Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 378

“Did you just notice? that’s right. It’s not a drunkenness, and it’s not really a brain god. It looks very scary and powerful on the outside, but it is still the image of thunderclouds and thunderbolts. It does not go beyond the level of the thunderbolt we commonly know.”

“Then it’s a scam.”

“It is not a scam. At the very least, it is a false idol created out of fear of lightning or faith. As powerful as the thunderbolt is, that Thunder God has power enough to be afraid of.”

…a false idol? Wait a minute, I asked, pushing the spade card further in.

“A false idol?”

“You know. A being that embodies human fear. Unlike demons, you have power not from knowledge, but from ignorance and fear, right? Like the wolf king or the vampire, for example.”

“Ah, that’s it.”

He nodded and nodded. Oh that’s what you’re talking about

“Vampires were originally only blood-sculpting, right? However, fighting against Seonghwangcheong and becoming a symbol of fear, I gained the power to deal with darkness. Similarly, the wolf was only one of the common beasts, but because of its widespread ferocity, it became a foe of man. Just like that, that Thunder God is also an existence created by Claudia’s awe.”

‘I’m sure it’s a story I heard directly from Seonghwangcheong. Because he said that while handing me a cherry blossom and a jizan.’

I was dubious, but it became clear with this. You also openly slandered the children of Seonghwangcheong and the returnees.

It’s not that the regressor was wrong. In fact, after humans became the rulers of the earth, strange things happened in the world. A species of beast gained so great power and changed the world at will that the earth became like man’s plaything. A typical example is the king of beasts. One of those strange things is that the king of beasts, who should have been the representative of a species, changed into a human form. In fact, since such things happen all over the world, what the regressor says is itself true.

Still, the Seonghwangcheong shouldn’t say such a thing. You guys are the main culprits! Anyway. I said with a sigh of relief.

“thank god. I knew that I would have another conflict with a monster like the Golden Goblet.”

“It can’t be. Lightning is not a drinker. That’s just a phenomenon.”

“haha. I don’t know that either. A demon might pop out from somewhere.”

“Let’s sell our worries. There can’t be that many drinkers in the world, right?”

…I know. It should be. The returner assured me with a confident face.

“anyway. You can take your mind off this one. ’cause I can do it all You are at least sightseeing.”

“The world’s most unreliable words…”

I’m anxious, but I don’t have anything urgent to do right now. Because I won’t be able to grapple with clouds. Let’s take a tour of what the city of clouds is like. I went out with a more relaxed attitude.

Claudia had a unique structure with buildings huddled under a tall lightning tower. Among them, the 1st lightning tower where the Lord of Thunder lives was not only the largest, but also monopolized all the power of the thunder provided by the Thunderwheel.

Thinking of taking a look inside the lightning tower, I found Peru there. Peru was troubled as she was surrounded by the hounds who had followed her.

“When will you give money to the oppressors?”

“Isn’t that why you dragged on like this and didn’t give it to you in the end?”

“…that. The Lord of Thunder is busy because of the Thunder God.”

“Do you think we are fools? We grew up in Claudia too! Isn’t the visit of the god of thunder an annual event!”

“You can’t hand me anything for a while? Is there any difference between not giving it to me!”

Seungnyangs clamored for the legacy of oppressive society. However, Peru has no time to worry about it now that there are many things to worry about. In the first place, now that the survival of the country is at stake, that legacy is pushed out of the priority list. That’s why the monks were even more arguing and listening like hungry beasts. If I don’t get it right away, I’m afraid the possibility will gradually diminish.

Tsk. I, who have the sensibility of a petit bourgeois, understand the hearts of those wild cats. Still, I clicked my tongue and approached her. Peru, who was at a loss, quietly welcomed me as I approached. If I can’t speak, I have to use my strength, but I try not to use it, so it looks like this.

“Did you see Peru? What did I say?”


When it comes to acting, the best opponent is someone who doesn’t talk. Because I can lead the story the way I want. I said, scratching my head in annoyance.

“Those wildcats aren’t helpful, but they’ll only cause trouble anyway, so you said you’d kill them all before Claudia arrives. I refused, saying there was no need to do that, but it became a nuisance after all.”


Peru tilted her head. Because it was the first time. Of course, her reaction is natural. Because it’s the first thing I’m saying today.

“Ooh, killing us?”

However, the seungnyang who heard the story like the thunder of the blue sky were instilled with manners only then.

