Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 313: A distant land

Chapter 313: A distant land

"What exactly are you doing here?" As I posed my question, Dralina's eyes blinked slowly, a hint of unreadable expression flickering across her face. It seemed my inquiry had struck a chord. With a sudden smirk, she responded, evading a direct answer once more.

"Why, I'm here for the same reason you are, fighting off against the Shades," she retorted, a tinge of amusement coloring her voice.

Her nonchalant response only deepened my frown. I could sense she was deliberately avoiding the core of my question, and it sparked a simmering annoyance within me. Yet, I tempered my emotions and persisted, calmly reiterating my query.

"It's evident that your power surpasses the confines of this battlefield. You have no need to remain here; surely, your presence would be better suited in higher-level conflicts. So, why do you choose to withhold your full strength? Why engage in this 'game'?"

The air grew still as I held her gaze, searching for any trace of the truth behind her enigmatic actions. The silence hung heavy for a moment, punctuated only by the distant echoes of battle. And then, Dralina's expression softened, the faintest glimmer of understanding replacing her earlier amusement.

"Ah, the impetuousness of youth," she mused, her voice laced with a mix of wisdom and empathy. "You seek answers, and rightly so. But sometimes, the pursuit of power is not just about wielding it recklessly. There is purpose in restraint, in testing oneself, and in guiding others to rise."

Her words gave me pause, and I listened attentively as she continued to unravel her perspective.

"The battlefield is not merely a proving ground for strength; it is a crucible of growth and understanding. By tempering my power, I can discern the strengths and weaknesses of those around me. It is through this observation that I gain insights, refine my own abilities, and guide feisty younglings like you who fight alongside me," She added with a grin.

I could sense that her words held some truth to them, but It still felt to me as if she was hiding something. She wasn't lying, but she wasn't telling me the whole truth either. As if sensing my mood, Dralina paused, her gaze fixed on the distant chaos before us, as if lost in memories. Then, with a gentle smile, she turned her attention back to me.

"Young one, strength alone is not the sole measure of victory. It is the balance between power, wisdom, and restraint that yields the true triumph. By remaining within this battlefield, I not only aid in the defense against the Shades in case a larger threat was to suddenly appear, but I also offer guidance to those who may yet rise to surpass their current limits. It is a delicate dance, a game, if you will, where each move holds purpose and meaning," leaving those final words behind, the old dragoness turned her gaze back to the distant battlefield.

Accepting the silence that followed, I simply nodded, signaling my understanding, and closed my eyes, delving back into my meditation. Sidus fidgeted beside me, his restlessness palpable, but he eventually succumbed to the weariness and settled down, closing his eyes in search of much-needed rest.

Breta, however, broke the stillness with a significant look directed my way. In that fleeting moment, our connection spoke volumes, and a mutual understanding passed between us. She swiftly grasped her spear, her form transforming into a radiant beam of light that streaked across the distance, returning to the heart of the ongoing battle.

With their respective paths set, I focused my energy inward on my soul space, seeking solace and replenishment in the depths of meditation as I began to gather the elements. The platform became a sanctuary, shielding us momentarily from the chaos unfolding beyond its boundaries. Here, in this respite, I allowed my thoughts to settle, my breathing to steady, and my connection with the mana to deepen.

As time slipped away, the battlefield continued its relentless dance, the ebb and flow of conflict shifting like the tides.


In a far away land, the figure of a certain golden dragon, soared through the shattered skies of a distant planet, his majestic form was marred by a tapestry of grievous wounds. Yet, his resolute gaze burned with an unyielding intensity, undeterred by the scars that adorned his scales.

The once-vibrant continent below him bore witness to a scene of unparalleled devastation. The air was heavy with the lingering aura of death and despair, seeping into the very fabric of the land. The ground, once teeming with life, now lay strewn with the fallen remnants of countless beings. Humans, Elves, Demons, Dwarves, Gods, and even Dragonsno race had been spared from the ravages of this merciless conflict.

The sight was haunting, as the landscape became an eerie canvas painted in shades of crimson. Mountains of colossal corpses intertwined with the bodies of more diminutive beings, creating a gruesome tapestry that stretched as far as the eye could see. Echoes of anguish and pain resonated faintly, carried on the wind, a haunting reminder of the fierce struggle that had unfolded.

Yet, Ynos pressed on, his battered form a testament to the intensity of the battle that had raged. Despite the cries of agony that occasionally reached his ears, he did not waver, his determination propelling him forward. The magnitude of the conflict surpassed even his lofty expectations, a testament to the scale of the forces that clashed on this forsaken world.

In an unsettling turn of events, a colossal corpse of a fallen deity, sprawled across a mountainous landscape, began to stir. Despite being beheaded and lying motionless, the remains of this once-mighty god exhibited an unnerving reanimation. A gargantuan palm, bereft of life, suddenly lunged forward, intent on swatting Ynos out of the sky with malicious intent.

Fury ignited within Ynos's eyes, his instincts and battle-honed reflexes sharpening as he sensed the malevolent aura emanating from the undead deity. With an explosive roar reverberating through the air, the dragon's resolve solidified, refusing to yield ground to this abomination. He made a defiant choice, deciding not to evade the looming threat but instead lowering his head, his sharp horns aimed directly at the colossal palm.

As the two opposing forces collided, the resulting impact unleashed a cataclysmic explosion, shaking the very foundations of the land. The sheer magnitude of their clash tore through the earth, causing the surrounding terrain to buckle and collapse under the immense strain.

Ynos was pushed back, but the palm was no better, it broke off and collapsed next to the massive corpse.

"Damn it!"

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