Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 98 Solo

Chapter 98 Solo

As the first rays of dawn began to pierce the horizon, the sharp, invasive chime of a mission update notification jolted Alan from his thoughts. He quickly checked the information displayed before him:

[Your level D quest - Free captured players has been updated]

[Nazi soldiers will execute all prisoners in 12 hours]

The gravity of the situation was clear; by tomorrow's first light, many players would lose their lives unless a successful rescue mission was mounted tonight.

Alan looked across the expansive terrain before him. The once dormant outskirts of the town now buzzed with activity, as Delta company players made their aggressive push against the Nazi soldiers. The Delta company had the Nazis on the defensive, compelling them to retreat further into the town's vicinity.

Strategic positions were of utmost importance.

600 players spread out across various locations. Petrol stations, dinners, and other buildings on the town's periphery, like abandoned motels and shops,? transformed into battlegrounds where cover was minimal and danger was ever-present. Players tactically chose their positions, utilizing the infrastructure to gain a vantage point.

But this wasn't an isolated battle. All across the sprawling urban landscape, similar skirmishes erupted. The sheer number of players involved - over 2000 of them - turned the town into a sprawling maze of conflicts. Each player had their part to play, each contributing in their unique way to the overarching objective of the mission.

The collective spirit of these warriors, though brought together under dire circumstances, showcased the immense potential of unity in adversity. The cacophony of gunshots, shouts, and explosions painted a vivid picture of a town on the brink, All are driven by a singular objective: ensure the mission's success and save their fellow players from a grim fate.

Amidst the town's tumult, Alan had strategically selected the 17th Militia's base of operations. A nondescript low-rise building, it might have appeared unimpressive at first glance. But to a tactician's eye, its rooftop offered panoramic views of the town's major thoroughfares and hotspots. It was an ideal spot for reconnaissance and ranged engagements.

Inside, the building had transformed into a simple command post. Tables were spread with maps, radios crackled with updates, and members of the 17th Militia moved about with a sense of purpose. Alan and his closest companions, including Merle and Vicky, had made it their perch. From there, they could monitor the unfolding battle and make tactical decisions on the fly.

The [Military Radio], a lifeline in this chaos, buzzed incessantly with reports from different parts of the town. Squads were calling in their positions, reporting enemy movements, and updating on their casualty rates. Each message painted a clearer picture of the town's shifting battleground.

Alan leaned in, listening intently. With each report, he mentally ticked off the points in his head. He'd shared crucial information with the military before the game began, and now, it seemed his guidance was bearing fruit. The players weren't just surviving; they were thriving.

Their synchronization, efficiency in executing maneuvers, and morale were noticeably improved from the last round. The previously disjointed and panicked responses had given way to a well-oiled military machine. The death toll, while still present, was considerably lower than Alan had feared.

Taking a deep breath, he felt a rare moment of contentment amidst the warzone. It was fleeting, but it was there. This round was turning out better than anticipated.

But there was no time for complacency.

Gathering the 17th Militia around him, Alan began outlining the next phase of their strategy. Using a makeshift map, he pointed out the key areas they would hold and the boundaries they wouldn't cross. He emphasized the importance of retreating when necessary.

"Engage smartly, retreat wisely," he reminded them, his voice firm yet reassuring. The 17th Militia listened intently, absorbing every word, ready to execute their leader's next directive.

"Merle is a veteran in guerilla battle, you all will follow his leads"

The room was filled with tension and a looming sense of anticipation. Alan's announcement of Merle's new role as their guerilla warfare leader was met with nods of approval. The militia knew Merle's prowess in such combat situations. However, Alan's further words hinted at a deeper strategy – one he hadn't shared with them yet.

Vicky, ever the intuitive one, picked up on it immediately. Her eyes, sharp and questioning, fixed on Alan. "What about you, Alan? Where will you go?"

Alan paused, considering his words. The weight of leadership pressed down on him. He needed to be transparent, but he also needed to inspire confidence. "I have another task," he began, "one that is paramount to our overall mission. I intend to join the main quest of releasing the captured players."

"Alone? No, you should bring a few of us with you!" Vicky replied with genuine concern.

Daniel was quick to volunteer, "Yes, Mr. D, I will accompany you." His eyes were resolute, showing no signs of hesitation.

But Alan shook his head. "I have to sneak past enemy lines. It's a stealth mission, requiring a specific skill set. It's dangerous."

Vicky, clearly anxious, interjected, "Then take Merle with you. I…" She trailed off, clearly struggling. If Merle accompanied Alan, the vacuum of his absence would be felt deeply within the militia. The unspoken understanding was that without Merle's expertise, their chance of success would significantly diminish.

Alan looked to the Crimson gunner, his gaze piercing yet pleading he began, "I need you here. Honor our pact. Give them one more day. After that, you're free to pursue your own mission."

As the group grappled with the reality of Alan's departure, he took a moment to leave them with one final piece of advice, his voice stern yet reassuring. "Don't underestimate the Nazis, especially within the city confines. Here, their responses will be swift and unpredictable. One misstep, one wrong decision, and it could cost you everything."

Without waiting for further protests or questions, Alan took a deep breath, nodded his farewell, and nimbly leapt from the roof's edge. The 17th Militia watched as their leader, a solitary figure, disappeared into the maze of the city.

Alan's steps were swift but measured, his senses constantly on alert. Every shadow, every sound could be an ambush, or worse, a threat. Just as he was about to take a turn onto the next block, he felt the faintest hint of a presence behind him. His [Enhance Sense] skill immediately zoomed in on the sensation.

Elevated heart rate, the subtlest creak of leather, the rustling of fabric. And from the corner of his eye, a silhouette against the dimming sky. Rose, perched on the adjacent building's rooftop, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings, clearly searching for him.

He had anticipated being tailed by her. There was no denying her skills; she was unmatched in her craft. But her motives were still a mystery to him. Why was she following him?

Without hesitation, Alan invoked his [Concealment] skill. Blending seamlessly into his surroundings, he became one with the shadows. Time seemed to slow as he watched Rose from his concealed spot. She continued her search, her eyes darting around, trying to pick up on any trace of him. But Alan's concealment was impeccable; to her, he had simply vanished.

As the distance between them grew, Alan saw his opportunity. Quietly, he changed his course, slipping into another alley and ensuring Rose's pursuit was effectively misled.

His mind drifted back to the tasks at hand. The seven days he'd invested in aiding other players during the second round had been invaluable in building alliances and gathering intelligence. But now, it was time for him to focus on his solo mission. The goal was clear: maximize his strength and readiness for the impending third round. And with the explosives and the secret quest no longer available, he would have to rely on raw skill and wits to eliminate the Nazi soldiers that crossed his path.

The streets were veiled in darkness, but to Alan, they were as clear as day. Using his [Enhanced sense], he could pick up the slightest movement, hear the faintest whisper, and even detect subtle shifts in temperature. Each step he took was carefully measured and executed with [light steps], ensuring that he remained a ghostly presence amidst the enemy lines.

Drawing his blade and adjusting his gear, Alan melted into the night, a shadow on a mission.

x x x x x

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