Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 377

Just before that, the girl moved first. Dozens of lightning rods extending from the lightning tower. The child who raised his hand to the center used alchemy. The lightning rod, which had split like an umbrella, folded its branches and concentrated into a single strand. The sharpened lightning tower looked like a spear aimed at the god of thunder.

A flash of lightning fell into the middle of the lightning rod.

Fortunately, the anti-thunderbolt weapons of Cloud Village, which had been fighting lightning all their lives, demonstrated their full capabilities. Torrents of tremendous power permeated the ground through lightning towers instead of burning humans. The lightning tower that received the power of the Thunder God vibrated violently.


However, the aftermath of the thunderbolt alone is terrifying. While manipulating the lightning tower, the child who received the power from close range bounced out. Aji quickly ran and rescued the child who was rolling around like a ball.

“Woof woof!”

The clothes and skin were tanned, but the child was remarkably fine. It seems that the title of thunder trainee is not absurd. The child muttered as he stood holding on to Aji.

“Oh, no! The lightning tower…!”

Kurung Kurung. The wheel, which received the power of the thunderbolt, spins more vigorously. The needle of the lightning tower is slightly twisted, perhaps because the child has withdrawn or because the lightning strikes once. The lightning tower may cease to function if it is attacked once more.


Did you know that, or did you just want to keep attacking? The Thunder God roared once more and put his arm into the cloud. As if trying to bring out a bolt of lightning.

“How can you hunt something so high up? phew. Is there any way to climb up on the clouds?”

“no! Clouds don’t burn in the first place! If you are a qigong master, you can jump on water droplets, but even so, it’s only a few steps!”

“Hasn’t Shay said he can kill the Thunder God?”

“That person is strange!”

Thunderstorm can kick it out and the regressor can kill it? What the hell are you doing? Are there only monsters around me!

“help! If I don’t straighten the lightning rod…!”

At that moment, the girl shouted as she reached for the lightning rod. I was the only one close by since I was blown away by lightning a moment ago. can’t help it

“Let’s go Ajiya!”


Willingly or unwillingly, Aji, who had fluffed up her hair, left the girl and ran away. Aji jumped up to the end of the lightning tower, grabbed the twisted lightning rod with his teeth, and gave strength. The giant spit creaked and stood upright again. I caught up late and used alchemy. Like all nations, this too is a river of alchemy. Because it is a highly reactive metal specialized in alchemy, it changes its form in an instant just by touching it.

…No, I don’t think it’s just because of that reason. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen you drink. Alchemy is so much easier now than ever.

anyway. I straightened the lightning rod and immediately withdrew my hand. Unlike the thunder trainees, my body is normal itself. If you get hit by lightning at close range, it won’t end with flying away. run away quickly


What? Are you late? I can’t help it. I pulled out a card. 10 of spades. The idol of the earth mother who supports all things. I can’t compare it to Jizan, but I can expect the level of current flow. Right before the lightning strikes, I hold the card in my hand and say a prayer.

“great job. You got help unintentionally.”

But my efforts were in vain. With a thud, the thunderbolt fell over the lightning tower. Clad in thunder, she strode forward, staring at the god of thunder with indifferent eyes.

“They attacked at the wrong timing… Or maybe they were aiming for this timing. Leave it to me anyway.”

“Lord Thunder!”

“It’s Lord Thunder!”

Hearing the cheering voices of the children, Woorehoeju gave a small nod of his head as if reassuring.

After that, Thunder’s hair stood out. A bolt of lightning dwelt in each hair, and her entire body flashed, ready to fight the thunder god. As thunder and storms filled the space between the sky and the earth, the Thunder God who pulled out the thunderbolt from the clouds once again punished them. Lightning strikes again.

“Thunder Catcher.”

At that moment, the thunderbolt grabbed the lightning rod. The lightning has the property of extending. It doesn’t stand still, it always flows, always looking for a place to lean on. It’s the same with the human body, so lightning often uses even the wet and complicated structures as a passageway to flow. Just as a torrent overturns a river, the human body is horribly destroyed. Urehoeju from all over the world is different.

