Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 99 Situation

Chapter 99 Situation

Under the gray, foreboding skies, a battalion of 600 soldiers in crisp uniforms advanced, determination clear in their eyes. As they entered the town's perimeter, the sharp crack of gunfire echoed through the air, signaling their assault on the Nazi soldiers who had occupied the area. With every step, the ground resonated with their synchronized march, a powerful force moving with a singular goal.

These weren't ordinary soldiers. They were players, and participants in an intense virtual game that mirrored real-world war zones. Their confidence was palpable, not just from their numbers but from the heavy machinery they brought along. Lined behind them, armored vehicles, painted in dark hues with turrets primed, rumbled forward, their engines growling like predatory beasts. The sight alone was enough to send a message of dominance.

Utilizing the armored cars as moving fortresses, smaller groups from the battalion darted from one cover to the next. They swiftly made their way towards the heart of the town, aiming to penetrate the deeper, more strategic parts where the enemy's stronghold was suspected to be.

Their leader, a tall, imposing figure with scars that told tales of past virtual battles, shouted above the cacophony of war, "Move forward! We head straight to their HQ! This ends now!" His voice was full of authority, reflecting his status as not only the battalion's leader but also a revered veteran of this game.

However, as they moved deeper, the town's deceptive quiet was shattered. Buildings and alleyways that seemed deserted turned deadly. An ambush was sprung. The air was thick with the deafening sounds of gunfire, screams, and explosions. Smoke and dust rose, blurring vision while the metallic scent of virtual blood filled the air, painting the once-gray asphalt in shades of red.

The commander, amidst the chaos, tried rallying his troops. He barked orders, directed fire, and even personally took down several enemy avatars. But the onslaught was relentless. Every corner, window, and rooftop seemed to harbor an enemy combatant. It was as if the entire town had come alive with the sole intent of repelling the invaders.

Minute by agonizing minute, the players fell. Some were taken out by sniper shots, others by grenades, and some were overwhelmed in close combat. Yet, even as his battalion dwindled, the commander's steely resolve never wavered. Retreat was not an option he entertained, even as the odds became increasingly insurmountable.

When the virtual dust settled, the street bore witness to a staggering loss. Over a thousand enemy combatants lay motionless, a testament to the battalion's prowess. But, tragically, most of the 600 players from the battalion also fell. Amidst the sea of fallen avatars, only the commander remained a solitary figure standing amidst the ruins of a devastated strategy.

In the aftermath, many would question the decisions made. The lack of a fallback plan, the underestimation of the enemy's strength, and the sheer audacity of marching into the heart of the town without adequate recon. The painful reality was clear: an ill-conceived strategy by an overconfident leader had resulted in the catastrophic loss of hundreds of players.

This wasn't just any server—it was one of the Russian servers, commandeered by a top Russian player. But this mistake was not only observed by the players within the game; it was thrust into the international spotlight.

Broadcast by the enigmatic alien entity overseeing this twisted game, the catastrophic event was streamed to every corner of the globe. Millions of viewers, from crowded urban centers to remote villages, watched in horror and disbelief. Outrage echoed through online forums and social media platforms, as people vehemently criticized the commander's blatant oversight. Only a minority voice emerged from the noise, offering words of consolation and admiration for the courage shown by the ill-fated battalion.


The world had been gripped by this apocalypse game for ten intense days. It was the fourth annual event of its kind, and each year it seemed to grow more intricate, more challenging. Players worldwide logged in, fighting not just for victory, but survival. And as they battled inside this digital realm, the outside world became a captive audience. Every move, every strategy, every heartbreak was captured and displayed for billions to see.

In New York, the heart of the game's operations for the U.S., the Apocalypse Game Center buzzed with activity. Within a specific, soundproofed room, an array of military personnel in crisp uniforms examined clips sent by the Alien.

On this particular day, Colonel Weber was at the helm of the New York server's operations. His day was even more charged than usual as it was marked by a scheduled meeting with none other than the President of the United States.

"Colonel Weeber, the White House is on standby"

"Alright, connect the call."

The screen on the opposite wall came to life, revealing the grandeur of the Oval Office. It was time for their daily briefing, a ritual that had become even more vital given the ongoing game situation. This specific day, however, the atmosphere in Weeber's command center was slightly less tense. The recent statistics showed that the New York servers, under Weeber's watchful eye, had the highest survival rates among all the US servers, an impressive feat given that there were 100 servers globally.

The numbers flashed on the screen:

New York: 4,025

Los Angeles: 2,232

Houston: 2,386

These numbers were not just digits; they represented lives, players who were still actively participating and surviving in this high-stakes virtual game. As the president, visible on the screen, went over the general status of the game, he paused to extend his personal commendation to Colonel Weeber, applauding his effective leadership that had contributed to New York's exceptional survival rate.

However, amid the praises, a note of caution was added, "I sincerely hope," the President said, with a gravity that weighed on every word, "nothing like what happened on the Russian server occurs on ours."

After the meeting concluded, Colonel Weber delved back into his analysis of the clip. He was still intent on identifying the individual who had provided him with a pivotal clue about the game.

His list of suspects had narrowed down to 30 veteran players, none of whom had an alibi for the night he encountered the enigmatic figure. Yet, his investigations suggested that this mysterious man wasn't a veteran player. Weber's train of thought was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a prominent figure at the Apocalypse Game Center: a distinguished Senator from the United States.

"How may I assist you, Senator?"

The Senator's countenance had a look of profound distress that Colonel Weber had not seen before. His posture slumped, his usually firm voice quivered, and his eyes seemed to plead for assistance. "Colonel, my daughter, my child, is currently trapped within this monstrous game. I recognized her from the clips -? amidst other captive players" the Senator stammered, his voice breaking with emotion.

The Colonel's empathetic gaze met the Senator's. "Sir, I promise to do everything in my power," he assured.

Unfortunatly there was not much the colonel could do, contacting players directly was a challenge. Unless they were stationed within the designated 'safe zones' like Port Town, communication was nearly impossible.

The atmosphere in the room grew even more somber, with both men contemplating the weight of the situation.

However, duty called. Colonel Weber was handed a headset, through which he began to receive reports of the latest happenings within the game.

For the most perilous missions inside the game, the US Special Forces and the elite Black Sand mercenaries were dispatched. They tackled the biggest threats and had been relatively successful. Among the player groups, the Blood Patriots were rapidly rising in prominence, showcasing strategic prowess and sheer combat might.

An officer handed Weber a report, detailing a recent raid. A relatively small militia group had executed a flawless offensive, eliminating an entire platoon of 200 Nazi soldiers without suffering a single casualty.

Intrigued, Weber commanded, "Fetch me the profile of the militia's leader." The dossier presented painted the picture of an ordinary man: he had spent the initial week in the game hunting and farming, leading a band of novices. Interestingly, he was a schoolteacher in the real world. This revelation solidified Weber's belief that this individual wasn't the mysterious informant he had been tracking.

Elsewhere, in a dimly lit room, a young girl's eyes widened as she recognized a familiar face among the game players on her screen. Clasping her hands, she whispered with all the hope her tiny heart could muster, "Daddy, please stay safe."

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