The frightened seungnyang protested.

“You kill me! We pay a fair price!”

“It was a contract!”

I ignored the wildcats and spoke to Peru.

“Are they helpful or at least strong? What I believe is the promise made by the suppressor, but the oppressor is dead. Whether you get paid or not, that’s up to you. Is it our business? Why are you following me all the way here?”

I brushed my hair as if it was annoying, and at my small gesture, all the wildcats were scared and shrank. Of course, I still have normal level of strength. There is no way to kill them all at once. However, the history of life is ho-ho-ho-wi. I, who was with the regressor and Tyr, was a monster of the same level in their perception.

He spoke with a lot of bluff and trivial eyes looking down on the wild beasts.

“I haven’t even told the full story of the incident to Urae-ju yet, but it’s as if I’ve been entrusted with it. Are you still going to share the oppressor’s property with those people? Have you changed your mind yet?”

This is a good cop bad cop operation. It’s like pretending that Peru stopped me from killing everyone, acting as a villain and making Peru feel grace. are you okay. I’m used to playing the villain. Peru too belatedly realized my true intentions and agreed.

“…because it’s a contract.”

“Well, if it means Peru, it can’t be helped. But if they cause any problems, we’ll take care of it. I don’t care what happens to the property of the oppressors, but if things get delayed, I might want to kill them all.”

“…I’ll take care of it then.”

“Well, what Peru does is more effective than what I do. If it’s Peru’s ability, I’ll crush it without leaving a single bone.”

It was threatening to kill everything in the world with only its mouth, so the frightened wildcats scrambled to run away. It took less than a minute for them all to run away. I waited until the last person disappeared from sight before saying.

“Thank you?”


Peru, who got out of trouble, nodded slightly. what the. If it’s difficult, it’s okay if you don’t take it in the first place.

“Then why did you take on the will of the oppressive society? I should have just pretended not to know.”

“…Because it’s a contract.”

“If it’s not a contract with me, ignore it. Why should I pretend to be the guardian of the contract? plaguy.”

Peru said, casting her gaze at the golden bell hanging from her waist.

“…The Golden Sutra entrusted it to me. If you don’t protect the country.”

You were a patriot.

Now that the golden mirror has disappeared and the ruler of the oppressive society has died, the nations will now fall into great chaos. I don’t feel the vacancy of the golden mirror now, but it’s not obvious, but that’s because the country is fluid like a liquid. However, if water leaks through the hole, the whole country will dry up before you know it. At that time, everyone will know even if they don’t like it. That the nations have come to an end. However, it is not completely over yet. The Golden Sutra is gone, but his legacy lives on.

“But what the hell is that servant’s ability? It’s a keepsake of the golden mirror, but I don’t know its ability.”

“…I don’t know. I do fix broken things.”

Peru fiddled with the golden bell. fixing broken things. It’s a really useful ability, but it’s infinitely weak compared to the power of the golden gyeong that created the country. I gave serious advice.

“You better find out soon. Even for peace.”

“He is right.”

It was then. I thought lightning flashed, but before I knew it, Thunderstorm was standing next to us with its long hair fluttering. The afterglow flashed and stopped, looking down at Peru in awe.


“It’s the personality of the Golden Sutra, but anyway, his power is the power of a god that changes the world. You not only have to draw out the power of the keepsake, but you also have to develop it to protect it.”


“And to do that, you can’t be as weak as you are right now.” Peru, who had been bowing down to the extent of Thunder’s sharp point, flinched. Thunderstorm drove her without a break.

“People who want to rest lie in the shadow of a giant tree and do not throw themselves into a field of reeds. The reason they scared you a moment ago is because you’re not trustworthy. It looks like it will shake, so it’s a trick to grab it and shake it. In order to overcome it, you must show strong determination. Even if you have to use your strength.”

Of course, with strength, Peru might be able to drive out the wildcats. The problem is that Peru’s power is only about destruction. If you don’t care, you can crush some parts of the body of the seungnyang-eul.

So Peru never thought of using its power against humans. Peru murmured helplessly.

“…But my ability is.”

“Isn’t that the power of Jannok? Why are you fussing over it? Your ability is stronger and more fearsome than anyone else in these countries where the poison of the golden mirror has spread throughout your body. Can I use that?”

However, the idea of the great thunderstorm is different. Peru was quite shocked by the words that even humans would be crushed if necessary.

