Primitive Man

Chapter 36: Entering a new era

"Garnt, are we going to get rid of these wet animal fur, they stink a little bit," Gundo asked, as she closed her eyes and showed the skin of a bull they hunted.

"Hmm~ not yet, let's try to dry it and use it. If it doesn't work, we can throw it," Garnt didn't want anything to go to waste, so he muttered and picked up some wet wood.

Everyone was working diligently after the flood, so they could rebuild their life, but Garnt had his own doubts hearing Eva's next words.

[Garnt, your new blueprints are ready and I think it is time for you to move out of the cave.]

"What are these, Eva?" He looked at the light blue screen that appeared in front of him.


>Huts (800)

>Makeshift toilet (600)

>Irrgation system (1500)

[It is simple, you are no longer a caveman with these blueprints. You are going to enter the era of the earliest Neolithic humans. Build a permanent settlement and start cultivating like proper humans instead of just relying on hunting.]

"But moving out of the cave is-" Garnt was not happy to leave his home, but at the same time he understood what Eva meant by her deep words.

[It is how it is. If you decide to become a forever caveman that's your choice, but then I wouldn't support you since you are not taking me to my goal. This is not a parasitic relationship, this is a mutual relationship.]


He thought about her words for a minute and then looked at the cave.

'If I stay here, things will only get hard for my family. I will do it, I will become the beacon of the humans in this era, after all, I have Eva'

Coming to a proper decision, Garnt decided to announce his decision to the others and bought all the blueprints and understood most of them since he had the required knowledge.

"Everyone, listen for a second," Garnt shouted hoping to get attention.

Gundo, Ayra, Kara, Unami, Baktou, Ganna, and Ayra's little baby, named Kiriah by Garnt, all looked at Garnt with a confused expression, wondering what he was trying to say.

"We can't keep living like this, I know a future that we can live peacefully, but it's not in this cave.

We need to start building houses and collect more people to establish a village," Everyone was confused at first, but Garnt kept explaining things to them, how he had these visions of the future and how he wanted to show it to the others by creating them in real life.

He paused for a moment, looking at each of his companions in turn. "I need your help. We need to build something incredible, something that can change the course of life. It will be hard but together, we can do it.

Are you with me?"

Everyone exchanged glances, realizing the weight of the decision before them. But in the end, they nodded, one by one, with determination in their eyes since all of them had their trust in Garnt.

"We're with you, Garnt," Gundo said, speaking for the group. "Let's make this era better for all of us."

Garnt smiled, his heart filled with gratitude toward his family, and with their approval, he got ready to embark on the journey to find the ultimate area to build his new village, so he could make all these new plans of his come true.


The next day, with the first light of dawn breaking over the horizon, Garnt and his companions began their journey to find a new place for the village they intended to build.

They had packed their belongings, including the precious items, and were prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

As they set off, Garnt carried little Kiriah on his back, the baby securely fastened in a makeshift carrier. Kiriah's bright eyes observed the world around him with wonder, oblivious to the difficulties of the journey ahead. Ayra held her daughter's hand, so she wouldn't get to try anything unwanted.

The path they walked was rugged and uneven, a testament to the inhospitable terrain they were traversing. The landscape was dotted with steep cliffs and dense forests, and the group faced obstacles at every turn. But they pressed on, determined to find the perfect location for their new village.

The older children, Unami and Kara, eagerly helped carry supplies, doing their best to keep up with the adults. Gundo and Baktou took turns watching over Kiriah and providing support when needed. Garnt led the way, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for signs of danger or opportunity.

Meanwhile, Ganna was also following them with her own weight of supplies, but she was constantly looking at Garnt with her eyes filled with confusion.

As the night bonfire lit and everyone gathered to eat the food, Ganna slowly approached Garnt because she wanted to talk to him. She was careful not to alert Ayra, but Gundo noticed her behaviour and decided to leave it to Garnt since she knew he was better at dealing with things than she was.

"Garnt, why are you so kind to me? You should have killed me for what I did, but you're letting me be with your family, Why?" It was a simple question that kept bugging her, but it a rather important for her.

Garnt looked at her with a side glance."Do you hate me for killing that man?"

Ganna shook her head refusing his words.

"Then, there's no problem, I don't want to kill someone that could change, after all, me and my mother got a second chance thanks to certain someone, so I wanted to give you a second chance," He paused for a minute and smiled at her showing he was confident about his decision.

"Take this chance and try to be a better person instead of a parasite, then everyone will show you respect,"

Ganna was impressed with Garnt's words. She felt a rather dangerous amount of loyalty forming inside her mind for this kid in front of her, and she knew things wouldn't be the same for her anymore.

"We are animals too, but we have something that other animals don't have. We have the power of our brains to think about our decisions, so I want everyone to start thinking with their brain instead of just acting like animals.

I want humans to become more human," Garnt muttered like he was having a dream.

Ganna had no idea about this world Garnt was talking about, but she started to believe in Garnt. But before she could go any further, Ayra came and quickly scolded her for trying to talk with Garnt.

With their bickering and laughs, the day ended without any huge incidents, but this was just the beginning of their story.

After travelling for two whole weeks, enduring many attacks from wild animals and facing other challenges, Garnt managed to find the ultimate location for the village he was going to build.

With a gorgeous river flowing next to the high hill land, Garnt knew this was going to be their new paradise, and everyone else felt relieved to see that their efforts were not in vain.

"Well, it looks like we are not cave people anymore, Let's become village people now,"

With Garnt's last words, everyone knew their fate was going to change, but they didn't hesitate to embrace it, whether it be positive or negative.

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