Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 314: Fallen

Chapter 314: Fallen

With the collapse of the palm of the headless deity, the gargantuan corpse convulsed violently, as if it sought to rise once more. The very foundation of the mountain trembled under the immense strain, dislodging rocks and causing a continuous cascade of rubble to descend. In response, Ynos's eyes gleamed with determination as he instinctively reached out to the vast well of earth mana that surrounded him.

Harnessing his control over the elemental forces, the golden dragon directed his will toward the mountain itself. In a breathtaking display of power, the entire mass split apart as if a colossal earth giant had opened its palm. With calculated precision, Ynos commanded the divided sections to collapse upon the animated corpse, dragging it back to the ground and quelling its tumultuous resurgence. Having accomplished his goal, he wasted no time lingering, swiftly soaring back into the boundless sky, leaving the scene behind without a glance to survey the aftermath.

The mountain, now scarred and altered, stood as a testament to the dragon's brief but impactful intervention, while the fallen deity's body lay buried beneath the weight of the earth, immobilized once more.

Having departed from the site, Ynos was soon confronted with an unsettling sight: the lifeless forms of countless creatures rising once more, their bodies exuding a putrid aura of decay and death. His expression twisted into a mixture of anger and frustration as he surveyed the scene unfolding beneath him. However, he refused to be deterred, his determination unwavering.

As he continued his aerial journey, the reanimated corpses made futile attempts to assail him. Yet, whether through swift dispatch or deft evasion, Ynos dealt with them without pause, swiftly neutralizing their threats and resolutely pushing forward. Time was of the essence, and he understood this all too well. The urgency in his actions spoke volumes.

The sight of dragon corpses among the fallen filled Ynos with an overwhelming surge of anger and frustration. The desecration of the dragons' remains was a grievous offense, one that stirred a deep-seated fury within him. However, as he surveyed the battlefield, the reality of their defeat settled upon him. The enemy had emerged victorious, and there was little he could do to rectify the situation.

Despite the seething emotions coursing through him, Ynos understood the futility of dwelling on his fallen comrades. Their lives had been lost, and now his focus had to be on preserving his own. With a heavy heart, he pressed forward, determination burning in his eyes

Ynos's heart burned with a vehement hatred towards the enemy, but the true venom was directed inward. He despised his own perceived weakness, his shattered illusions of readiness. The weight of guilt and self-reproach pressed upon him, consuming his thoughts. He had imagined himself prepared to face death, to confront any adversary head-on, but reality had dealt him a cruel blow.

The magnitude of the massacre and the overwhelming sense of helplessness that engulfed him gnawed at his core. The realization that he had clung to survival instead of meeting his end with defiant valor filled him with a profound self-loathing. Every breath he drew in this desolate battlefield felt tainted by his own perceived cowardice.

With a heavy heart, Ynos pressed forward, each step fueling his determination to make amends for his perceived shortcomings. The hatred towards himself burned brighter than ever, driving him to seek redemption, to prove that he was not the weakling he believed himself to be.

In the depths of his soul, Ynos struggled to rationalize his survival, convincing himself that it was not mere luck but rather his own formidable powers that had allowed him to endure. Yet, an unsettling truth gnawed at his conscience. He knew, beneath his outward facade, that fear had played its part. He had clung desperately to life, refusing to meet his demise in this forsaken place.

In the recesses of his mind, Ynos grappled with the harsh reality that his desire for self-preservation had eclipsed any notion of noble sacrifice. He yearned for a different fate, one devoid of the taint of this desolate land. Here, there was no honor or glory to be found, only the relentless march of death and the suffocating embrace of despair.

Though he masked his fear with determination, the truth lingered within him, a constant reminder of his frailty amidst the chaos of battle. It was a bitter pill to swallow, fueling his self-doubt and casting a shadow over his purpose. And so he pushed forward, haunted by the discord between his aspirations and the unsettling truth that lay buried within his heart.

Just then, the sounds of battle brought him out of his thoughts. His gaze turned west where he could sense another survivor, a fire dragoness engaged in battle against an army of undead human mages. She was already hurt her wings clipped as she struggled to move on the ground. Yet her eyes still shone with defiance and pride.

Ynos felt a surge of empathy and admiration as his gaze fell upon her. Her resilience in the face of overwhelming odds struck a chord within him. He could see the determination burning in her eyes, undiminished despite her injuries and the desperate situation she found herself in.

Without hesitation, Ynos gritted his teeth and veered towards her, his wings beating with purpose. As he approached, he unleashed unleashed his dragon breath, engulfing the undead mages and scattering their ranks. The fire dragoness glanced up, her expression a mix of surprise and relief.

As soon as he landed, the dragoness glanced at him, her remaining eye widening in surprise. Her voice, though weakened, still carried the proud resonance of a dragon.

"A youngling? What are you doing here?" she questioned, her tone laced with curiosity and concern.

Ynos turned towards her, taking in her miserable state up close. The loss of an eye, the torn wings, and the oozing wound on her stomach painted a grim picture of her condition.

"I'm here to help!" he declared, determination firm in his voice. In an instant, he called upon his elemental powers, conjuring an earth shield that enveloped and safeguarded the dragoness. The shield stood tall, a solid barrier against the encroaching enemies.

The fire dragoness's gaze softened, gratitude shining in her eyes. "You have my thanks, young one," she acknowledged, her voice touched by a mix of gratitude and admiration before she continued, "But this is where I fall."

Ynos's expression shifted to protest, but before he could voice his disagreement, the dragoness forcefully tore apart his protective shield. Despite her impending demise, her form radiated with a mesmerizing and vibrant flame, casting an ethereal glow around her.

"Hurry up and leave! This is not your place to die yet, young one!" she commanded, her voice filled with urgency and determination. With a surge of mana, she propelled Ynos away with incredible force. Startled, Ynos turned his gaze back at her, unable to directly stare at her burning form that resembled a blinding sun, causing him to be was taken aback by her the intensity of her radiance.

Before he could fully comprehend the situation, the dragoness launched herself towards the relentless horde of resurrected bodies. Her brilliance intensified with each passing moment, instilling a deep sense of impending danger in Ynos's heart. Acting on instinct, he swiftly descended to the ground, his connection to the earth's elements opening a subterranean path for his retreat. In a frantic rush, he descended into the safety of the underground before hastily sealing the entrance.

In an instant, an earth-shattering explosion echoed throughout the land, engulfing everything in blinding white light. The sheer magnitude of the detonation temporarily obscured the world from view, leaving behind an eerie silence. As the dust settled, Ynos emerged cautiously from his underground refuge, his heart heavy with grief and disbelief at the sacrifice he had just witnessed. The dragoness's radiant flame had consumed the horde, leaving only echoes of her noble sacrifice lingering in the air.

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