“…You can’t use Jannok’s power on humans.”

Peru, who wondered if he had misunderstood his true intentions, asked again, but Urehoeju tilted his head.

“The Golden Sutra used people from all over the world as ingredients, just like harvesting grain. Whether it’s right or wrong, because of that, the people of the nations have a reverence for the Golden Sutra. If you claim to be the golden lord of the nations without the golden gyeong, you need to show that much power to maintain your authority.”

“…Wouldn’t Lord Urehae hate filling his body with the crops of the Golden Temple? Why would you say that?”

Peru respected the Lord of Thunder, and therefore doubted the true intentions of the Lord of Thunder.

Claudia is the country’s largest agricultural land, and based on it, it is a city that raises children born in all countries. The person who created that system is none other than Woorehoeju. She created ‘normal’ food uncontaminated by the alchemy of Hwanggeumgyeong for the children of the nations who will have to live in the future. It is also a well-known fact that Uraeju hates Hwanggeumgyeong. Peru believed that urehoeju produced food to escape from the rule of the golden circle.

However, the attitude shown by Uraehoeju was different from Peru’s expectations.

“that’s right. I hate golden glasses. But that’s because Golden Jing abused his power without any rules or laws, not because he denied his power and achievements. Even my body was formed with the power of the golden sutra.”

“…Lord of Thunder’s body?”

“is it so. From the tips of your toes to the ends of your hair. My whole body is made of alchemy. That’s why even if you have the power of thunder in your body, you will be fine.”

Well, there’s no way a normal human could survive being struck by lightning. The durability of the Thunderbolt is because its entire body is made of alchemy.

The crops produced by the golden mirror are all alchemical substances, and the body formed by digesting them has alchemical properties. The biggest feature of alchemical substances is their high reactivity. Resistance to external interference is slim. That’s why the homunculus was vulnerable to Tirna Peru’s ability. Actually, the homunculus called itself ‘perfect’, but anyway.

However, the thunderstorm is not a homunculus. Like all humans, she was conceived in her mother’s womb, but grew up feeding on the crops of the Golden Temple. both in the womb and at birth. What was supplied to her was a crop of pure gold.

The reason why there are many obstacles in the nations is that highly reactive alchemy substances are mixed in the body and cause resistance. However, a human being filled with pure alchemy material will have a perfect body. As a chosen body that has no obstacles, does not make trifles, and can be used as its own strength even if struck by lightning.

However, that meant that he was very vulnerable to the abilities of Peru and the Golden Circle.

Surprised, Peru distanced itself from the thunderstorm. It’s not because I’m afraid of her. It was because he was afraid that Peru might inadvertently injure Thunderstorm with his powers. Because the revered Thunderstorm cannot be broken with the power of Jannok.

Thunderbolts struck in the eyes of Woorehoeju, who momentarily read the sign.

‘How dare you worry about me?’

he’s a strange person Are you angry with me for worrying about your own safety, even though your lightning bolt was stolen?

A wonderful person with good words, but an abnormal person with bad words. You may need to distance yourself a little.

“If you are worried about me right now. You need to remind yourself who the being in front of you is. I’m a woorehoeju. Do you think you can harm me, who forms Gungon and controls the power of thunder?”

“…ah. sorry.”

“Don’t be quick to apologize! Whoa, what are you going to do when you’re not confident? I wish the distribution followed at least half of the boy.”

Uraehoeju shook his head, and that attitude made Peru even more intimidated. Uraehoeju said while catching his breath.

“If you look down on it, you won’t be able to do anything. Set the rules and show them right. Keep that possibility always in their heads. If you go the wrong way, you will be punished. That is the duty of a person who stands above others. It is necessary for the chosen ones like me and you.”


Peru did not answer easily. Because in my heart I couldn’t agree.

The power of thunderstorm is the power of thunder that makes Claudia prosperous. It doesn’t dry up no matter how much you use it, and in most cases it helps the city. But Peru’s power collapses the pension value. No matter how you wrap it up, the more you use your abilities, the more the value of the nations will inevitably go down. Perhaps the day will never come when the two will understand each other. Because the position is different.

Silence fell. I raised my hand and said, thinking that it would be more uncomfortable if I was inside.

“Anyway, now that we’re done talking, can I pass by?”

Uraehoeju looked away from Peru and asked.

“Where are you going?”

“I want to take a look inside the lightning tower.”

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