Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 370

“…Even if you pick up what you spilled, we were always grateful to you.”

[I didn’t want to.]

“…No one has ever pretended to be the king over sutra.”

[Of course.]

“…We were the people of the Lord.”

[I didn’t think so. My country is only gold.]

The closer you get, the clearer the voice of the golden mirror becomes. Peru’s power to disintegrate matter becomes a probe to find the golden mirror. It is the same principle as gold. Since the power of the golden sutra also spreads from the relic, Peru can find her ability by tracing her ability.

I don’t know if it was intentional, but as I instinctively approached the golden bell, Peru continued to talk.

“…We can’t give you anything. It’s because he is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one Because I’ve reached a higher level than anyone else. We can only worship and follow.”

But that’s not meant to be a surprise. Peru had a much greater desire to ask him than to attack the Golden Circle now.

“…To us, Kyung was our ruler, teacher, and god. We thought so… but maybe it wasn’t enough to become Lord’s people.”

Despite Peru’s earnest heart, Golden Kyung’s answer was cold.

[It’s just your own arbitrary belief. I am a man of gold, and there is only one king for me. I am not a king. It is an existence that temporarily takes care of the land the king left behind.]

The king needs his people. There must be people who will farm, work, and die in their place to become a true king. That is why the king cares for his people. Because you need it.

After dying and becoming a demon, he needs nothing. Since he even killed himself, he can forsake everything else without hesitation. Even if that is the country, it must be because of that that God is harsh. Realizing that she had been abandoned, Peru asked her god, swallowing her tears.

“…doesn’t that land include us?”

Hwang Geum-gyeong answered after thinking for a while.

[That’s right.]

Peru stopped for a moment. Putting her head down and brooding over her despair, Peru put down the Jannokgoro she was carrying. Collapsing matter promotes the disintegration of other materials. So far, the power of Peru has been condensed to the utmost in Goro, who has used countless alchemy rivers as fuel to move the golden box.

‘…The power of Jannok I’ve been gathering over the years… Can I use this?’

A black box that has never been disassembled or emptied because once it is broken, it cannot be undone. Peru took out a red bead from her bosom and placed it on top of it. A stone that was excavated from a volcano called lava tears and then condensed with heat through a special process. It is a treasure that is sold at a fairly high price even in countries where inflation of the annuity value occurs. Peru breathed magic into the lava tears that it had been keeping in case of an emergency.

The beads explode and bright red lava flows down the blast furnace. The burning liquid flame spread widely over the furnace, greedily devouring its shell. The blast furnace, too, heats up red, but soon it can’t stand the heat and melts. At that moment, the ominous power that had been sealed for years broke through the weakened seal.

It’s not that Jannok’s power doesn’t work in the blast furnace. It just didn’t reach it due to the special structure of the blast furnace. However, the moment the lava melted the blast furnace, the seal was released. The power of Peru, gathered over the years, engulfed even the seal that imprisoned them and spilled out.

‘Even if it doesn’t. All I can do is this.’

It’s not even crumbs anymore. It was a lump of ash, similar to a flowing liquid. It doesn’t even touch the floor. The moment it touched the floor, it collapsed and fell like a waterfall. The scattered ash was even more destructive. As you go down, it gradually increases in volume, turning everything it touches into the same situation as yourself. The power of Jannok was quickly summoned and dyed the Golden Palace.

“…hah hah hah.”

Even though it flowed down with gravity, Peru’s hands and feet were stained black just by being close to it. Peru’s breathing gradually quickens. It wasn’t even a direct contact, but the aftermath alone ruined Peru’s body and internal organs in a mess.

[Impressive. Trying to resist to the end.]

Peru gasped in reply.

“…for the nations.”

[I forgot one thing.]

Even though the poison was swallowing the inside of the golden palace, the golden mirror said as if it was not a big deal.

[That’s why I made it myself.]

Jannok’s power, which had been penetrating the floor as if making an abyss, stopped at some point. It didn’t move as if it was blocked by a wall.

Peru, who was coughing in pain, realized the situation belatedly. The fact that the place she was standing on now was made of the same material as the blast furnace she had brought.

[I have already done it once while making a golden box. What has been done once can be done twice. The first time is always the most difficult.]