As the lightning tore apart the world and threw it away, it also lingered in the body of the thunderstorm. Thunderstorm’s body with no feet touching the ground. Instead of passing through there, it swirls and creates a continuous stream.

“Brain god. I don’t know how long I’ll have to give it back to be satisfied.”

The appearance of Thunderstorm now was not enough to be called a thunder god that had descended to the ground.

I feel intense power from the whole body containing the thunderbolt. Thunder roars with every step she takes. The bright yellow hair that flashes and flutters seems to be shaped like a lightning bolt. The flashing light in his eyes now catches even lightning strikes.

“Again if you want.”

The thunderstorm held the spinning wheel with both hands and drew out the power that spread throughout the body and shouted.

“I’ll give it back!”

The whirling whirlpool slowly stopped. Due to the power wielded by a single human being.

The ureawheel is powered by lightning that flows to the ground along the cloud waterfall. Instead of water, the flow of lightning turns the wheel. In other words, if you turn the wheel backwards. It is possible to gather the power of lightning scattered throughout Claudia and send it upside down.

That’s what ‘return the lightning’ means.

Rumble. The urea wheel drew out all its strength and resonated with the urea wheel. Using the power of the main body and the power of the thunderbolt reversely, it reverses a huge iron wheel with a diameter of more than 100m. And the reason why thunderstorm is the strongest only for Claudia.

Thunderclouds and thunderbolts rise from the rolling wheel. from earth to sky. In the opposite direction to the natural order, human redemption goes back to the god of thunder against the waterfall of clouds. I don’t know if it was an attack or a gift. Lightning goes back to the sky.

What was done by the first lord of thunder in the distant past is reproduced on a larger scale…

“Wait a minute.”

At that time, a regressor riding a heavenly cherry stood in the middle of Cloud Falls. The thunderbolt is the will of the heavenly spirit that moves between them…

In other words, if there are two swords, the regressor can also bear the power of the thunderbolt.

Some of the thunderbolts that had risen are directed toward the cherry blossoms instead of the sky. The regressor stole part of the thunderbolt he was going to return to the Thunder God and stored it between the two keepsakes.

While the world is silent at the too confident robbery. I pointed at the regressor and shouted.

“It’s a lightning thief! No robbers!”

How would the Thunder God feel when a thunderbolt was stolen right in front of his eyes? I don’t know, but if it’s more than the emotions Uraehoeju feels, it’s more, but not less. It was a perplexity. Even stealing is ridiculous if you’re so confident. Regressor learned a number.

The thunderbolt that flowed backward through the cloud waterfall flowed into the thunder god. The thunder god’s new form, which had been hacked up by a branch of a thunderbolt, faded for a moment. It’s like going away like this. Uraehoeju looked at the god of thunder and said.

“Usually, the Thunder God would have retreated after receiving the returned lightning. however.”

The current Thunder God only faded for a moment, but did not disappear. The Thunder God, whose color had become much lighter, looked this way for a moment before disappearing under the cloud waterfall.

“Because you interrupted me, I will be back soon. What did you do on your own? Do you have any excuses?”

“It’s not even an excuse.”

The regressor easily jumped down from the wheel and said.

“If you want to kill the Thunder God, you have to call it here first, right? I won’t be coming for a while after I send them all, so I want to cut down on wasting time.”

“You are full of confidence.”

“Because I can.”

‘I tried it in the previous episode.’

The regressor’s sociability is so excellent that even a person he meets for the first time today can risk his life in a confrontation. Even more so, if the robbery was done right in front of his eyes, it wouldn’t be strange if he became the enemy of the mortal enemy.

‘You are full of confidence. He seems to be a chosen human like us.’

However, to my surprise, Wu Lei Hui was quite fond of the confident regressor. Even though half of the city’s accumulated power was devoured, it was still smiling like a tiger. It remains surprising that there are people in the world who are compatible with regressors.

Uraehoeju spoke kindly to the children who guarded the lightning tower.

