Primitive Man

Chapter 24: Ultimate mother

In the rugged expanse just beyond the mouth of the cave, the first sunlight of dawn cast a fiery hue over the primal landscape. Garnt and Ayra faced off, two warriors ready to clash. Clad in simple animal hides, their bodies were chiselled like the very stone of the land they lived in.

"Ready to be outdone again, Garnt?" Ayra's voice boomed, a challenge wrapped in a hearty chuckle. "Let's see what you've got this time!"

Garnt's jaw clenched, his youthful determination set in stone as he squared his shoulders against his formidable aunt. "I won't back down, Ayra!"

The wind howled through the tall grass, a wild chorus to the electrifying tension that hung in the air. With a burst of determination, Garnt lunged forward, his attack fierce but lacking finesse. Ayra sidestepped his assault with the grace of a panther, her movements fluid and practised.

"You've got power, kid, but you're about as subtle as a rabbit," Ayra quipped, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "You need more strength in your body and moves,"

Garnt's cheeks flushed crimson, a cocktail of frustration and resolve swirling within him. He circled Ayra, his eyes tracing every ripple of her muscles, every calculated shift in stance. As he lunged again, his motions were measured, his attempt to grapple far more strategic.

Ayra met his charge with a calculated block, her brawn evident as she repelled his advance.

"Predictable," she barked with an approving nod. "But we'll fix that."

With her last words, she pushed Garnt against the floor and they ended their daily morning training as Ayra gave her hand to Garnt, so he could stand up easily.

"Ayra, why aren't you wearing the clothes we made?" Garnt questioned, as he looked the other way seeing her two boobs jiggling in front of him with a bit of her motherly milk leaking from them.

"What do you mean? I'm wearing those look?" She suddenly pushed her ass against Garnt's face causing him to quickly back down, as he started to feel weird.

"Not that! I mean your chest area, you should wear something to hide your breast," Garnt shouted refusing to look at her.


"Fine, fine, I will wear them starting today. It's just a bother to wear something on these hot days," Ayra said, her tone slightly resigned. She decided it was time to leave the room, intending to take a refreshing bath and wash away all the accumulated sweat.

However, as she turned to make her exit, her attention was immediately drawn to Garnt's flushed face. Concern welled up within her, and a protective instinct took over.

Without thinking, Ayra closed the distance between them, her steps soft and swift. She gently brought her hand up, her fingers grazing his warm skin. Ignoring her own apprehension, she brought her forehead to rest against his, her eyes searching his for any sign of discomfort.

Garnt's heart seemed to respond instantly, a sudden acceleration that echoed her own nervousness. He felt a rush of surprise at her unexpected closeness, his breath catching as he absorbed her delicate scent, mixed with a hint of sensuality—a natural aroma that somehow seemed alluring to him.

"You! If you are sick, you should take a break. I will ask Gundo to make some medicine," Ayra said without noticing Garnt's unusual reaction to her touch, but the same cannot be said about Eva.

[Don't tell me-]

Eva felt the whole situation and she had a rough idea about what was happening.

Garnt not being able to hold back anymore quickly ran into the cave hoping to take some distance from Ayra, along the way he met Gundo who was making ropes and some wooden vessels for their use and he decided to talk with her for a few minutes.

"Mother, how is Kara doing? Is she learning properly?" Looking at the little girl next to Gundo, Garnt questioned as he calmed down his body and mind.

"She is a talented girl, she helped me more than I expected to be honest, but it looks like her interest lies somewhere else," Gundo wanted to talk about Kara's dream with Garnt and she knew this might be the time for it seeing the excited look in Kara's eyes.

Garnt sat next to her mother to confirm what was happening to his body and for some unknown reason, he didn't feel the same sense of weirdness in his body when he was with his mother.

"Oh my! My baby boy wants to be spoiled by her mother," Gundo stopped what she was doing and hugged Garnt kept his head on her chest and started patting his head, while Kara looked at them with a little smile on her face.

'So brother can be cute too,'

She was more than excited to see her normal and talented brother being a little baby sometimes. Even though they were only two years apart from each other, they had a huge gap between their talent and behaviour, so Kara always saw Garnt as someone she should be looking up to.

As Ayra entered the cave after the training, Her eyes landed on the scene before her: Gundo holding Garnt close, their bond palpable even from a distance. A playful smile tugged at the corner of Ayra's lips as she walked closer.

"Well, well, isn't this cute?" Ayra said with a playful glint in her eyes, her voice carrying a melodious tone. "Seems like you've truly embraced the role of the ultimate mother."

Gundo looked up with a mischievous grin, her arms still wrapped around Garnt. "Oh, you know me, Ayra. Just fulfilling my maternal duties," she replied, a hint of laughter in her voice. "Just like old days,"

Ayra's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, a hint of nostalgia and embarrassment mixing in her expression. "Oh, hush, sister. Don't remind me of those days," she retorted, trying to play it off coolly.

Gundo, however, wasn't about to let this opportunity slip by. With a knowing twinkle in her eyes, she decided to turn the tables. "You know, Ayra, I seem to recall a time when a certain someone used to trail behind me, calling me 'big sister' and begging for hugs."

Ayra's blush deepened, and she gave Gundo a playful shove. "Oh, come on now, don't bring up the past. It's not like you were any less clingy!"

Kara's laughter filled the cave as she watched the friendly banter between her mother and her aunt. It was moments like these that made their family bond even stronger. The siblings shared a fond smile, the memories of their childhood days bringing warmth to their hearts.

Gundo winked at Ayra, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Well, well, it seems some things never change."

Ayra rolled her eyes, unable to hide the genuine happiness that radiated from her. "Fine, fine, you win this round, Gundo. Now, if you'll excuse me, I intend to enjoy the hot spring in peace."

As Ayra made her way towards the soothing waters, Gundo couldn't help but call after her, a playful lilt in her voice. "Just remember, Ayra, you'll always be my little sister who loved getting those hugs!"

Ayra had a little smile playing on her face, but the same could not be said for Garnt as he looked even more confused looking at Ayra's behind that kept inviting him to follow her.

"Mother, I will go and check our food stocks, you can carry on with your work.

Please don't push yourself too much," Getting up from th warm embrace of Gundo, he quickly decided to follow his aunt without even knowing why he was doing this and then his eyes suddenly met with the mind-blowing scenery in front of him.

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