Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 376

There was a square room on the wall of the lightning tower. The room, sealed with iron from roof to floor, looked just like a steel box. Whether it’s thunderstorms outside or a carriage crashing into it, it seems to be all right. Me and Aji walked ahead, and Tyr followed us. When Tyr, who entered last, stepped into the box, Thunderstorm, who was guiding the others, finally got time to look after us.

“for a moment. that.”

‘It’s an elevator to the top of the lightning tower.’

huh? lift? what is that


I came in and saw a red button right inside. Aji, who was watching it carefully, pressed the button hard as if possessed. At that moment, the steel door slammed shut. While Aji stood still in shock, the steel box suddenly began to shake and rise.


“Wow! Kidnapped!”

Just like that, Aji Tyr and I rose up in an elevator. The box, which had risen for a while, hit the ground softly with a thump. After the elevator stopped completely, the door opened and we jumped out of it as if we were running away. Tyr looked at the elevator with a curious gaze.

“Looks like a device that allows you to move effortlessly. Are you using magic? Or by hand?”

“no. It seems that the power was used to turn the wheel.”

As if responding to my words, the tip of the wheel brushed the top floor of the lightning tower and rotated. There was a swarm of cogs that were much smaller than the wheel. The gearwheel that turns the elevator pulley was one of them.

“When Cloud Falls turns the urea wheel, it seems that the part connected to the urea wheel rotates and gives strength. It seems to be used not only in elevators but also in other parts.”

Apparently, it wasn’t just the elevator where the gears were connected. Seeing that the wheel is penetrating the lightning tower, there must be more mechanical devices in there. It seems that the lightning tower was not just a structure to avoid lightning strikes, but a device that converted lightning strikes into power.

“Hmm. It’s like a cogwheel toy you saw in the military.”

“Maximilian, who designed the military, was from many countries. He must have been inspired by this.”

Claudia, a city powered by an unstoppable wheel with a diameter of over 100m. It is obvious even without seeing where the image of him who must have lived in Claudia came from. He must have hoped to create a city where everything is done with gears beyond simply providing power. Even humans…well, if that were the case, they wouldn’t have come to the military.

Aji walked with footsteps clattering and looked around at the top floor of the lightning tower. After slashing once, hitting his head with his forepaw, and jumping once. He said something odd.

“bruise? It’s fine here.”

“I know? Originally, if you are in a high place, you are more vulnerable to lightning.”

that’s interesting. When I was at the bottom earlier, my skin tingled as if lightning would strike at any moment. I set foot on a higher lightning tower, but there is no such sensation at all. Is this the power of the lightning tower? It was while I was looking around with curiosity. On the other side, in the part where we met the wheel, a few children opened their eyes wide when they saw us.

“Huh? You can’t come here!”

They were children dressed in costumes similar to those of Woorehoeju. The children, who had their whole bodies wrapped in thick cloth like priestly uniforms, came running towards me in amazement.

“This is a place where only Thunder Cultivators can come!”

The children were desperate, but their chittering seemed cute. Aji barked friendly when he saw the busy running children.

“Woof woof! Let’s play!”

The eyes of the two children approaching ahead widened.

“uh? It’s a prisoner!”

“See you first! Shall we play?”

“Now is the time?!”

One girl bruised the others with an angry face. The two children, as well as Aji, were intimidated and hung their ears. The girl sighed and spoke in a sharp voice.

“I don’t know who you are, but Urea is the most important facility in Claudia. This is where the Thunder God attacks first! That’s why people shouldn’t approach it!”

“Aren’t we ordinary people? The Lord of Urae called him himself.”


“huh. If we were the intruders, wouldn’t the Thunderstorm down there just sit there and watch it? Such a powerful and great Thunderstorm.”

I didn’t ask for permission to upload it, but it wouldn’t matter since Uraehoeju didn’t take it seriously either. At my words, the girl replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

“that’s right! Lord Uraehoe is the most outstanding and powerful among humans!”

“I’m not sure if he’s the head of the family, but he sure looks strong.”

“Excluding God, there is no one who can stand against Lord Thunder!”

“Hey, be careful. You shouldn’t call God carelessly.”

Children say these words with the god of thunder in mind, but be careful with such remarks. There is an ancestor of vampires burning with hatred for the heavenly gods here… Ah, is it already too late?

Finding something, Tyr carefully closed his eyes. On the wrists of the children dressed like clergymen’s uniforms… a rosary made of iron was shining. This is dangerous. first.

“Does the great and powerful Lord of Thunder fight with the Thunder God?”

There is no topic that attracts children’s interest more than a vs confrontation. When I started the engine, the children responded excitedly.


“Who wins?”

“Thunderstorm Lord wins, but Thunderstorm Lord says that the Thunder God is just stepping back and tells me not to relax!”

“It disappears over the Cloud Falls and then returns!”

“That’s why we train more and later, when Lord Thunder is old, we have to deal with him instead!”

“Though Lord Uraehoe doesn’t age!”

They chatter about a story they know, but these guys don’t know. The fact that his life was now in danger. I quickly turned to the other side before the story was over.

“But it is strange. Why is the Thunder God attacking this place? It wouldn’t be easy if there was a strong human being like the Lord of Thunder.”

At the sudden question, the girl asked in a way that slightly ignored me.

“You don’t even know the story of the lightning thief?”

“I know roughly. Isn’t that the story of a long time ago, a lightning thief climbed a waterfall in the clouds, stole lightning from the palace in the sky, and escaped?”

It’s a very famous story and can be read as a mind reader, but that’s not what you need right now. Take blasphemy out of your mouth and you live.

