Primitive Man

Chapter 37: A new village

Garnt set out on a journey to visit the farmland he had built with the help of his fellow villagers. He had poured his heart and soul into this land, and today was a day to check on the fruits of their labor.

As he approached the fields, the vibrant green crops swayed in the gentle breeze, and the sight brought a smile to his face.

"Good morning, everyone!" Garnt called out to the farmers tending to the crops. They looked up from their work, their faces breaking into warm smiles.

"Good morning, Leader! How's the farm looking today? Does this look satisfying to you?" one of the farmers asked hoping to hear the compliments.

Garnt replied with pride, "It's looking better than ever. Your hard work is paying off, and I'm grateful for all of you."

It was a small appreciation, but for the villagers, who considered Garnt as some kind of guardian spirit, it felt like they had received their daily dose of happiness.

He continued his stroll through the fields, inspecting the irrigation system they had built according to a carefully crafted blueprint. It was a marvel of engineering, and it ensured that the crops were well-nourished.

"These irrigation channels are doing wonders for our harvest," Garnt noted, his eyes filled with satisfaction. "We couldn't have done it without that blueprint and the effort of everyone."

The farmers nodded in agreement, grateful for the reliable water supply that had transformed their once-parched fields into fertile land.

As Garnt walked back towards the village, he couldn't help but reminisce about another monumental project—the massive wooden wall encircling their village. It had been a giant effort, but it was essential for their safety.

Approaching the towering wooden wall, Garnt touched its sturdy surface, recalling the sweat and toil that had gone into its construction. "I remember the long days and hard nights we spent building this wall. It wasn't easy, but it's what keeps our village safe."

An elderly villager, who had been part of the wall-building crew, joined Garnt. "Aye, Leader, those were trying times, but we came together as a community, and look at what we've achieved."

As they both looked at the massive wall, Garnt couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride in their accomplishments. The farmland and the protective wall were tangible reminders of the strength and resilience of their village.

With a final nod to the wall, Garnt made his way back to the heart of the village, to see the development they had after six years of development.

"I still remember when I came here taking the risk, I can't believe what we've achieved now," Garnt muttered to his system, who had half od responsibility for everything that happened.

[Heh~ you couldn't have done this without me, you should prasie me more.]

"You know I do. After my mother and family, I love you the most," Garnt said those without hesitation causing Eva to cough and change the subject with an embarassed tone.

[I can't believe that same idiotic kid became this almighty leader. I still remember when you used to cream your pants just by touching a woman.]

"And I still remember you getting wet reading kinky romance stories on your free time, I guess we are built out of the same tree," Garnt said with a smile knowing, his words will cause her to have second thoughts about insulting him.


"Eva, I'm really thankful. If i didn't meet you, I would have been living like an animal, or probably dead by now,"

[Hmm~ it is good you know it. New blueprints will be unlocked, so get ready. We need you to enter the next era before you hit your twenties.]

Garnt nodded his head and traveled through the village he built with his family until some kids approached him. They were curious and full of energy, their eyes wide with wonder as they gazed at the bustling community he had helped create.

"Patriarch, a big news. we have a big news," One of the kid muttered while looking at Garnt.

"What's happening? Why are you running around the village? Be careful," Garnt muttered, hoping they were just playing their kids' game, but when he saw a red-haired girl running toward him, he knew something must have happened.

"Big sister Kara, tell him what happened." The whole group of kids started shouting at the girl, showing the urgency of the situation.

The red-haired girl was none other than Kara, who was Ayra's daughter. She was currently 14 years old, but the difference in both her face and looks could easily tell which path she had chosen, whether it was as a warrior or just as a scholar.

"Brother, let's go quickly. Kiriah and Baktou is fighting again, you are the only one who can stop them. If Aunt Gundo notice them, even I will get punished," Kara muttered with a distressed look.

Garnt's brows furrowed as he listened to Kara's urgent plea. Kiriah and Baktou were known for their constant quarrels, and if they were at it again, it could lead to trouble within the village.

Garnt had always been a peacemaker in the community, and it was well-known that his intervention was often needed to settle disputes.

"Alright, Kara, lead the way," Garnt said, his voice filled with a sense of responsibility. He had helped build this village, and he felt a deep sense of duty towards its well-being.

He followed Kara through the winding paths of the village, the children still trailing behind, eager to witness the resolution of the impending conflict.

As they approached the source of the commotion, Garnt could hear raised voices and see a small crowd gathered around cheering the duel with some of them even going as far as to bet.

Kiriah and Baktou, two strong-willed individuals, were indeed in the midst of a heated duel Their faces were flushed with anger, and their gestures were animated.

He could easily see that they had exchanged blows, but it was rather common for them to have wounds in training, so he didn't have to worry too much about it.

"I can't stand you acting like my big brother. I only accept Garnt as my brother," Kiriah shouted while showing a stance, that Garnt taught him.

Baktou was the same, but he was rather silent, looking at the kid in front of him with dissatisfaction.

"I don't care. I want you to listen to me since I'm ten years older than you. Can't you remember, Garnt told us to always respect elders,"

"I don't need to respect someone inferior than me, and I will be Garnt's right hand, not you. I will be the one to stand next to him, when he becomes the great ruler," Kiriah shouted showing no hesitation and the battle was already happening and Garnt knew he will have to act quickly, to stop it.

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