This place, the entire Golden Palace, was a seal to imprison Peru and her powers. Peru thought it was infiltrating, but even he was being guided by the Golden Kyung.

[Your power has a countermeasure. The problem was the mercenaries you brought. The weapons to kill the mercenaries are useless against your strength, and the numbers to counter you are broken by the mercenaries. It was necessary to separate you in order to solve that problem.]

“…So the fortress…”

[Because your mercenaries were dangerous. I needed to be vigilant.]

Is it because my heart is broken or is it purely a limit? Peru could not hold out any longer and collapsed. The cold voice of the golden mirror came through her panting ears.

[It was impressive. one is here If the nations are so precious, disappear with them.]

There is nothing left for Peru now. He didn’t even have the strength to use his unique magic. With open eyes, she looked at the ceiling that was gradually approaching. I don’t care what obstacles are there. Peru will disappear from the world as flesh and blood without even leaving a corpse behind. Maybe it was a fate that was decided from the moment I was abandoned by God.

just before death so close.

The death commanded by the Golden Goblet approached Peru. Just before death came close to Peru.

The ceiling and floor stopped for a very, very short time. In the golden palace that moves according to the will of the golden mirror, that means one thing.

The golden mirror is hesitating.

The golden mirror saw something in the dying Peru. He saw and felt it, but the golden mirror couldn’t explain the feeling skillfully in words. His original demo couldn’t understand humans, so it would be unreasonable to ask the golden mirror, a homunculus created for the reconstruction of the gold country, to discuss human emotions. Let me put it in words.

I can’t read his thoughts either. However, mind-reading is not necessary for humans to understand anything. If the Golden Sutra was modeled after humans. Because that would be the same.

“Are you feeling rejected?”

The end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the day, I drew a wall with a card. The hard wall is cut like tofu. Since this is the Golden Palace, it was possible thanks to the application of Peru’s unique magic and the power of the Golden Sutra.

Having used the powers of creation and destruction at the same time, I felt a bit of a thrill and entered the world of the golden mirror. So that he couldn’t turn away, he came into the Golden Palace and spoke to him directly.

“Even if it is an ugly and messy country, love it and act for it. Then, a human who was abandoned by the king he respected and followed and was on the verge of dying. Are you like someone?”

The reason why the golden mirror did not kill Peru is simple. It was because his original, who had died so miserably, overlapped with Peru. Abandoned by those he trusted and followed, right before he died, he felt a sense of identity. The ceiling and floor vibrate ominously. The golden mirror stuttered as if something was broken. The voice stretched out like a drag. Hwang Geum-gyeong, who had been thinking for a long time, spat out a word as an excuse.

[…it’s different.]

“How is it different?”

[This country is not forbidden. I am not her king. She is also in a different situation than I am. The difference is… so many…]

Of course not. It’s not even a regression, so it can’t be exactly the same. If it is really the same, it will lead to the same result. However, pointing out a few differences is a disprove that similar parts exist. Even if he doesn’t want to, he has no choice but to keep his eyes on the similarities. Because once you find it, you’re bound to keep stepping on it.

“That is a fair statement. Can I tell you one more thing?”

[…what is it.]

“That means that you, not Elric, are choosing.”

If you’ve been through it once, you’ll be more proficient. The world isn’t asking for experienced people for nothing. What choice will he make in this situation?

“You were abandoned once and went through hell. I plunged myself into endless guilt. I suffered without even death being an escape. But in fact, it’s the country’s fault against you. You were sacrificed for your country.”

Even if I could use the power of the golden mirror and Peru’s unique magic, my pitiful magic would only change the range of one card’s reach. After all sorts of hardships, I finally reached the same floor and trudged along the dark hallway until I reached the front of Peru. Standing a few steps away in case the power of Jannok hurt me, I shouted to the golden mirror.

“If you get beaten up, it’s unfair, isn’t it? So I made the same situation. Now you are giving up for your country!”

The sound of rapid breathing gradually slows down. Peru seems to be out of breath at any moment. With her in front of me, I urged Hwanggeumgyeong to make a choice.

“What will you bring to the country you will create and what will you leave behind. Choose.”