“But wasn’t it the lightning thief who was at fault? You didn’t do anything wrong, so why would you fuck with you?”

“Why? Because the place where the lightning thief hides the lightning is Claudia.”

“The first Lord of Thunder returned the lightning, but the power stayed in the land where the lightning once dwelled. The Heavenly God, who took offense at that, is trying to punish this land by sending the Thunder God!”

It’s a big deal. You can’t take that god out. let’s get rid of it once

“Even the heavenly god is very narrow-minded. Even though I returned the lightning, they still punish me.”

Tyr felt a little better. Aside from that, the children put their hands to their mouths in amazement.


“Heavenly God, I want to hear you!”

“The heavenly punishment is coming down!”

Noisy. Shijo is listening here. You guys don’t know, but a founder who can kill me right away is more terrifying than a heavenly god who doesn’t know when he will kill me.

“How about listening? It’s true.”


“And it happened before you were even born, so even though I gave it back to you, you still come back? There is a certain degree to a bad worker.”

“Oh no. We…”

The children who had seen the god of thunder couldn’t answer easily and hesitated. Still, the faith here is not as blind as in Seonghwangcheong. There is a country of vampires next to it, and in the front yard is a land where the golden mirror roams. If you are a countryman who is good at calculating profit and loss in this land where there is no temple and priests can not visit.

“In the first place, why would your great Lord of Thunder fight against the God of Thunder? Doesn’t the Thunder God fight because he’s a bad guy?”

After having them weigh their beliefs and beliefs about Uraehoeju, the children surprisingly readily agreed.

“…that’s right. The brain is bad. Bullying Lord Thunder.”

“But Lord Urae-nim also said it. that God is different from man Neither the Golden Journey nor the Thunder God can resist it, so you should always treat it with reverence.”

“This can be happen. Even if a bad person is strong and unstoppable, you have to humble yourself and follow him. Do you avoid it because it is dirty? I avoid it because I am afraid.”

Like the Sijo next to me. Do you think you could have died? Although now the complexion has been relieved a lot!

‘I’m deeply worried about the vacation. I don’t care if you don’t express your faith in front of me.’

If you show off, you’ll kill anyone, regardless of gender or age! Anyway, after doing a good deed that no one will understand, I said more relievedly.

“But don’t worry. The evil thunder god will be solved by the great Thunderstorm Lord and our secret weapon…”

I was in the middle of my talk. The thunderstorm roared ominously. At the same time, an electric current flashed on the surface of the cloud waterfall. As if pulling the surface of the urrewheel, the part where the cloud falls and the ureawheel met led to a shining lightning bolt.

And the tingling feeling that followed. A strange feeling, like an insect crawling over your skin and pulling all the hairs on your body.

Above all, Aji’s hair, which is a lightning detector, is excited all at once. The direction of hair growth is not up, but towards Cloud Falls.

haha. I can’t even be a gentleman. I was talking behind my back a while ago, but you appeared without notice. I should have persuaded Tyr later and agreed with the children.

The girl shouted with her complexion turning pale.

“It’s a thunder god!”

Since ancient times, humans have believed that lightning strikes first, followed by thunder. However, it is a misunderstanding caused by the difference in the speed of light and sound. In fact, thunder and lightning, the children of thunder, are twins. It was only thought that they were born first because the light of lightning was faster than the sound of thunder.

However, now that I have experienced thunder and lightning right in front of my eyes. I was able to realize directly that they were twins, even though I didn’t want to.

One side of the field of vision is stained with lightning. Bright yellow light colors the retina a solid color. For a very short while, nothing but the thunder god’s punishment is reflected in my eyes. The sound that was too loud became the pain itself and shook my head.

If I didn’t have mind reading, if I didn’t have the power to steal others’ subjectivity, I would have been incapacitated for a while.

“Of course now!”

Children are trembling with fear as they look up at the top of Cloud Falls. Having barely regained my sight, I stumbled and cast my eyes toward the top of the waterfall.

And I saw the brain god.

A huge shadow sways at the top of the Cloud Falls. A giant that looked like the condensation of lightning and storms was looking down from the top of the waterfall. The giant’s eyes flashed with thunderbolts in his eyes, and his lips looked like the condensation of thunderclouds even more.

It rains and winds. The cloud waterfall, which fell peacefully to the ground, greets the thunder god and waves violently. Raindrops hit our faces and strong winds shake our bodies.

Next to the golden mirror is the god of thunder? Did he get sick? Why does this happen everywhere he visits?

“Is that a brain god?”

“I don’t know because it’s my first time meeting you, but I guess so! If that is not the Thunder God, then who is the Thunder God?”

“No matter how many times I passed Cloud Falls, I’d never seen anything like that…”

“When was the last time you passed by?”

“I can’t remember well… About three hundred years ago.”

“It was a long time ago! If the mountains and rivers change about 30 times, the thunder god will come!”

for a moment. You’re seeing Tyr for the first time? The god Tirga, who passed through the village of clouds in the distant past and built the principality, exists. The great law of nature exists in a place that has nothing to do with humans and waits there until it is found. But… is that brain?

While I was lost in my thoughts, the self-proclaimed Thunder Guardian shouted in a shrill voice.

“Everyone keep your heads down!”

The moment when I intuitively sensed a crisis and instinctively lowered my head.


When the Thunder God opened his mouth, instead of a voice, thunder roared. Even a roar from a height similar to that of a cloud seemed to shake the world. The Thunder God, aiming at the Urea, raised his arm. A spear of lightning that seemed to have been plucked from the sky was held in the hand that was shining with light. It’s obvious how you’re going to use that… even without seeing it.


Lightning struck again along with thunder.


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