Offer To The CEO

Chapter 261: Getting to Cour

261 Getting to Cour


At the Hou Ancestral Home.

Hou Yi and Anna awoke with a start, when an alarm clock went off.The both noticed on the clock across the room realising how early it was, given that they needed to be at court at 8am despite a 10am listing time.

Before climbing out of bed Hou Yi turned to Anna and said "I was surprised after yesterday that James offered to stay with the children this morning so Rosemary could come back to court with us.He looked …"

"Frazzled, frayed, exhausted?"

"All that and more."

"Well the children usually can get him to do everything with them."

"According to my dad, that was not the case.James apparently sat quietly, and he and the elders spent more time with them."

"Jet-lagged them?"

"Maybe.However I cannot believe that my dad and my grandparents wanted to be with them today.I thought yesterday would have been enough?"

"Well I told them the should use the children as good practice for the future ..."

"Anna, you have a devious mind.That was a perfect manipulation."

"And so simple.I think they only realised I had played them when they agreed to do things with the children."

"Come on, we need to get you up and into the shower, for us to make the court with time to spare."

"Just remember we need to take my laptop, the old laptop and my portable printer with us."

As Hou Yi and Anna carefully moved past the wardrobe, they selected their clothes for the day, which Hou Yi then carried into the ensuite.Once Anna was seated, they worked together and carefully wrapped her cast for her shower.

As Anna settled into the chair in the shower with Hou Yi's help she said "Yi we cannot do what …"

"That was fun yesterday, I agree that we cannot do that today."

With that the had their shower, and got ready before leaving their room, and heading to the casual dining area for breakfast.

Meanwhile at the Lu's

Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin awoke, when Yang Lin received a telephone call from her parents passing on a cryptic message, and Yang Lin ended the call with "We will see you at court."

Yang Lin turned and said to her husband "Her press conference set for 10am, meaning that b**ch and Hou Yi can not prevent her statements getting into the press.I cannot wait until after court to see their faces when they are confronted with the allegations and cause them problems.Petty revenge, I know, but ruining their happiness achieves something."

"Fingers Crossed.However, Lin we need to be prepared that despite the medical evidence that supports us serving time via home detention that the judge will refuse to allow one or both of us to to this."

"It is going to happen.We have the specialist report that stresses too much stress risks me miscarrying, hence jail should not be considered an option.It comments that a separation from you will cause significant stress, also risking a miscarriage.How can the judge go against medical opinion, given he has already done so for the b**ch.?"

"Let us not keep talking about it.We need to get going, as the last thing we need to do is give them an opportunity to say we disrespect the court.Plus I want to see what that b**ch has done regarding her side of the deal.I bet you nothing, and we can throw that back in has face."

With that, they both dragged themselves out of bed and got ready for the day leaving for the court just before 7am, so they would meet their lawyer at the courthouse at 8am.

Back at the Hou Ancestral Home

While eating breakfast, Hou Yi arranged with the staff for the laptops, printer, Anna's crutches and his briefcase to be placed in the limousine they were taking to the courthouse.Anna and Rosemary's handbags were sitting at the entry to the casual breakfast room.The three of them were able to depart for the courthouse just after 7am and arrived just before 8am.Like Friday, for Anna's safety she was helped into the wheelchair and wheeled into the courthouse, while the items the needed were brought in by bodyguards.

Unlike Friday, they were given space to safely enter the courthouse, as they had been warned on Friday by the court staff, for hampering the court process.Less than five minutes after they entered the courthouse and into the same room as Friday with Alister Nang, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin arrived before entered before going into a room with their lawyer.

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