Primitive Man

Chapter 186: Firepower

"Damn birds! Stop trying to escape from me," Kara shouted as she used an explosive arrow on one of the Pterosaurs that came to attack them while they were hunting. She had been receiving personal training from Garnt about how to use these new weapons that had the firepower of thousands of people. She knew that once she mastered them, she would become invisible.

Kara, with her determined gaze, swiftly notched another arrow onto her bowstring again and lit up the other end of the arrow.

"Watch out, Kara! There's one coming from the left!" shouted one of the fellow hunters, as he unleashed a barrage of normal arrows toward a swooping Pterosaur.

Kara's eyes narrowed, and she pivoted gracefully, releasing the explosive arrow. The blast engulfed the flying dinosaur in a fiery display, feathers and scales scattering in all directions.

"These weapons are incredible!" Kara exclaimed, her eyes alight with a mixture of awe and determination. "Garnt really knows his stuff. That's exactly why he is different from us."

Amidst the chaos, one of the seasoned veterans, bellowed instructions to the group. "Focus on their wings! Disable their flight and they're as good as grounded! They are not as strong as the original dinosaurs that attacked us. We only need to be cautious about their speed and attacks."

Another hunter in Kara's group let loose a powerful shot that clipped the wing of a diving Pterosaur. "Got one!" she cheered, before swiftly reloading the arrow.

"So normal arrows also hurt them! Good work," Kara was impressed by the hunter team she brought with her, but she knew she had the highest attack power right now.

As the hunters continued their fierce skirmish, the jungle floor shook as a massive Pterosaur landed nearby injured by all the attacks. Its eyes glowed with a predatory glint, and Kara knew they were in for a tough fight.

"We need to take down the big one together!" she yelled, rallying the hunters around her.

Amidst the chaos, everyone remained cautious and battle cries filled the air.

"We can do this!"

"Keep them at bay!"

"Cover me, I'm reloading!"

Kara and her companions fought with precision, each explosive arrow contributing to the grand symphony of destruction. The massive Pterosaur roared, but the hunters stood their ground.

A sudden flash of inspiration struck Kara. "Aim for its eyes! Blind it!"

The hunters adjusted their tactics, targeting the creature's sensitive spots.

And Kara took her opportunity and released her explosive arrows causing explosions to be erputed around the giant Pterosaur, disorienting it. In the midst of the battle, Kara could feel the surge of power from the weapon in her hands.

As the giant Pterosaur faltered, Kara seized the opportunity. "One is done. Now, everyone! Focus your shots on the other dinosaurs' wings!"

The hunters unleashed a volley of arrows mixed with Kara's explosive ones, and with a deafening roar, the colossal creature crashed to the ground. The jungle fell silent; the only sounds were the crackling of residual flames and the triumphant cheers of the victorious hunters.

Kara surveyed the aftermath, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction on her face. "We did it. With these weapons, we're unstoppable."

As the group regrouped and caught their breath, Kara couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. They had faced the challenge head-on, mastering the incredible power Garnt had taught them. The jungle may be dense with danger, but armed with their newfound skills, they were ready to face whatever came their way, especially the upcoming war where Kara wanted to tear all of Baktou's limbs for betraying Garnt.

"Soon, you'll also need to learn how to use these arrows. Don't worry; I will teach all of you once I master it even more. We are going to be the ultimate force once we master this weapon," Kara muttered and ordered her hunters to load the corpses of the dinosaurs onto the carts so they could carry them back to the village.

It took them a considerable time to finish loading and return to the village, but upon arriving back, one thing that Kara noticed about herself was that she was stinking so bad from all the blood that splattered on her body because of all the explosions that happened.

"Damn it! I can't allow Garnt to see me like this," she muttered and looked at the crowd that had gathered around them to watch the success of the hunt. "Hmm~ normally he would be here to welcome us, it looks like he is busy. I will have to clean myself before meeting him."

Thinking about how she would be praised for the hunt she had brought, Kara headed to the public bathhouse Garnt had built for the regular crowd. He knew that constructing individual baths for the houses in the normal village area was not currently feasible.