“Jerry. TV. Alka. great job. We need to restore the lightning tower, so please contact the repair center.”

“Yes yes!”

The children bowed their heads to the thunderstorm as if they were happy, and hurried toward the elevator. Uraehoeju looked at the children until they completely disappeared and said.

“Because it was consumed once, there are not many lightning bolts left in the urrewheel. If you don’t kill the Thunder God, Claudia will suffer great damage. From the moment you stole the thunderbolt, whether we like it or not, we have no choice but to cooperate with you.”

“But if you kill the thunder god, Claudia will be at peace forever, right? Isn’t that a gamble worth taking?”

At the shameless reply of the regressor, Ureahoeju smiled.

“You mean that even a human like me would have to gamble to kill a god? It’s been a while since my blood is boiling.”

Thunderstorm muttered and stepped on the lightning tower. The power of the thunder that stretched to the top of her head ran down her feet and down the lightning tower. Returning to her usual self by shaking her long hair, Wu Rehuiju pointed at the regressor while coldly sinking her eyes.

“If it’s a gamble, I accept it. Because I can’t get tired of it. However, I would like to take an equal risk.”

“What if it’s a risk?”

“Let’s stop all discussion until we kill the Thunder God. Including a truce or whatever.”

come on Wait a minute. Of course, it’s fortunate that I didn’t rush to kill the lightning robber right away, but no matter how hard I tried, killing the thunder god couldn’t be that easy. But wouldn’t it be a little difficult to stop all discussion… The regressor readily answered, putting my concerns to shame.

“Look forward.”

“I can’t wait!”

After hearing the whole story, Hilde stamped her feet and shouted.

“What the hell! Shay, do you intend to stop the war?”

The regressor answered calmly.

“of course. As long as I block the Thunder God, Thunderstorm will actively support anything. Negotiations will work out better.”

“What kind of negotiation is that! It’s not a negotiation to expect that you’ll lean on your affection! Flattery! Why are you trying to wrap a gift you didn’t want? Are you even dating Woo Ree-joo?”

“What? It can’t be!”

“It can’t be! On the topic of liking men!”

The regressor was puzzled by the sudden remark and answered.

“It doesn’t really matter. I just thought that it would be easier to get help in the future if I fulfilled Uraehoeju’s secret wish.”

“Shay, you don’t know a thing about politics, do you? The leader of the thunderstorm is also in charge of a city? If you have a little debt, where is the guarantee that you will help unconditionally? Help first?”

“Then what should I have done?”

“You should have put conditions in advance, received a promise to give more, and then removed the god of thunder as if you were benevolent! You might not get what you want if you rely only on favors!”

From the standpoint of the military, Hilde was right. From the military standpoint, however, the regressor snorted and answered.

“The Thunder God is not a military nation, but ‘me’. You have no right to demand payment for it. Because if I give, I give.”

Until now, we have been together for the sake of an armistice agreement with the nations. But the regressor is essentially not on the side of any country, and in the case of militarized countries more than any other. If the military and a certain country were to fight, they would gladly take the opposite side… And when Hilde realized that, her face hardened softly. ‘Hilde’ played herself and said, hiding her true feelings behind the mask again.

“Hmm~. It seems that the army has grown too hateful to be Shay’s friend.”

“of course. We were enemies in the first place. The military government even put me in prison.”

“I know~. Since there was affection in the past, I did it just in case. It must have been ‘my’ misunderstanding.”

Hilde shrugged her shoulders as if she had lost interest and headed somewhere.

“Hilde? Where are you going?”

“Shay doesn’t seem to have anything to lean on, so I’m going to collect information in a gloomy manner like a militarized country.”

The regressor was puzzled when he saw Hilde waving her hand without regret and walking away. The regressor pointed to Hilde and said.

“What is he? Are you upset?”

“yes. Maybe.”

“She’s narrow inside.”

“You are short-tempered.”


“It doesn’t matter now. Mr. Shay. What is that just now? Is it really a thunder god?”

The regressor who looked at me suspiciously shrugged his shoulders and replied.

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