Primitive Man

Chapter 185: Move forward

"Just as I mentioned, we can't simply abandon our seaside village. Therefore, we must reclaim it from Baktou despite the challenges plaguing this land. It will be difficult, but we have to find a way," Garnt muttered to Ayra and Rona while discussing their battle plans for the future.

"That's true, Garnt, but why did he attack the seaside village when we were already in distress instead of targeting the main village? He could have gained a significant advantage that way. I don't understand that part," Ayra questioned, and Garnt also looked rather confused.

[Kalina and the other system are supporting him, so I doubt it's a foolish decision on their part. They might be planning something, and that's precisely why we need to be prepared to completely overwhelm them with our new technology. With our firepower, we could easily eliminate them.]

Eva made a comment, acknowledging the risk of facing Kalina and Baktou simultaneously. She wanted Garnt not to hesitate when the time was right, so she continuously ensured that he had the willpower to confront and defeat Baktou.

But the group's conversation halted abruptly as Kara approached with a distressed look on her face. Garnt, Ayra, Rona, and every other individual turned their attention toward her, concern etched on their faces.

"Kara, what's happened? Why do you look so pale?" Garnt inquired, his voice tense with worry.

Kara took a moment to catch her breath before hastily responding, "There are dead bodies at the entrance of the village – most of them look like the bodies of seaside villagers. It looks like Baktou's doing. I hurriedly closed off the entrance, but we need to act fast before something big happens!"

A collective gasp swept through the group as the gravity of the situation settled in. Ayra's eyes widened with shock, and Rona's hands clenched into fists.

"Is he finally coming to attack us? But how didn't our watchdogs didn't catch them?" Ayra questioned, her voice filled with a mix of anger and confusion.

Rona, ever the aggressive woman, interjected, "It doesn't matter why or how he did it. What matters now is how we respond. Garnt, we can't afford to delay any longer. We have the firepower; let's use it to eliminate this threat once and for all. This is our chance."


Eva was worried about this situation for a while, but seeing Garnt's look, she was convinced that he was even ready to kill Baktou.

He nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "Kara, did you make sure to close the entrance for the general public as well?"

Kara nodded vigorously. "Yes, Garnt. It's sealed off, and only our forces can get through. We need to act swiftly before Baktou makes another move."

The urgency in the air spurred the group into action. Weapons were readied, and they set off toward the village entrance. As they approached, the sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the path fueled their anger and resolve.

"We can't let this go unanswered. Baktou will pay for what he's done," Garnt declared, his jaw clenched with determination and waiting for something to happen, but for some reason, the forest was too calm.

"Where is he? Is he hiding for us to come out?" Garnt questioned himself, but then he addressed Baktou thinking he might be hiding in the forest.

"Come out, traitor! Don't be a spineless idiot! You dare to kill my people and lay their bodies on my entrance? You have some guts to mock me like this, the person who saved your life," Garnt shouted, but still no answer came. Unami who had her veins almost popping out of her head addressed her brother hoping to get some answer.

"Come on, Baktou! Are you too much of a coward to face us? Hiding like a spineless snake, you traitor!" Unami's eyes burned with anger as she spat out the accusations.

The tension in the air thickened, and the forest seemed to hold its breath. A sudden realization dawned on Garnt, his eyes widening in anger.

"He's not here, is he?" Garnt growled, his fists clenching. "This wasn't a battle; it was a massacre. He's not waiting for us. He's not challenging us. He's just proving how heartless he can be."

Unami, seething with rage, added her own venom to the conversation. "He's not fit to be called a warrior. A true warrior faces his enemies head-on, not ambushes innocent people!"

The gravity of the situation sunk in, and the group exchanged grim glances. Kara, clenching her weapon, spoke with a cold determination. "We can't let this slide. We need to make him pay for what he's done."

Garnt, his mind made up, issued a resolute order. "Prepare to attack Baktou's mining village. We'll show him the consequences of crossing us. No mercy!"

A chorus of battle cries erupted from the group, echoing through the quiet forest. The anger and determination fueled their steps as they turned back toward their village, ready to meet out justice.

"You went too far this time, Baktou!" Garnt muttered, but then he corrected himself. "No... you've been too far gone for a long time now. I guess my only option is to undo the harm I've caused by placing my trust in you."


Telvi walked around the village, but the looks of scorn and disgust she received from the people were too much for her. Therefore, she returned to her safe place, where Baktou had assigned her, and rested her head on the comfortable bed.

"Is this worth it? Should I try to convince Baktou to leave this place...but he promised that all of this will be worthwhile so as his wife I should believe him." While she was thinking all of this, a familiar face came to her mind of a certain man she adored beside her husband.

"Garnt, how are you doing? I want to see you! But I guess you might hate me even if we meet again," she knew it was the obvious answer since she might look like a traitor to the whole main village. "All of this is because of that bitch Kalina! Why do I have to keep looking at that liar's face? She is a danger to all of us. She is here to break all of our relationships and ruin everything. That cursed woman."

Telvi sighed, her mind still consumed by thoughts of Garnt and the unsettling presence of Kalina in their lives. As she pondered the tangled web of relationships, suddenly she felt a gentle weight on her body. Looking down, she saw her son Toga, his eyes sparkling with joy with his familiar blond hair and face that brought so many memories to Telvi.

"Mom, guess what?" Toga exclaimed, his face beaming.

Telvi managed a small smile, "What is it, my dear?"

"I caught a big fish with Father! He said I did a great job, and he praised me a lot!" Toga replied, excitement bubbling in his voice.

Telvi's heart warmed at the innocence and happiness of her son. She reached down and ruffled his hair. "That's wonderful, Toga! I'm so proud of you. We should cook that fish today, so leave it to me."

As Toga hugged her tightly, Telvi couldn't help but be grateful for this small moment of joy amidst the turmoil. She asked him why he was suddenly interested in fishing and Toga giggled, "Because I'm a great fisherman like Father! I want to hunt that big fish that Father always worry about."

For a few seconds, Telvi panicked because she knew how dangerous his pattern of thinking was, but then she realized Baktou would never allow him near that fish, so she knew Toga being ambitious was a good thing in general.

Telvi chuckled, feeling a ticklish sensation as Toga continued to hug her. "Alright, alright, my little fisherman. But tell me, have you seen Kalina around?"

Toga shook his head, his innocent eyes reflecting genuine confusion. "No, Mom. I haven't seen her today. Why?"

A sense of worry crept into Telvi's heart. She had heard her husband and Kalina arguing earlier, and the tension in the air lingered. "Never mind Toga. Just stay close, okay?"

Toga nodded, still smiling, and scampered off to play. Telvi decided to investigate and walked around the house, searching for any sign of Kalina. The village seemed unusually quiet, and the air was thick with tension.

Unable to find Kalina, Telvi finally approached Baktou, who was still engrossed in his fishing duties. "Baktou, have you seen Kalina? Toga mentioned you were arguing with her earlier."

Baktou looked up, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Oh, don't worry about Kalina. She won't be causing any trouble anymore."

Telvi's eyes widened with concern. "What do you mean? What happened?"

Baktou, still focused on his catch, waved a dismissive hand. "It's nothing to concern yourself with, Telvi. She won't be bothering us anymore. Just focus on our family and the good times, alright?"

Telvi couldn't shake off the unease, but for the sake of her family, she reluctantly nodded. Little did she know, the shadows of Kalina's influence were far from dissipating, and the calm surface of their lives masked the brewing storm that threatened to engulf them all.

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