Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 369

Just before the shells were fired, Hekto abruptly turned the arrow keys. It wasn’t that I saw it and avoided it, I read a purely foreboding feeling and moved one beat ahead.

He proved that surviving this far wasn’t luck. The moment the shockwave burst from the gun barrel, a blurry line seemed to connect, and the ground Hector was on shattered like glass.

It’s too big to be a cannonball. An iron ball with a diameter of 1 m arrived faster than the explosion. It breaks even solid ground and causes local earthquakes.

The aftermath alone staggers the Juggernaut. Anyone who takes a direct hit will die instantly.

The wildcats that followed Hekto far behind stumbled after being hit by the shockwave. Some even slipped and rolled on the ground. Seeing the terrifying power of the golden mirror, they all screamed.

“You never said that!”

“This is crazy! Run away!”

The wild beasts got scared and turned around. Hundreds of people rushing towards the golden mirror are scattered.

It’s a ragtag move, but it’s rather good.

If you approach the golden mirror recklessly, your existence itself will be alchemized along with the mount and will change into something else. Due to the distance, the attention of the golden mirror was also scattered. The muzzle loses its target and shakes.

For a moment, his muzzle opened like a trumpet. What you see inside is a black sphere similar to the one we used in the city earlier.

it is shotan It’s about to wipe out all the wild beasts with the rain of steel.

“Huh uh uh uh!”

Hekto drew all the power he had ever used.

His power is suppression. The power to strike steel. His unique magic puts a black orb into the gun barrel. The bomb that was about to come out of the mouth through the throat flows back due to Hekto’s unique magic.

‘I didn’t think that the golden sutra would take care of the nations. Because the place he truly loved was gold. But I, who served him by his side… I believed that maybe the two might be the same. There was no reason.’

Even Hector’s abilities have limits. The force he exerted was enough to knock and spread metal.

Compared to that, the power of the golden mirror is close to infinite.

Hekto tries to return the cannonball and Golden Goblet tries to fire. The two powers antagonized for a while, and soon the balance collapsed. The shell that was about to go into the muzzle bounces back. Black shells rise into the air. It looks like it will explode at any moment and pour out bullets.


Hecto desperately suppresses the bomb that is about to explode. Just before detonation, the sabotaged shell lost momentum.

A binge but much smaller than the previous one. The steel shards were scattered in a much smaller area than when they covered the city. It can be seen and avoided even by the slowest hounds.

-However, the only thing Hekto managed to block was one shell.

With all his strength, wit, and luck, he only blocked one of Golden Jing’s cannonballs.

Above and below the cannon, a new cannon breaks through the wall and pops out. The number is nine. A terrifying cannon is aimed at Hekto and the hounds that follow him.

If the person who made even the improvised cannon was Golden Kyeong, hundreds of human lives would be taken ridiculously. Hector calmly finished his judgment.

‘Ah, I’m wrong.’

It’s impossible. With Hekto’s power, all he could do was deal with one of the cannons made by the golden mirror. If you use your hands on the golden mirror like now, it will break like a toy.

‘We have to run away from here. That’ll save your life. Life…’

Hector thought for a moment.

Alchemy and metallurgy are inextricably linked. Even if the material is changed, a certain degree of physical interference is required to smelt it into the desired shape. Not all alchemists are golden glasses.

Hector was a craftsman who took care of such a task. He had no legs since he was born, but thanks to walking on his arms instead, his arms became stronger than anyone else’s. Hekto pounded and folded iron plates with brute strength and skill.

Even the best alchemists were helped by Hector at critical moments. I was proud of myself, so when I was doing well, I looked down on the alchemists.

Then, one day, the plastic surgery owner, who had been watching him with interest, took him to Hwang Geum-gyeong to correct his arrogance, and Hecto saw God there.

The gods of the nations alone shaping the world.

‘…whether it’s a heavenly god or an earth mother. No one has ever seen it in person. However, God exists in all nations. A god who is greater, more powerful, and more human than the heavenly gods.’

Hekto, having attained enlightenment, became the ruler of the circle. He was chosen as the guardian of Hwanggeumgyeong following the footsteps of Sung Hoeju, and he devoted his whole life to it. In step with Hwanggeumhoeju, he took care of Hwanggeumgyeong and induced him to make things necessary for the country. To put it bluntly, Keumgyeonggyeong was nothing more than a puppet of the two rulers… but Hecto clearly admired the Geumgyeonggyeong.

At the last second, instead of swerving, Hekto disarmed the steel heart’s limiter. At that moment, Juggernaut went into a self-destructive rampage.

