Offer To The CEO

Chapter 262: Chapter 249: Annas Gambit - Part 1

262 Chapter 249: Anna's Gambit - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Anna, using her new laptop, logged into AXN's systems, and noticed the email from Alfred.

"Alister, I have confirmation from Australia, they can facilitate a teleconference link at 10:15am our time."Anna turned to Yi, and said "Can you set up the printer for me."

Anna opened the first attachment, and there was a letter from the Family Court, about the possibility of not being able to facilitate the Audiovisual Link with the court.Anna printed out 8 copies of that.Further there was a second attachment, with a copy of the minutes, signed by Alfred and Lu Jinhu's Australian Solicitor, and again she printed off a further 8 copies.

"Alister, OK with the family law stuff, there are 8 copies of everything.The court can do the videolink but are worried about a potential dropout.Lu Jinhu's Australian solicitor has signed everything.According to Alfred, Lu Jinhu's solicitor has not spoken to him, but just signed them."

"When the link is facilitated, everyone in the room will have to identify themselves.However, there will be a limit as to who can speak.I have the ability, as I have practicing rights, and the only other person who can speak, is Lu Jinhu, but only if his lawyer is not in the courtroom."

"Are you able to speak to the court and see if we can get on earlier, and I can ask if I can speak and explain the situation as to why we need to get on earlier.By the way have we their proposal?"

With that there was a knock on the door, and it was Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's lawyer "Could we please speak without your clients?"

Alister immediately said "Not a problem," and left the room.

Both lawyers located someone from the National Prosecutors Office, to discuss the final version of the agreement.

Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's lawyer spoke "Gentleman, my client's heard what the judge had to say about the deal.The only issue is that over the weekend Madam Lu's specialist saw her in relation to her pregnancy.I have a report from the specialist, that confirms the ongoing risk to her pregnancy, and those risks are exacerbated by stress.The worst case outcome is she will have a miscarriage."

"The specialist opinion is that, while the proceedings have increased Madam Lu's stress more significantly her stress was seriously increased with the prospect of a separation from her husband.According to the specialist the view is that if Mr Lu, has to serve even three weeks in prison, Madam Lu will miscarry."

"His recommendation is that, Madam Lu's stress would be reduced to managable levels if, Mr Lu was also to serve his imprisonment via home detention.I have already provide the report to the court, and I have copies for each of you."

The lawyer from the national prosecutors office, immediately spoke up "I will read this, however if what you are saying holds up in the report, we cannot sanction the prospect that Madam Lu will suffer a miscarriage.No matter what she has done, that is a cruel and harsh punishment for even the worst of crimes."

"In those circumstances we would agree to Mr Lu serving his sentence by way of home detention, but the term would have to be for at least fifteen weeks, and with the same restrictions that apply to Madam Lu.No social media, no internet access unless for pre-approved activities, no mobile phones, all phone calls monitored, all visitors have to be approved, and the only reaons to leave are for medical appointemnts for himself or to accompany Madam Lu to appointements, and no contact with media organisations."

"I will recommend that my client's agree, however so that they can understand, can you arrange as soon as possible for Madam Lu's specialist to call, and if necessary an interpreter to be avaliabel for Madam Hou's sister-in-law who is a qualified midwife, can speak and confirm the information to provide an explanation, so that it is understandable for them.I would suggest that my client's would agree in those circumsances provided the judge agrees.," replied Alister Nang.

Hearing that, the lawyer from the national prosecutors office responded "Actually, that sounds a good idea, and then the explanation can be made in court, for the judge to understand properly.Mr Nang emailed me an amended version of the agreement Friday afternoon, so I will print it out as was recommended on Friday, and with the amendments to take into account the medical evidence, so that if it holds up, we do not waste time."

"Gentleman, I will confirm my advice to CEO and Madam Hou, and I will bring Ms Jones here so that the call can be made to Madam Lu's medical specailst.Just one thing, part of the agreement was about the Family Law matters in Australia.Madam Hou, drafted the consent orders to reflect what is required, and has been able to arrange a link at 10:15am to the Court in Australia for the consent orders to be made."

"That conference link has to be through the court here.My assistant spoke to the court and the judge has agreed to move the matter forward to 9:45am.Here is a copy of the order, which has been signed by Madam Hou and Mr Jinhu's lawyers in Australia, plus a letter from the court."

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