Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 607 Fifth

Chapter 607 Fifth

Evan then proceeded to cast spells of every element he could use, while Faldo countered each one with a spell of an opposing element.

"Yup. A magic battle with a dragon is the height of folly."

He remarked as he put the Akashic page away, but in that short moment, Faldo leapt off the ground and charged towards Evan, a haze of annihilation essence rising up from his body as he swiped with both claws and delivered a cross slash of the law essence.

'Elemental Weapon Projection + Elemental Destruction Fusion.'

He generated a giant sword construct of ice, encased it in a layer of destruction essence and then coated it with Mesarthim's prismatic flames before releasing multiple blade cannons to block the slashes.

Following up, he kicked off the ground and charged towards the dragon, swinging the massive sword to clash with the dragon's giant claw.


As soon as Faldo met Evan's charge in a clash that cratered the ground around them, he sensed Greed's covetous archers appear around him and launch their arrows at him.

'Imperial Scales. Prismatic Barrier.'

Despite his defensive attempts, the covetous Archer's arrows broke through the barrier he put up and hit his body all over, cracking his scales in numerous places.

He suddenly felt a wave of lethargy wash over him, causing him to falter and resulting in him failing to block one of Evan's strikes.


The giant sword bashed into Faldo's jaw and the dragon ended up biting his own tongue due to this.

[Gak! Fuck! Dammit!!]

Faldo cursed out loud as he spat out blood, quickly jumping back to take distance from Evan as he raised his tail up and filled it with magic power.

"It's the Tail Flick!"

Though he was momentarily confused as to why Evan suddenly shouted that out, it did not stop him from activating the skill and slamming his tail into the ground.


[Thunderous Avalanche. Metallic Quake]

Of course, he threw in a spell duo as well.

He merged the powers of earth and lightning to trigger an avalanche of electrified rocks that surged forward, intent on crushing all enemies beneath its unstoppable force.

Seismic waves infused with metallic shards spread out omnidirectionally, preceding the Avalanche of electrified rocks.

However, just as these two AOE spells were about to begin ravaging everything around them, Greed stepped forward with his demonic energy channelled into his right foot.

He stomped down on the ground with all his might, activating his second recently gained unique skill.

"Geomantic Wrath!"

His magic power surged into the earth, causing it to tremble with intensity as blades of earthen crystals with a metallic edge surged from the ground, going forth as a cascade of crystal shards amidst a seismic wave that clashed with the wave Faldo sent out.

The two seismic waves clashed midway, resulting in an explosion of earth where the debris was added onto the cascade of crystal shards that Greed sent forward.

Mixed with the original crystal shards, they transformed into an avalanche that clashed with Faldo's thunderous avalanche and pushed it back towards the dragon.

Clouds of dust and smoke billowed to the skies, while electrified rock shards flew about as the attack crashed onto Faldo's body.




Greed voiced out his shock as not only he, but every other person on the battlefield suddenly lost track of the dragon's presence.

It had completely disappeared as if the dragon teleported somewhere else.

However, Evan knew that it had activated his other skill, the same one that made him undetectable until he unleashed his first attack.

'He targeted me the first time, so he knows I'd be on my guard after disappearing. So, he's not gonna target me ag-?!'

Evan's thoughts were cut short as he quickly tightened his grip on his sword, activating his elemental destruction fusion and spinning around before sending down an aura-infused slash.


"Really?! Reverse Psychology?!"

[The fuck are you talking about?!]

Faldo questioned with a shout as he put more force into his hands to try and push Evan back, but the effects of the Covetous Archers' arrows and Greed's idiosyncrasy left it without much of his original strength.

Evan activated paladin and boosted his power even more, enabling him to force Faldo back before taking distance and summoning the Akashic Page again.

"Kayla! Pride! Liz! Combo!"

The teenage hero only needed one word to get his intentions across to his companions, and without hesitation, they pushed the annoying lizardmen/wyverns keeping them occupied and took action.

The ground underneath Faldo's feet turned red hot, and the dragon quickly attempted to leap out of the heat range.

However, Greed waved his hands upward and made the earth surge upwards, creating rocky walls that surrounded Faldo on all sides and trapped him.

Naturally, this did not mean much to a dragon with wings, so Faldo immediately took off into the sky.