The engine screams and vibrates. The wheel, which has rapidly increased the number of revolutions, spins the ground. Hector crushed Juggernaut to the ground with the power of oppression. The wheel that had been spinning burrowed into the ground and accelerated even more.


A runaway mode made by the golden mirror as a joke. I can’t stop anymore I will keep accelerating until I hit something and my body breaks into pieces.

Hector turned himself into a huge bullet and charged into the Golden Palace. Dozens of muzzles and muzzles protruded from the Golden Palace and aimed at him, but Hecto didn’t care and held on to the shaking arrow keys even harder.

Shoot or not, it didn’t matter. After all, the moment Juggernaut ran out of control, he was dead.

And whether Hector died or not, it didn’t matter because he had already achieved his goal.

Because Hekto clearly drew attention.

Hekto’s runaway wasn’t threatening to Golden Kyung, but it was loud and intense. To the point where the golden mirror couldn’t pay much attention to the approaching muddy hill.

However, even the golden mirror would not have predicted that the hill would split apart and a ship would come out of it.

“Operation Success! Charge the jannokhoeju!”

As you glide on the wavy ground, gold overflows. On the deck, instead of a statue of a bower, a regressor stood holding a jizan. The extreme point where golden ships and golden palaces collide. Standing in the world’s most dangerous space at the moment, the regressor swung Jizan.

A tactic unprecedented in human history, the tactic of charging an ironclad ship toward the castle, was unfolded.

“Cut off the Jigon style!”

Just before the two giants collided, the regressor split the walls of the Golden Palace. No matter how hard the wall is, Jizan, which has the weight of the earth, will tear it apart with its mass.

A crack in the wall of Jizan. The gold was stuck in the gap.

Kwade deuk kwadeuk. The steel ship becomes a sharp blade and cuts through the golden palace. Crushed rocks fall and the steel is crushed and wrinkled in hideous ways. In the midst of a clash of overwhelming forces, the line infantry caught between them suffered a terrible tragedy.

The steel giants bit each other. Debris crumbled in the rust rises like blood. The two Juggernauts, who had never met anything larger than themselves, roared wildly at the appearance of their rivals.

The walls surrounding the Golden Palace were stronger than steel, but they were also made of alchemy. The golden ship of Peru is an icebreaker that melts and crushes all obstacles ahead. Gradually, the golden feeling erodes the golden palace and digs deeper into it.

Even in the middle of it, the regressor who was holding the balance in the middle of it looked back at the golden thing and shouted.

“good! Jannokhoeju, just go like this!”

As if responding to him, the golden spur was further spurred. As if trying to enter the golden palace, it scratches the ground more and digs deeper… to the extent that half of the hull is in it.



Hilde, who was driving with me, pointed forward with her finger and said,

“Is that right? It looks like it’s being eaten~?”

“Well, to put it mildly, I dug in well.”

At worst… it’s being eaten whole.

The Golden Palace shakes whenever the regressor’s spirit is heard. The flying homunculi launch various attacks and try to break into the golden box, but the moment they enter somewhere, darkness surges up and engulfs them. Even in the middle of the day, the golden ship continues to scratch the ground and pushes the golden palace. Like trying to topple a castle.

The mythical battle may also happen secretly and unexpectedly. It’s like now when a fight broke out after coming to sign a peace agreement. I don’t really want to be there, but I’m interested in meeting Hwang Hwang-gyeong and Jannokhoeju.

“Hilde. Let’s go.”

“Over there? uh hmm father. Is it really necessary to do that?”

“yes. Sure.”

When he said it firmly, Hilde let out a deep sigh and stepped on the pedal. The two-wheeled vehicle accelerated following Hilde’s kicks. Certainly, humans are the most comfortable power source. Especially in that the speed is quite fast when using qigong, and above all, automatic driving with voice recognition.

“Faster! Run!”

“profit! do! You know!”

Urging Hilde with her mouth, she used mind reading. As the Golden Palace approaches, the thoughts of those who move within it are transmitted.

The golden palace is no different from the body of the golden mirror. All materials in the Golden Palace are transformed and moved according to his will. Regressors and Tyr, who entered the Golden Palace along with the Golden, faced attacks from all directions. The floor rises, the ceiling collapses, and numerous traps target the two. Being attacked with every weapon imaginable by humans, the two were having considerable difficulty coping.

In the meantime, Peru, which had dug into the Golden Palace, continued to advance.

