Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 608 Anti-Magic

Chapter 608 Anti-Magic

At that same moment, on the Airship high in the sky, a certain teenager looked down at the dragon on the ground below.

"Wait…your highness?!"

Ignoring the words of the people calling out to him, he jumped out of the airship and plunged down towards the ground below.

A brown aura surged from his body and encased his entire right arm which he pulled back before speaking.

"Inner Beast: First Awakening."


By the time his presence registered in Faldo's' dulled magical perception, it was too late.



His stone-cased fist crashed down on the dragon's head, sending tremors throughout his body and creating a localised shockwave effect that disrupted Faldo's mental faculties, disorienting the dragon.

Cracking stone met unyielding scales in a short battle that lasted no more than a second, sending a cascade of stone shards exploding from the point of impact, dispersing like shrapnel in all directions.

The impact resonated with a deep, resounding thud as the White dragon's head smacked into the ground from the sheer force of the strike.

The ground beneath them quivered as if acknowledging the intensity of the clash, and dust billowed into the air, momentarily obscuring the combatants from view.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent as the boy jumped off the dragon's back and landed on the ground in front of it while deactivating his skills.

"Damn, that 'Sturdy' skill is no joke."

He spoke in a bit of a light-hearted tone as he flexed his fingers, letting the remaining rock shards covering his arm fall to the ground.

The dust cleared up and his appearance was revealed to all those watching.

He was a handsome teenage boy with reddish brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a simple brown shirt with black cargo pants and similarly coloured combat boots.

On his hands, he had a pair of black gauntlets strapped on, with a pouch armband right under the sleeve of his left hand.

He had two ears reminiscent of those of a lion's at the top of his head, with a fairly long tail emerging from his lower back.

"You know, last I checked, being the leader was supposed to be "First's" job. How did you steal that from her, 'Second'?"

He turned towards Evan as he spoke, while the grey-eyed teenager only shrugged his shoulders as he walked forward.

"Times Change. Leadership changes along with it."

"Hmm…good point."

"Of course, it is. I'm the one saying it, after all."

Evan's tone and demeanour changed, a change that surprised Eliza and Kayla, yet Pride and Greed found it annoyingly familiar.

He was acting very similar to a certain man named Arlan Maddox.

Ignoring the expressions of his companions, Evan looked right at the brown-eyed boy; at the reason why all magic in the area suddenly went haywire and he suddenly became stronger than normal.

Right at the boy's most prominent feature; his eyes.

Those brown orbs held within them, a crest of gold light.

A compound word Written in an ancient language lost to time.

"Still, to think I'd be you of all people, your highness. I guess that makes two of us Royalty."

Evan addressed him by a title befitting of his status.

After all, the person standing right in front of him was someone he, and pretty much every learned person in the Beast Kingdom recognized.

The only son of the 'Beast King' Kolvar.

Prince David Thancreed.

But Evan, he preferred to address David by a different title.

The 'Fifth' of the 'Seven Heroes'.

The 'Hero of Anti-Magic'.

◇ ◇ ◇

The son of the Beast King was one of the newly appearing Heroes.

This was news that would shock the whole world if they were to find out.

Every single person on the planet, without any exception.

After all, not even Beast King Kolvar himself was aware his son was a Hero.

No one was.

David had hidden this fact from everyone ever since he awakened his skills at age ten, and for the next seven years that led up until this fateful day.

Malaya who was outside the barrier was dumbfounded when she saw the images that the Court Mages' familiars were showing her.

And from her expression, everyone around her quickly figured that this was news, even to her.

Everyone who knew about how the golden symbols in Evan and David's eyes were a sign of their statuses as Heroes, that is.

Meanwhile, the two Heroes were silently staring at each other, a palpable tension in the air that made others fear to think about reminding them about the fact that they were still on a battlefield.

Evan's grip was slowly tightening around his sword while wisps of brown aura slowly wafted into David's gauntlets.

No one could understand the reason why the atmosphere suddenly turned tense but the two heroes.

Leaving aside how convenient David's appearance here was, there was something Evan wanted to know more than anything else.

It didn't matter if Evan was the current Leader of the Heroes, David wanted to confirm something before anything else.