However, Kuro emerged from his shadow and sent out dozens of shadowy tendrils, wrapping around the dragon's body, limbs and wings, before pulling him to the ground.

Faldo destroyed the restraints with his annihilation energy, but Kuro kept recreating them over and over again, matching the speed of his destruction.

This kept Faldo in place long enough for Eliza to create her four-walled barrier surrounding the earthen walls Greed had summoned.

Above, a pearl of lightning summoned by Kayla glowed brightly as enormous magic power built up within it.

["Combination: Flame-Lightning Explosion!"]

From underneath Faldo's feet, a tornado of black flames swirled up. From both sides, two portals rimmed with Evan's crimson red energy manifested and unleashed two spiralling masses of prismatic flames.

And from above, the pearl of lightning in the air released one spear-shaped bolt of lightning that dropped down onto the dragon's head.

These attacks all hit the restrained dragon simultaneously, resulting in a massive explosion that shook the earth and made the air tremble.


Greed's wall of earth and Eliza's barrier prevented the explosion from spreading past a certain range, but that only made it worse for the dragon who was caught up in it.

A large cloud of smoke and flames rose into the air, taking on the shape of a giant mushroom surrounded by fire and lightning.

Despite this Nuclear weapon-esque combination spell, Evan knew deep down within that Faldo had definitely activated some sort of defensive measures at the last moment.

And when the explosion finally died down a good three minutes later due to the energies being retracted, he confirmed that thought.

Faldo was wounded, he definitely was.

Broken scales stained with crimson liquid and scorched flesh.

However, the dragon was still in the state to battle.

Multiple balls of black light manifested in front of the dragon's wounds and exploded right after, while Milena slammed her palms on the ground and sent a wave of icy energy washing over the dragon's body.

Rapid heating and rapid cooling were capable of making materials brittle, so they applied that chemistry to Faldo's scales.

The Dragon wasn't gonna just stay there and let the ice freeze him, though.

'Healing Ray of Light.'

[Fire Nova!]

White light particles surrounded Faldo's body as a four-ringed magic circle manifested in front of him, heating up the area and rapidly melting Milena's ice.

The spirit clicked her tongue and turned up the intensity of her spell, generating three other magic circles to launch at him, while Pride and Greed also activated spells simultaneously.

However, for some reason, Evan was silent.

Pride wanted to ask him why he did not attack when she suddenly noticed something strange.

Her spell circle was flickering dangerously, before eventually shattering apart into fragments of light.


Not only her but Milena, Greed, Kuro, Kayla and even Faldo's spells.

Faldo frowned and leapt backwards, attempting to activate the Fire Nova again, however, the magic circle fizzled into oblivion a mere second after manifesting.

Even the healing spell he had cast on himself secretly had stopped working as well.

[What did you do?! What Sorcery is this?!]

Evan couldn't help but chuckle when he heard Faldo's words, suddenly bursting into laughter while everyone looked on strangely.

I mean, the boy suddenly burst out into laughter mid-fight.

Some of the monsters nearby also stopped momentarily to look at him like he was crazy.

It couldn't be helped, after all, no one present could tell what he was currently feeling.

He held up his palm in Faldo's direction, a grin on his face as he activated a simple skill.

"Energy Blast."

The blast that was released towards the dragon, however, was far from simple.



Everything about it, from speed to explosive power was clearly higher than normal, something that all of the boy's companions quickly recognized.

Faldo had tried to defend with a magic circle, but the barrier of light he deployed wasn't even up to half its usual potency.

The only reason he was saved from taking damage was the fact that his Imperial Scales skill was active.

At that moment, an idea popped into Pride's mind.

She had seen something like this before.

A long time ago, but she was sure she had seen this effect.

Looking around her, she could see that both the monsters attacking and the defenders of Lacertilia could barely even use Tier 1 or 2 spells.

Even the ambient magic power in the surroundings decreased exponentially. It was as if the magic energy had run away suddenly.

The sound of the whirring blades of an airship's propellers filled the air, as one of such constructs flew into the barrier and hovered above them.

It was then that Evan's voice rang out.

"All the magic in the area suddenly starts malfunctioning, and I suddenly get the feeling of Skill Resonance."

The glow in his mystic eyes seemed to burn brighter as he continued.

"At least, I was saved the stress of having to search the whole goddamn country for you."

Looking up at the sky, right at the airship floating in the sky, he concluded with one word.


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