The floor and ceiling tighten, trying to crush Peru caught between them. The moment I recognized that, Peru’s unique magic crumbled up and down. The ceiling collapses and the floor collapses. then. Although Peru’s body may fall, it is not crushed.

A moment when a sharp spring comes out and tries to tear Peru apart. The rapidly rusted body is unable to withstand its own strength and breaks. The moment the barbed iron ball draws a trajectory and is about to hit Peru, the weakened chain snaps off and rolls in the wrong direction.

And that’s not all. The mirrors installed here and there to prevent the vampires lost their luster in an instant, and the sharpened weapons shattered like glass from the thinnest part.

If the Palace of the Golden Palace is also the result of alchemy, Peru is their end. Peru advanced further, though not forcefully, crushing all intentions of the Golden Circle.

‘…I expected it. The golden box was also made by the golden mirror. If you get close to it, it will be used as a material…’

There is no point in shocking the Golden Palace. No matter how broken it is, it will be restored if the golden mirror remakes it. However, there were two reasons why Peru dared to crash into it. One was to quickly reach the Golden Sphere.

‘…Jannokgoro. The only tool that can contain my power to collapse everything.’

Hwang Geum-gyeong gives gifts to the ‘disciples’ who come to visit her. In order to maximize the enlightenment of the disciple, it provides equipment that can utilize 200% of the unique magic power. That is the Juggernaut. The mystery of the Golden Sutra as a gift to the lord who succeeds in his progress.

However, even that golden spectacle had been agonizing over Peru for a long time.

Peru’s unique magic is the power that causes the end of matter. What kind of tool can we use the power to deny matter? No matter how many times he tried to make this and that, it would only disappear if Peru’s ability reached it.

‘…At that time, there was even talk of killing me.’

Some rulers argued that Peru’s power to deny alchemy was ominous, and that it would rather get rid of the aftermath. However, the gold mirror did not even respond to the words and made this and that until it overcame Peru’s power. continued for days and days.

Jannokgoro was created by the demon god after suffering. A black box whose structure is difficult to understand, let alone a material closer to glass than iron. Even Peru could not figure out its structure because once it is broken, it cannot be returned. The only thing that is certain is that it will never crumble as long as there is material left to collapse inside. The dignity of the golden mirror was great enough to overcome even contradictions.

Presumably, the process of trial and error must have been an enjoyable source of contemplation and another source of inspiration for Hwang Geum-gyeong. Because that’s all I can say to stimulate the gold mirror, which doesn’t need anything. But even simple contemplation… It was a precious gift for someone.

‘…A golden wonder.’

The Golden Palace changed its structure again. It felt like it was difficult to handle Peru with the attack, but now I attacked Peru in a different way. The floor disappeared. Having tripped, Peru stumbled down the hallway. A sharp barbed wire juts out from where she will fall.

Peru is also helpless in this attack. However, Peru did not come naked. She took a white marble from her bosom and burst it.

A wind orb given by a regressor. A storm rages and pushes away Peru’s body. I hit my back against the wall because I couldn’t measure my strength, but it was still better than being hit by a thorn. Peru, who had barely escaped, walked deeper, scattering the power of Jannok.

[It’s difficult.]

Then a voice echoed through the hallway. Peru looked in the direction the voice came from and said.

“…Golden Wonders.”

[You need skills to deal with mercenaries. But without you, it can’t function properly. It’s cruel, but I have no choice but to tear down the entire Golden Palace.]

In any case, I plan to turn the entire Golden Palace into a Peruvian tomb. However, Peru expected that much. Peru’s ability is said to be imputed as far as alchemy is concerned, but she herself is a weak human being. Peru would not be able to endure if the Golden Circle wanted to kill it by any means.

Still, Peru headed here. To protect the country… but that’s not the only reason. Walking down the long, endless corridor with Zhannokgoro in her arms, Peru appealed to the golden mirror.

“…can’t we?”

Huiju can talk to Hwanggeumgyeong. Since their images are rooted in the Golden Sutra, the only ones who can sincerely communicate with the Golden Sutra, which only has images, are the Huiju. Peruvian language reached the image of the Golden Sutra. The image responded to the words.

[What does that mean?]

“…We worship you. Although it is not a gold country, your power and dignity are common sense in the nations. But the nations… Were they so lacking that you couldn’t be there?”

Even at Peru’s words of sorrow, Hwanggeumgyeong answered dryly.

[I never ordered you to worship. You are the ones who came into my gold country and bought it, and you are the ones who took things off and sold them without my permission.]

“…It was to live.”

[So I’m going to kill you now.]

A logic that only God can unfold beyond life and death.

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