new emy, because he knew thanks to the scan that he felt before that this man was strong and although he did not know if he was stronger than him, if he approached carelessly he would have problems.

Oliver didn't have stealth techniques, so he wasn't suited to investigate, but he also knew that ev Marie, as Shadow's strongest member, couldn't go unnoticed by Silvio, so gathering information on that man was going to be tricky, that was what Oliver was thinking as he returned.

On the other hand, Marie continued to follow Nadila to a small house in the residtial region of the city. The house was small but very cozy, making it stand out from the other properties. In addition, it had a small gard and a fce that sured and delimited the property.

Since there was no guard, Marie and her two companions infiltrated and observed what Nadila was doing. Unexpectedly Nadila did nothing extraordinary.

She just made some tea and served two cups, and she sat in front of a table. Marie and the others were missed by Nadila's behavior, because wh she was alone she served two cups of tea, which was not normal, but they soon heard, "Ar't you going out?"

This question startled the 3 members of Shadow because they couldn't believe that they were discovered. Now they didn't know what they should do, so Marie as the captain of this group made up her mind.

She appeared from the shadows in front of Nadila. The latter just smiled like she had wh she visited the Heavly Palace and with a wave of her hand invited Marie to sit down and have tea with her.

Marie did not lower her guard, so she did not sit down, nor did she drink the tea. She stood looking at Nadila trying to figure out her inttions, she ev had her hand close to the dagger at her waist, ready to attack at any momt.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not your emy, in fact, I could help you a lot," Nadila said as she took a sip of her tea. Her words surprised Marie again because she couldn't read the woman in front of her and that bothered her.

Marie was resisting the urge to pull out her dagger and slit Nadila's throat because she knew that although the girl was a problem, Marie as a good spy could not eliminate a person without first obtaining all the information and that was what she lacked at this momt and that was also the only reason why she had not attacked.

Nadila, seeing that Marie did not intd to relax, could only sigh in resignation. She didn't really know that she was being watched, because, unlike her laid-back attitude, she doesn't have any power, just that she was a bit smart.

Silvio had previously informed her that they were being followed and since the other party did not know about him, she ssed that wh they separated she would be the one they would follow, so wh she arrived at this place she decided to deceive Marie and the others by making them believe that she had noticed them.

In fact, Nadila didn't ev know that there were three of them spying on her, but because Marie was tricked and revealed herself, Nadila had achieved her goal. Despite being able to see Marie, it wasn't like Nadila could beat her, as she didn't have any battle skills, she wanted to talk.

"Since you don't want to relax, I'll be direct. I am not your emy, but I have information about him, if you are interested, inform your master that I have conditions, if he meets them I will help him", said Nadila.

Marie frowned at Nadila's words and in a cold voice replied, "I can capture you and bring you in front of the young master as well", but Nadila was not scared and replied in the same tone of voice, "Th you will lose the only advantage that I can give you".

The confidce with which Nadila spoke made Marie doubt her and unable to make up her mind, she preferred to notify Oliver and Andrew rather than risk it, so she nodded slightly and disappeared into the shadows.

Since they didn't know how powerful Nadila was, of the Shadow members stayed to watch her, because if Nadila got upset she could kill them and they didn't want to risk it, but they didn't know that Nadila was worried just like them, because she didn't know if she was still being watched.

By the time Marie arrived at the Heavly Palace, Oliver had already informed Andrew about what he had discovered, and together with Carolina, Hela, and Aki who were also in the office had found out about the situation, so the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

Wh Marie tered the office, she felt that the atmosphere was bad, but still, she had to report, so she walked forward determinedly and said after bowing a bit.

"Young master, we followed the woman named Nadila to a small village in the residtial region of the city, where she discovered us", at which time Marie paused, not because she wanted to see the expressions of those prest, but because she was embarrassed to mtion the fact of being discovered.

"You don't have to worry about that Marie, I'm sure that girl didn't find out about you," Oliver said as he looked at an embarrassed Marie. Hearing Oliver's words, Marie hurriedly raised her head and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"It is not difficult to infer. In the carriage there was another person, a powerful person, he could clearly notice you, so I imagine he told Nadila about you", Oliver stopped recounting his conclusions because he had noticed that Marie was getting more and more upset, that's why he knew that Marie had understood that she had be deceived.

"Calm down and continue your report," Oliver said, snapping Marie out of her rage and taking a few breaths to calm down, she continued, "That woman said that she wasn't our emy and that she could help us, but she has conditions".

"Which ones?" Oliver asked without changing his expression, and Marie replied, "She didn't say, she just asked me to tell the young master that." Those words caused everyone prest to wrinkle their eyebrows, as they couldn't tell if it was really a help or a trap.

Andrew wasn't very good at dealing with this type of plot and Carolina and Hela were no better. Andrew looked at Oliver. He was a qualified tactician and placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder said, "Oliver, you are our geral, I trust your decision."

Oliver didn't shy away from responsibility and nodding his head seriously, he kept silt for a few momts and th said, "First let's list to what that girl wants to say, but ev if it's really an opportunity, Marie will watch her at all times."

Marie attded seriously because she wanted to clean up the shame of being deceived and Oliver, noticing Marie's seriousness, continued, "The other members of Shadow will look for information about that Paradise pleasure house and its members, but you should not get too close, that man it is dangerous".

Marie, like Shadow's captain, returned to nodd with her head, since it was she who would give these instructions later. Seeing Marie nod again, Oliver continued speaking, "I would prefer that the young master and the young ladies do not leave the establishmt for the time being, to avoid danger."

Andrew and the girls agreed with Oliver's suggestion, they wer't stupid, they knew that if they wer't careful they could die. After seeing them agree Oliver finished by saying, "For the rest, I will be in charge of it, Young Master, young ladies, trust me."

Hearing Oliver's last words, Andrew smiled, and patting him said, "Of course we trust you, just go and do what you have to do." Oliver was pleased with the trust Andrew placed in him, knowing that he was sincere, not like the false couragemt the King of Nufa gave him wh he was geral of the Nufa kingdom.

Without delay the meeting ded and everyone got down to business. Andrew was worried and it was not because of the fact of the new emy, but because of the time in which he appeared.

In a few days, the son of Baron Castal would be coming to the Heavly Palace and he could not afford to split his fighting force to deal with the two situations. He was concerned that this conflict would expose the visit of the baron's son.

However, wh he brought this concern to Oliver's ears, he told him not to worry, because there would be no problem, and although Andrew did not understand where Oliver got the confidce to say that, for some reason, Andrew was relieved.

What Andrew did not know was that Oliver had already made the pertint preparations for the visit of the baron's son and wh he found out about the new emy he immediately modified his plan to defd both fronts.

The plan was not elaborate. He would sd the Shadow members to take care of the baron's son as planned before and he would personally keep an eye on the new emy.

Oliver after receiving the guardian seal from Andrew had become much more powerful and was convinced that he could deal with the new emy on his own, especially if it was just defding, that's why he doesn't create a detailed strategic plan, because I was confidt.

If Andrew had listed to what Oliver thought, he would be much more worried because that was not a plan and logically a man could not stop an emy army, but of course, that is the serious logic of a man who was born and lived one life on Earth, but in this world such tities exist and Oliver could be considered one of them.

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