If you let Peru die, you are affirming the death that came to him. If you save Peru, you’re showing room for compromise. What will the golden mirror choose?

The worry didn’t last long. couldn’t be too long Peru’s lifeline was like a burning fuse, and a decision had to be made before the deadline approached.

with my daughter A bell was heard. I smiled at the light coming from far in the hallway.

In the distance, the golden mirror was walking with a bell.

Even if she is a demon who uses her own life and the lives of others as ingredients, she cannot deny herself. It was a predestined result the moment he saw himself in Peru. If Peru was abandoned here, it would be affirming that he was abandoned in the forbidden country.

The golden mirror arrived across the corridor in an instant. After placing the golden bell at Peru’s bedside, he sat down beside her. Alchemy light shines over Peru’s dying body.

Peru’s hands and feet, swept away by the power of Jannok, are stained black. In the punctured lung, blood flows instead of air. It is a part of the body that can no longer function. Cutting it off was the only solution, but the golden mirror was filled with something else instead.

The golden gyeong has already completely mastered the mechanical structure of human beings. The homunculus was not perfect because it lacked other parts, but the homunculus he created was superior to humans in terms of functionality.

You can tell just by looking at the homunculus golden mirror that moves with your own thoughts. As long as he had the will to move his body, his homunculus would be as good as a real human. As if arguing that humans are no different from machines.

“…Ah ugh.”

That claim was proven by Peru waking up. Peru gasped and looked at her king.


[Don’t get me wrong. My will to rebuild the golden country remains the same. I just put your life on it.]

Golden Kyung looked down at Peru with cold eyes and said.

[Even in the golden kingdom that will be rebuilt, there is a need for someone to convey my words outside the golden palace. There is no suppressor, so now you can take over.]


[You will have to follow. Alchemy is the power of change. If you fill your body with it, you won’t be able to stay outside the Golden Palace for long anyway.]

As long as parts of her body are replaced with external ones, Peru is also just a machine that needs adjustment. From now on, she will only have to stay by the side of the golden mirror. But Peru was not afraid of him. Peru, still unconscious, grabbed the hand of the golden mirror.

“…Thank you for your kindness. Although I have no shame in the situation where I received mercy.”

It’s not meant to crumble with rust… Peru appealed, placing her hand on the hand of the golden mirror.

“…couldn’t you extend this kindness to others as well…”

[Can’t do that. The kingdom of gold will be rebuilt.]

A determined voice. However, since he saved Peru, he has a chance. Peru dug into the space without even knowing it.

“…if you give room for others in the golden kingdom you will make.”

[They are not people of the gold country.]

“…I lived in the land of the old gold country. They are the sons and daughters of the old Geumguk people. Instead of metallurgy, I make a living with alchemy… I am no different from them.”

[There is a difference. It’s not forbidden.]

A cold and resolute answer that was repeated several times. Peru asked, breathing heavily.

“…How can we become a country when there is no one in this land…?”

[Not required. I will create it.]

“…Is a country filled with homunculus a gold country? What is the gold country…?”


Hwanggeumgyeong, who was about to answer, suddenly stopped talking. A confused expression appeared on the face of a being who had realized the greatest truth and reached the Demon God.

The golden country he was trying to create is an ideal country where diligent homunculi cultivate a beautiful land. He killed all the wild beasts that gnawed at the country and moved directly to create a prosperous country forever. to abolish all nations.

[What is the forbidden country…]

But after hearing Peru’s question, he faced a fundamental question. What is the forbidden country?

“Golden country? It is an illusion.”

I was cheering for you. There is no feeling that I was slightly encouraged to make gold soup. But I can’t help it because I don’t know unless I try it myself.

You don’t even know it’s impossible if you don’t try.

“Because from a certain moment, people hung themselves on things they didn’t even know existed. They don’t know not only about beliefs and concepts like good and evil, but also what a country is, but they define it on their own. No matter how much a beast or something cries out for an ideal existence, it doesn’t change that it’s an illusion.”

The golden mirror, engulfed in doubt, sought an answer from me.

[The Golden Kingdom is not an illusion. It definitely existed.]

“Because I believed that, I have no choice but to cheer for it. Even knowing that it is an unconditional wish to fail.”

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