In the exact same instant, they both asked themselves the same question.

'Is it the real 'Evan Eris' in control, or is it 'him'?'

'Is it the real 'David Thancreed' in control, or is it 'him'?'

The Previous Seven Heroes had planned to take over the bodies of the new generation heroes, however, this plan had a high chance of failure, like in Laurene's case for example.

Now, meeting another Hero, Evan wanted to know if the person in control was the owner of the body, or the 'Previous Fifth'.

David also wanted to know if the person he was speaking to was indeed 'Evan Eris', or 'Arlan Maddox'.

But this silent tension between the two heroes was broken by a sudden noise.


An enraged Faldo roared out to the skies, his magic power, ether, and aura surging from his body like waves and incinerating everything in his immediate surroundings.

The dragon was pissed off.

Very pissed off.

Looking at him, Evan could see the flesh under his broken scales bubbling disgustingly, before melding back together in real time.

His Rapid Recovery Skill, in tandem with his Radiant Blessing healing spell, was doing a good job of mending the damage he received.

"You know, in this situation, it might have been better if Sixth was the one who came here."

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing."

The two heroes decided to put off testing each other for now, deciding to deal with the more imminent threat at hand.

Both of them had appraised themselves, and as they were both Heroes, they could see each other's statuses as they were without hidden or corrective values.

Minus Evan's race and age tabs, that is.

Anyway, Evan was quite impressed when he saw David's status, as the other hero was stronger than he expected.

|Name- David Thancreed

Race- Lion Beastkin

Gender- Male

Age- 17

Level- 399

Existence Level - Grandmaster (Intermediate)

Titles- Prince of the Beast Kingdom, Fifth of the Seven Heroes, Weidler of Mystic Eyes, Grudged by Mana, Saviour Prince, Ether Mage, Anti-Mage, Rockfist.

Class - Battle Anti-Mage

Health – A+

Energy - S-

Strength – S

Agility – S-

Durability – S

Intelligence - A+

Condition- Normal

Ether Tiers- Earth Tier 3, Fire Tier 2, Lightning Tier 2, Non-Attribute Tier 3, Wind Tier 2.

Skills- Full Appraisal, Language Comprehension, Martial Arts, Shockwave, Mana Burn, Counter Spell, Blink, Primal Roar, Anti-Mana Hex, Convergent Fist, Rockfist, Mana Conduit, Inner Beast, Wild Throw, Strength Enhancement.

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Anti-Magic (3), Blessing of Earth. |

He was also the bane of any mage on the whole planet.

Looking at his titles, Evan saw one that made him pity the guy a bit.

'But it's to be expected. He's an Anti-Mage, it'd only natural that Mana has a grudge against him.'

However, the Prince made up for this shortcoming of his inability to use magic, with his Ether and Aura instead.


A loud muffled sound suddenly rang out around them, and when Evan looked up, he saw ripples moving across the World Isolation Barrier that covered them.

But just as he was about to question the source of the noise, he noticed a sharp drop in the number of presences around him.

"The heck?"

"Us too?! Didn't they say only those above level 450?!"

He turned and saw that many S-rank adventurers were suddenly locked in space, their bodies slowly fading away from view.

"Fuck…Kethryllia reduced the barrier limit."

When David heard Evan's words, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, but that expression quickly changed to a deep frown.


Faldo's loud shout pulled all attention towards him, and though Evan couldn't really read dragon expressions, he was sure that this guy was definitely smiling.

The dragon infused magic power into his limbs and slammed them down on the ground, causing the earth to tremble as multiple magic circles inscribed into the earth all around the buffer zone suddenly began glowing.

"Evan, explain."

"Trust me when I say this Pride, but I have no idea what's going on."

David's head snapped in the direction of the woman, recognition flashing through his eyes when he saw her.

Nevertheless, he didn't say anything and instead turned back to the dragon before speaking to Evan.

"It'd be best if we simply didn't let him finish whatever he's doing."

"Indeed, it'd be.

With those words, Evan unsheathed the unforged and encased it in Mesarthim's flames, while David infused his fists with his aura.

"BoD: First Activation."

"Inner Beast: First Awakening."

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