Primitive Man

Chapter 23: Ayra the amazoness

Garnt's heart raced as he watched Ayra move with a surprising agility that belied her strength. Instead of a weapon, she used her sheer power and determination. As the bull lowered its head to charge, Ayra's hands shot forward, gripping the bull's massive horns.

Her muscles strained, and with a mighty heave, she twisted the bull's head to the side, using its own momentum against it. The bull's bellow of rage echoed through the air as its head slammed into the ground with a thud.

Garnt was awestruck, momentarily frozen by his aunt's display of raw strength. The way her boobs moved and the way her beautiful muscles tightened really left a special mark in Garnt's eyes as one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

But while he was enjoying the scenery in front of him, Ayra's voice snapped him out of his stupor. "Cut its neck, Garnt! Finish it!" Her voice was a mix of excitement and urgency.

Shaking off his surprise, Garnt rushed forward. Gripping his bone dagger tightly, he circled around the fallen bull, his eyes fixed on its exposed neck. With a determined breath, he lunged, his dagger finding its mark.

The blade sank deep into the bull's flesh, and hot blood spurted out, painting the ground crimson.

The bull's struggles weakened, its movements growing sluggish as its lifeblood poured out. Garnt's hands were slick with sweat and blood, but he didn't falter. With every stab, he pushed through the resistance, his determination matching Ayra's in that decisive moment.

Finally, the bull's movements ceased. Its once fierce eyes grew dull, and its body went limp. Garnt withdrew his dagger, panting heavily, his chest heaving with exertion. He looked at Ayra, his eyes wide with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

Ayra stood there, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath, a mixture of exhaustion and triumph on her face. She wiped the sweat from her brow, her eyes meeting Garnt's once again. With a proud smile, she nodded at him, acknowledging his role in their hard-fought victory.

"We did it! Finally, we hunted a bull, Garnt," She had a heartfelt smile decorating her face, which confused Garnt.

As the tension in the air began to dissipate, Garnt couldn't help but feel a surge of weird feelings inside him. He felt excited, he felt his lower body getting heated looking at his aunt and her smile. He was confused about what was happening but then he suddenly heard Eva's voice.

[Holy shit! This woman is on another level, you really picked up a golden rare card.]

Eva muttered with an excited look but for a moment, she got confused why Garnt didn't answer him.


[Garnt, why are you silent? What happened?]

Eva could feel his heart rate increasing, but she didn't have the vision to see what was happening with Garnt's lower body.

"Nothing! Let's quickly go back," He shouted at both Eva and Ayra, but then he noticed that Ayra was looking in a different direction.

"Look!" She suddenly pointed in a different direction, causing Garnt to turn his head and take a closer look. However, upon seeing what was happening on the other side of the open land where they were staying, he felt that something was wrong.

Two kids, no older than Kara, were sprinting across the field, their faces contorted with fear. Their small figures were being pursued by a pair of massive bulls, their hooves pounding the ground with thunderous force.

The scene was chaotic and dangerous, and Ayra's instinct to help kicked in immediately.

"We need to do something!" Ayra exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern. She took a step forward, clearly ready to rush to the kids' aid.

But before she could take another step, Garnt's firm grip on her arm stopped her. He was watching the unfolding scene with a furrowed brow, his instincts urging him to assess the situation more carefully.

He had spotted something that Ayra hadn't – a bulky man crouched in the bushes nearby, hidden from view.

"Wait," Garnt whispered urgently, his voice barely audible over the pounding of hooves and the children's frightened cries. He pointed subtly towards the hidden man, his eyes locked on him. "There's someone else."

Confusion and concern crossed Ayra's face as she followed Garnt's gaze. She hadn't noticed the man before, and her heart raced at the realization that there might be more to this situation than met the eye.

The man in the bushes seemed to be waiting, his eyes fixed on the kids as they ran. It was a calculated, predatory stare that sent shivers down Garnt's spine. He knew they needed to understand the full picture before jumping in, especially with the safety of the kids and themselves at stake.

Garnt and Ayra remained hidden, watching as the kids' desperate sprint led them closer to the bushes where the man lay in wait.

It was a tense moment, no one knew what would happen and Garnt was ready to take the anger of Ayra in case something happened to these two kids. He made the intelligent decision of protecting his beloved aunt and himself instead of two stranger kids, so he had no guilt in his heart.

Just as the two kids neared the concealed danger, the bushes rustled and the bulky man emerged, his movements swift and precise.

In a horrifying display of cold efficiency, he reached out and with one swift motion, he grabbed both bulls by their horns, yanking their heads back and snapping their necks. The sickening crack echoed in the air, a sound that seemed to freeze time itself.

Garnt's eyes widened in shock, his breath catching in his throat as he realized the true horror of the situation. He exchanged a quick glance with Ayra, whose expression had transformed from confusion to anger and determination.

Her fists clenched at her sides, her knuckles turning white as fury burned in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Ayra took a step forward, her movements betraying her intent to confront the man. But Garnt's hand shot out, gripping her arm firmly but gently. "Wait, don't go," he urged, his voice low and urgent, matching the intensity of the moment. "We need to be careful.

This isn't a simple situation."

Ayra's jaw tightened as she glared at the man, her fingers curling into fists as if ready to launch herself into action. "How can you say that?" she hissed, her voice seething with anger. "He's using those kids as bait... for what?

To satisfy his twisted desires?"

Garnt's grip on her arm tightened slightly, his gaze steady as he met her furious eyes. "I know, and I'm just as angry as you are," he replied, his voice carrying a mixture of frustration and concern. "But charging in recklessly won't help anyone.

We need to understand his motives, his strength and about those kids, before we make a move."

Ayra's chest heaved with suppressed rage, her nostrils flaring as she fought to control her impulses. She shot a final venomous look at the man before tearing her gaze away, her fingers slowly relaxing their grip.

"Believe in me, I won't let this slide, we will come for them later when we have information, but right now I value your life and our hunt more than them," Garnt said showing his love for his aunt and she couldn't refuse to see his face.

Finally, she decided to go along with Garnt and she quickly took their bull and put it in the cart.

"I believe in you, let's come for them later," With her final words, they left the area leaving the two kids and bulky man, so they could go back to their own cave and start the feast of grilled bull meat.

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