Drawing inspiration from Eva's knowledge, Garnt introduced an ingenious water-pumping system to ensure a steady supply of water to the bathhouse.

He commissioned the construction of a well strategically located near a natural water source, and from there, a network of bamboo pipes connected the well to the bathhouse. This innovative system not only catered to the village's hygiene needs but also served as a testament to Garnt's commitment to improving the overall well-being of the community.

But upon entering she noticed a vast amount of crowd, Kara hesitated at the entrance of the public bathhouse, glancing down at herself with a grimace. "Ugh, I can't go in there like this. I'll ruin it for everyone," she thought, eyeing the bloodstains and grime covering her body from the intense dinosaur hunt.

Turning away from the public bath, Kara made her way through the bustling village, attracting curious looks and whispers from the onlookers. She pressed on, determined to clean up before facing Garnt. As she approached his residence, she weighed her options.

Entering Garnt's private bathhouse seemed like the only solution. "I can't risk dirtying the public one, and I need to look presentable when I see him," Kara muttered to herself, striding purposefully towards Garnt's home.

Upon reaching the entrance, Kara found herself face-to-face with Garnt's servant who is also one of the second generation of his harem. "Hey, Kara! Quite a successful hunt, I heard!" the servant exclaimed, eyeing the dirt-covered warrior.

Kara nodded, "Yes, indeed. Is Garnt busy?"

The servant scratched his head, "He's in a meeting right now, but you can use the bathhouse. He won't mind."

Relieved, Kara decided to enter the private bathhouse, a luxury she rarely indulged in. She took a deep breath, her hand hesitating on the ornate door knob of Garnt's private bathhouse. The polished wood felt cool against her calloused fingers as she gently pushed the door open, revealing the warm, steam-filled room within.

"Amazing! I must come here often." She thought, as she felt relaxed just by breathing the freshness in the room.

As the door creaked open, Kara's eyes quickly scanned the luxurious surroundings. The room was adorned with intricate marble, and the air was filled with the soothing scent of fragrant oils. A large wooden tub, already filled with warm water, awaited her arrival.

With a determined stride, Kara stepped into the private haven, closing the door behind her. The echoes of the bustling village were replaced by the gentle sounds of water and the distant murmur of Garnt's meeting filtering through the walls.

The flickering light from the candles cast a warm glow on the room as Kara approached the wooden tub. However, her eyes widened when she caught sight of a figure sitting in the water, his muscular back turned towards her. A towel obscured his face.

Clicking her tongue in frustration, Kara muttered to herself, "That girl said nobody was inside." She considered retreating, not wanting to disturb Garnt during what seemed to be his moment of repose.

Just as she began to turn away, a voice, deep and resonant, broke the calm. "No need to leave, Kara. I was expecting you."

Startled, Kara froze. She turned back to the tub, meeting Garnt's gaze even though his face was still concealed by the towel. "How did you...?"

Garnt chuckled, the sound echoing in the steam-filled room. "I could tell from the way you walk. And I heard about your return with quite an interesting hunt. The village is abuzz with excitement."

Kara couldn't help but smile at Garnt's perceptiveness. "You have your ways of knowing things rather quickly, don't you?"

Leaning back, Garnt removed the towel from his face, revealing a relaxed expression. "Let's just say, information finds its way to me."

Encouraged, Kara dipped her toe into the water, testing its warmth. "I didn't want to disturb you. I can come back later."

Garnt waved a dismissive hand. "Nonsense. Sit, Kara. You've had a long day, and you deserve to relax. Wash away the dirt of the hunt. I built this bath for our family, and you're one of them."

With a grateful nod, Kara gingerly lowered herself into the tub, feeling the warmth envelop her weary body, but Garnt quickly scolded her without holding back showing he took bathing seriously.

"Idiot! First, wash your body. Haven't I taught you about these things?" It was a startling but quite strange experience for Kara because she quite enjoyed getting scolded by Garnt; after all, he had been nothing but kind to her almost all the time. "Honestly, this girl! Come, I will scrub your back and body. Sit there and wait for me."

Garnt muttered and got up from the bath all naked without even worrying about his dick being shaking around Kara's face.

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